We are truly our own worse enemy. Why is it when something goes wrong we are so fast to turn on ourselves and start the worry process?
People are motivated by two things. The need to avoid pain and the need to experience pleasure, yet we focus so much on pain. What causes man to suffer? First ... Views: 1790
If everyone on the planet were to read, understand and internalize this teaching we would see an end to violence and conflict almost over night.
The mind is an amazing creation. For centuries science thought that the mind was fixed. It thought that personality was set at birth. Today science ... Views: 1473
If you listen to the news or read a paper there is so much negativity is can be overwhelming. Now from a business standpoint bad news sells, so this is what we get. I am however more interested in the thinking that causes this versus the situations themselves.
The first line of our Student ... Views: 1145
The martial arts is rich with the teaching of the Buddha, the teaching of the movement of the octagon is no exception. What is the origin of the Octagon in martial arts training? It's movement is based on the teaching of the 8 Fold Path. If you follow this path you will live a happy life, ... Views: 2923
This is one of my favorite stories about the Buddha’s travels in India. I hope you like it.
In the countryside of India the Buddha is giving a talk on Dharma. Whenever the Buddha talks people gather from all around to listen to his wisdom. On this particular occasion there is a heckler in ... Views: 1766
Today in the martial arts there is a heavy influence on 'sport' aspects. There is no problem with this however it can often mask the real purpose of martial arts training. The lifetime study of a martial art is not about competition with others, but concurring the self.
When ever I think of ... Views: 2410
2600 years ago the Buddha taught many truths that still hold truth to this day. Often times throughout history attempts have been made to stifle these teachings. Here is one of the most important, which I will attempt to put into such a language as to be understood by any and all readers.
The ... Views: 1289
"We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we create the world." These words were spoken by Siddhattha Gotama, The Buddha almost 2600 years ago. Jesus and Krishna spoke similar words, but we never listened to them.
There is no hidden meaning in these ... Views: 1176
The martial arts belt system is one of the greatest human development systems ever created, but only if it is used correctly. Success in the real world is full of obstacles. They need to be surmounted to achieve the desired goal or result. Most people quit within inches of their success!
So ... Views: 4001
When someone reaches their goal of Black Belt what really changes? They have spent the last 4 to 5 years of their lives working towards this goal, then it is suddenly here and gone. What happens next depends on the individual martial artists.
If the person is a self motivated goal oriented ... Views: 3450
When we think of the word addiction we often think about chemical addiction to alcohol, tobacco, or heroin. But did you know that you can be addicted to your emotions? We all know someone who is! Sometimes they are addicted to anger, depression, sadness and then there is the rare person who is ... Views: 8880
I begin this by asking you two simple questions. Where are you? and what time is it? Almost everything I will write has a martial arts theme. That is because martial arts is part of who I chose to be. It is not who I am, but simply part of me. The reason I refer so often to it is because it has ... Views: 3116
One of the things that we talk about in our school is reaching your FULLEST potential. Parents bring their children to us, in hope that martial arts will help their child reach this peak.
What is your FULL Potential? The human mind is an amazing thing. Scientist say that we only use 5-10% of ... Views: 1176
Since our school was founded in March 2000, I have promoted approximately 120 people to the rank of Black Belt, either adult or junior. Many of these people moved on to other things shortly after this promotion. Our currently Black Belt population is about 75 with another 22 eligible this ... Views: 1325