If you get distracted easily and/or don’t have a lot of time to devote to organizing your home or office, the 15-minutes-a-day approach may be a good solution for you. You may think that you don’t have an extra 15 minutes each day to devote purely to organizing, but you probably waste more time ... Views: 2063
Recently, I returned to a client’s home to help her tune-up the clothes closet in her bedroom. When she opened the door, the first thing I noticed were the boxes of cereal and paper towels that had taken up residency on the shelf. Like many New Yorkers, my client has limited closet space for her ... Views: 1093
Hard times provide an opportunity to ask hard questions and several times in the last year I have heard clients overwhelmed by their clutter wonder out loud, “Why did I buy all this stuff?” The answer is that our economy is driven by material consumption so it constantly needs and encourages us ... Views: 1093
As someone who helps people deal with too much "stuff" and not enough space for it all (FYI: it doesn't matter how much space you have, you never have enough!), I think that regifting is a great way to be green, get the right item to the right person and declutter at the same time.
In case ... Views: 1069
Get up; go to work; shop; cook; clean, spend time with your family, go to sleep; wake up again the next day and do it all over again. No wonder you can't find time to get organized!
Here are some tips that will help you save time and create space in your busy life to make needed ... Views: 1111
Recently, a woman called to ask whether I could help organize her husband's home office. My first question to her was whether or not her husband had requested help organizing his office. She sheepishly confessed that it was her idea because his messy office was driving her crazy. Next, I asked ... Views: 1036
The National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD) defines Chronic Disorganization (CD) as “…having a past history of disorganization in which self-help efforts to change have failed, an undermining of current quality of life due to disorganization and the expectation of future ... Views: 4297
If any of the following sounds familiar, the odds are that you're a victim of the "maybe someday" clutter trap:
* Do you have clothes in your closet you haven't worn in five years because they no longer fit? Instead of giving them away do you tell yourself that "maybe someday" you'll get ... Views: 1104
TIP #1 - RECHARGE YOUR BATTERIES: Taking time off from work for a vacation is one of the best ways to recharge your batteries and improve your productivity. Warning: Make sure you don't spend too much time on any work you take with you or checking in with the office while you're away or you'll ... Views: 1413
If your family doesn't share your enthusiasm for maintaining organization at home, here are some tips to help you deal with the situation.
TIP #1 - EXPLAIN WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM: Let them know that you'll be more pleasant to be around if they pitch in and help and you don't feel you have to ... Views: 988
TIP #1 - THE ORGANIZING PROCESS: You won't be able to get every area of your life organized in one day so don't frustrate yourself by trying! Work at a pace that is comfortable for you and remember that being organized is a life long, on-going process, not a permanently achieved state. You'll ... Views: 968
For some people, achieving organization seems like an impossible task. If you think it would be easier to win a gold medal at the Olympics than to get organized, let me assure you that nothing is further from the truth.
Although some people just seem to be naturally organized, being organized ... Views: 939
The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year, making identity theft one of the fasting growing crimes in this country. Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information, like your name, Social ... Views: 1230
TIP #1 - GET YOUR WORKSPACE ORGANIZED:Clear your desk and other horizontal surfaces of all unnecessary gadgets and items that you don't use everyday. Keep frequently used items within arms' reach. Create space and breathing room so you can be more productive. Clean up your bulletin board. Throw ... Views: 1139
Every day we're relentlessly bombarded by advertising that tells us to buy this, that or the other thing. It's all too easy to succumb to the temptations and no surprise that many of us end up owning as much "stuff" as we do. Sometimes though, our "stuff" seems to end up owning us instead of the ... Views: 3390
"You can't fix it if you don't know what's broken." That expression is particularly fitting if you're trying to get or stay organized. Looking for a remedy for your clutter before you know its cause is a prescription for failure.
In order to overcome clutter and create a system and solutions ... Views: 2147
Getting organized isn't just about cleaning up the clutter or managing your time better. It's about creating the life you want. This is an important concept to understand because many people don't understand what being organized is truly about.
And because they don't truly understand they ... Views: 1158
You've finally decided that you can't stand the clutter and chaos any more. So, what do you do now? If you're like most people in this situation, you probably just dive in hoping to get control of the problem without giving any real thought to what you're doing. You start off optimistically and ... Views: 1541
Whether you're mildly or wildly disorganized, if you want to get organized one thing is probably true: you don't want it to take you the rest of your life. And that's the way it should be because getting organized is, after all, just a means to an end. The end or goal is having more time to ... Views: 1273
Getting organized is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions made by people every year. But what does it actually mean to get or be "organized"? Here's my definition: Being organized is about being able to get everything done when it is due and finding everything you need when you need ... Views: 3877