Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet. What do these names mean to you? If they conjure up images of wealth and success then you are probably well aware that these men didn't get where they are by sitting on the couch all day – each one took action throughout their lives to create immense ... Views: 1207
Why write a mini business plan over a long drawn out thirty page document? Because it's easier and you are more likely to do it! Think about things you would rather do every day. Email – you respond to emails that are easy to get out of the way. Phone Calls – you call the people that don't ... Views: 1598
Life coaching is a wonderful profession where you have the ability to change people's lives, make a difference in the world, and earn a decent living. Imagine that! Being a coach is not a "job" it’s a credible vocation that is in great need, yet most coaches have never learned how to manage ... Views: 6857
I was at a networking event this week having a pleasant conversation with a nice fellow about Branding and how to set yourself apart in the marketplace. We were discussing the benefits of using a professional designer to create a brand for your business. Upon handing him my business card he ... Views: 1418
Loose papers, receipts, notes, credit card bills, financial statements, tax returns – these are the byproducts of owning a business. They take up space on your desk and in your mind and every time you look at the litter you feel disorganized.
Before I created a system to organize my ... Views: 1069
Everyone knows they need one. Everyone plans on writing one, eventually. But not everyone does it. Why? Because it’s so easy to put off and it’s such a chore. I’m talking about writing a business plan. Many business owners put more effort into planning their vacations than they put into ... Views: 957
Life is risky. We are taught from an early age that taking a risk is dangerous and not always worth it. Raising your hand in class when you think you know the answer could pay off, or it could lead to being ostracized. Asking someone out on a date could lead to success or it could ...Life ... Views: 1033
I love networking and meeting new people. I enjoy the pleasant etiquette of exchanging business cards. Unfortunately, I have seen some poorly designed business cards in my travels. I have been handed a boring dull business card from someone claiming to be a professional graphic designer. I have ... Views: 1125
The way entrepreneurs present themselves is an important part of how we value them. If you want to earn the big bucks you have to present yourself the right way. You have to create a brand through presentation.
Have you ever gone to Home Depot on the weekend in your grubby clothes and felt ... Views: 1183
A tagline is a short and zippy phrase that describes what you do for your target client. Taglines are essential to a well-rounded brand. I have often seen a well-designed company identity without a tagline and therefore without a message. Taglines add value by communicating your message to ... Views: 5829
The term "target client" has been vastly overused in marketing terminology in the past decade. While it's wise to have a target client, most successful entrepreneurs know that it's more important to have an ideal client.
What do you TARGET in a client?
A target client profile can consist ... Views: 1257