Many people do not like to talk about finances. When you are single and looking to start a relationship, it may even be more difficult to discuss. And that’s okay. Now allow me to ask you why. Do you shrink away and lower your head when someone talks about finances? Do you change the ... Views: 534
Life is simple….just ask a fish. This morning I looked in the fish bowl on my desk as Johnny Rocket, a.k.a. “Rocket”, my vibrant blue Betta fish, stared back at me. At this moment I realized that we all could benefit from a gentle reminder of the basics – a place we may have forgotten or ... Views: 2363
Want to stay married, talk about money. Creating healthy finances when two people join their lives takes effort. Are you having money talks with your spouse or significant other? Many people will talk about anything before money and yet money is the #1 reason for divorce and the driving force in ... Views: 4417
If you will be receiving an income tax refund, have you considered how you will use it?
Before you give in to the pressure from family, friends, and retailers to spend your refund, why not buy yourself a little time. Think of this refund as a financial opportunity for you ! Then, think ... Views: 1944
Are you stressed just thinking about family gatherings over the holidays? Are you still angry over comments made last year? As tough as it may seem, it is important to make an appearance and be a part of the family. Apply these simple suggestions to make the season less stressful and more ... Views: 2981
The short answer is everywhere.
Let’s start with RESPECT…..a simple word that means a lot and acts as the foundation for etiquette. When I think of the word “respect”, I immediately start singing the song made popular in the 1960’s by Aretha Franklin. Even if you do not know the song, ... Views: 4341
Resiliency is personal. Add money and you get even more personal.
As we strive to become more resilient with life’s challenges and complexities, I would like to provide five basic suggestions to help you achieve Financial Resiliency.
1. Continue to learn and grow. This is ... Views: 4320
In the previous article we got the first three fundamental steps out of the way:
1. Getting established with a financial institution
2. Checking/correcting credit reports
3. Establishing a budget.
Now we are ready for credit! Below you will find key points and a continuation of my ... Views: 2398
A question that seems to be surfacing a lot lately is how to build good credit . Some people that I talk with have experienced financial difficulties in the past and are now trying to rebuild their personal credit. Others are new to credit, especially young people, and are building credit for ... Views: 2794
Has financial stress recently pushed you over the edge? Do you feel like you are getting hit from all sides? Are you looking for new ways to deal with the economic pressure? You are not alone.
First, I am putting all the usual money talk aside. If you are feeling pressured to smile all the ... Views: 2515
Our current economic state presents us with many opportunities – it’s all about how you choose to look at it. My focus has always been on the basics; taking a moment to look at your foundation with an emphasis on finances. Regardless of where you look, it is all about relationships – your ... Views: 27221
Hopefully you have already checked your credit reports and are correcting any errors. (If you have not done this, read my previous article, Start Your New Year Right By Checking Your Credit Reports ). Make sure you monitor and follow through on any disputes. That is a good start. With a ... Views: 2356
No doubt, credit fuels our economy, and it also affects every area of our lives. Our credit rating, good or bad, can affect where we live, work, and our ability to get a loan or insurance. Do yourself a favor and make it your annual plan to check your credit reports from each of the three ... Views: 2819
With the holidays fast approaching, are you curious as to how not to get drawn into the stressful, expen$ive daze of the season?
Ignore the hype and simplify with three steps:
1. Assess what is important to you and your loved ones. Start with a meeting and include those close to you with ... Views: 3190
Curious about what you need for a healthy financial plan? Read on and you will find out.
First, have
A plan that includes the following four areas:
Budget: Start with a simple written plan (budget) of the monthly net income coming into ... Views: 4918
After speaking to many groups about identity theft, I found that most people were eager to learn quick things that they could do now to help minimize their risk.
With that, I have compiled my five favorite prevention tips. Keep in mind that it all starts with YOU – your wallet, your ... Views: 3305
After many years of talking with consumers about credit, I have come up with my list of the Top Ten Ways to Wreck Your Credit.
No doubt, credit fuels our economy, and it also affects all of the major areas of our lives, good or bad. It can affect where we live and work, and our ability to ... Views: 2836