Growing up I truly did not believe I had an athletic bone in my body. Participation in sports was not praised in my household, particularly by my father, who seemed to have a personal vendetta against any and all jocks, particularly those of the football-playing variety. The very unkind words ... Views: 1239
I have been finding meditation really helpful lately, much more so than in the past. I have tried so many different methods for meditating over the years I couldn’t even count, but I don’t think it’s the technique I’m using right now that’s working so well, but my dedication to it.
Part of ... Views: 931
The simple version of my directions for taking your power back are: Start taking responsibility for making your own self be happy, and stop expecting other people to make you feel good!
I figure I’d give a little more information that that, though. Starting with my own embarrassing past (um, ... Views: 2535
How many times have you gone on a diet? Is it too many times to count? Do you start a diet only to “fail” a day or week later, because you went back to eating things you actually liked?
I will eventually blog more extensively on this topic, but for today I thought I’d start with a ... Views: 1816
Back when I was a cog in the corporate machine I was evaluated by my supervisor yearly. I was asked to provide a list of goals that I wished to attain for the following year. These were quite different than my life goals (most of which, at that time, revolved around dark chocolate and getting ... Views: 6181
Have you ever seen a book, a TV show, or an article about something that really, really caught your interest? Maybe you thought, "Gee, I'd love to be a barrel rider in the rodeo", or "I could be a world famous cupcake baker, too!". When you thought about doing these new, exciting things your ... Views: 1022
This morning I turned on the TV for some company while I exercised. The first story I heard was about the shooting of three police officers in Pittsburgh. This was pretty much a repeat of the day before, when I also turned on the TV for some company while I exercised and the first thing I heard ... Views: 1467
This past spring I was futzing around in the kitchen while my love packed for a trip. It's always sort of stressful for him to pack; he never knows what to bring, he always is unsure of exactly what situation will come up while he's gone, and he always, without fail, packs way too much.
A ... Views: 1259
I was coaching a client yesterday who was feeling terribly off center due to some family circumstances that caused her to feel very guilty. She's got an ill mother, is starting a new career, and is trying to find balance. She felt like everybody thought she was a bad daughter for not immediately ... Views: 1011
Today I was coaching someone who wants to make a career change. Besides the advice of asking her to recall what she loved to do as a kid that made time fly, I told her to go to a place where she could imagine what having her dream career would feel like. Not what she'd be doing, specifically, ... Views: 3375
The following is a list of things I'd like to get done, preferably in the next 16 to 22 minutes:
* Read the growing pile of extremely interesting-looking books that is currently residing on the floor next to my couch (including The Power of Now, A New Earth, The Conscious Heart, The ... Views: 1098
Just a reminder: you are not responsible for other people's feelings. Or for fixing other people. Or for making sure they live their best lives. Or making them happy. Those things are their job. We are all responsible for ourselves, people!
I suffer from this disease just like most (okay, ... Views: 1131