Have you ever been in a situation where you did not know how to turn down an invitation to a social event, but you knew that you really did not want to attend? This is an embarrassing problem that everyone faces from time to time.
One reason that it is embarrassing is that most of us want ... Views: 3844
Starting a conversation can be agonizing if you are a shy person. Many people who suffer from shyness have a hard time knowing what to talk about when they encounter someone they don’t know very well. These might be people that they work with, neighbors, and people they would like to be friends ... Views: 1286
What should you do if you realize that you are romantically attracted to one of your friends? Should you risk embarassment and heartache by asking your friend on a date? What are the pitfalls of admitting to your friend that you are attracted to them?
This is a problem that commonly comes up ... Views: 1601
Talking too much is one of the the most common bad habits. Discover the reasons why people talk too much. If you are guilty of being too talkative, learn how you can break this annoying habit.
We have all met people who talk a lot, who never seem to run out of things to say.
Have you ... Views: 25196
One of my friends recently asked me how she should handle an upcoming lunch with her lawyer. She was worried that the lunch would become awkward if they ran out of things to talk about. I suggested she should try to mentally prepare a few general questions such as, “Do you still enjoy being a ... Views: 2392
“There’s nothing about me that is interesting. I’m completely average in every way. Nobody is interested in me because I’m not interesting. Tell me what I can do to become a more interesting person so I can have better conversations.”
Over the years I have received several similar ... Views: 1565
Do you often feel nervous when you are at a party and you want to make a good impression on others? Perhaps you are shy and you get tongue tied or your mind goes blank. Here are many tips to help you improve your conversation confidence at social events.
If you have to attend a party or ... Views: 7297
People who are shy, and people who have low self esteem often have a difficult time making conversation with others. They sound awkward, they don’t make eye contact with their conversation partners, and they have a hard time keeping the conversation flowing.
Although shy people and those ... Views: 7826
Many people are intimidated by the idea of attending a party or a business function, especially if they are shy. This is a shame, because social shyness can hurt your career chances as well as your potential for romance and friendship.
I’ve put together some tips for you that can help you ... Views: 2462
People who are very shy often share some of the same fears that people who are afraid of public speaking. Some of the techniques that help people overcome their fear of speaking in public can help shy people improve their conversation skills and increase their speaking confidence.
I spent ... Views: 5360
My readers often ask me for advice about how to make friends and improve their conversation skills. They lack confidence in talking to other people and they get shy and nervous. Their mind goes blank when they try to make conversation. If you have the problem of feeling shy or nervous during a ... Views: 6771
Visualization is a very hot topic these days.
Part of the reason that visualization is so popular is because there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that by use of visualization, we can improve in confidence and performance.
For example, visualization is often used to help elite athletes ... Views: 2089
Does it ever seem to you as if it’s harder and harder to make new friends? Sometimes it’s our imagination, but sometimes it’s actually true.
When we’re young, we’re surrounded with lots of other people who are the same age as we are, and who are going through the same things we are going ... Views: 2377
If you are wondering why some people have a lot of friends and why you don’t have many, there can be many reasons for this.
Perhaps the most common reason why people don’t have a lot of friends is shyness.
If you are very shy, or if you have a lot of social anxiety, then being around ... Views: 1662
One of the best techniques you can use to help you accomplish the goals in your life is creating a vision board. Perhaps you have heard of this technique.
If you have not yet heard of a vision board, you are no doubt wondering what it is.
A vision board is a board which you cover with ... Views: 2945
Some people seem to be gifted with an ability to talk easily with anybody, anywhere. However, there are many people who find making conversation somewhat difficult. They struggle to find things to say during conversations, especially when they are talking to someone they don’t know very well. ... Views: 19400
Billions of people are doing it every single day. In fact, you could say it makes the world go round. Some of the people who are doing it are very young. Some are very old.
And billions of hours are spent on it every single day.
What is this activity that is so common that nearly everyone ... Views: 2849
Are you looking for a mate? Sometimes people have the belief that their real life won’t start until they meet and marry their one true love. In the meantime, they put their life on hold.
This belief is a fallacy. Your real life is going by right now, whether you are married or not. A single ... Views: 4217
Have you ever been hurt by someone who says they love you? Have you been treated badly by someone who is your friend? Are abusive relationships a constant pattern in your life?
Sometimes the people who are the closest to us, our friends and our mates, the ones who should be liking us the ... Views: 1804
Maureen worked in an office with twenty other people, processing checks. She didn't particularly like her job, but she didn't particularly dislike it either.
Getting ahead in her career wasn't important to her until the day that her friend and co-worker Betty was promoted to be the boss of ... Views: 1965
In the last few years, the herbal product gingko biloba seems to be advertised everywhere, as a new miracle cure for many common ailments. Gingko is reputed to improve thinking, stave off Alzheimer’s disease, preserve memory, and reverse memory loss. In fact, it is one of the most widely ... Views: 1754
Do you want to improve your conversation skills? One good way to pick up tips on making conversation is easily available to you every day. If you want to learn how to be a good conversationalist, a really useful place to start is by watching television!
Not just any television shows - you can ... Views: 5282
Today many of us are facing a lot of physical and emotional stress. When we don’t have good ways to deal with all this stress, it can end up hurting us in many ways, physical and mental. If we live with too much stress for too long, it can start to overwhelm us mentally and too much stress can ... Views: 1354
Do you feel like you are always under a lot of stress? Many of us feel as if we are always worried and pressured, but we are so used to feeling stressed that we take it for granted.
Many of us feel stressed because of too little money, and too many urgent things to do, and not enough time ... Views: 1368
When you are studying for an exam or if you need to learn some material for a presentation, you may be wondering how early you should start to study, and how often you should review the material in order to remember it.
Is it best to study large chunks of the information at a time, or should ... Views: 1603
A few years ago a surprising survey discovered that people who spent a lot of time on the Internet were a lot lonelier than people who didn’t spend much time on the Net.
This was an unexpected find because many people view the Internet and e-mail as a great way to make and keep connections ... Views: 3972
In every relationship there will be occasional misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Sometimes we are the one who hurt another person we care about; sometimes we are the one who has been hurt.
Hurt feelings will occur in friendships, in intimate relationships, and even between two ... Views: 2003
When you were going to school, did you do well on exams? Was learning easy for you?
Or were you one of those students who had difficulty learning? Did you often feel dumb?
Did you grow up convinced that you weren’t very smart?
If you didn’t do well in school, it might not have been ... Views: 4194
Is there more than one kind of intelligence? How should we define intelligence? Can we really measure it? What is intelligence, really?
Several experts in the field of intelligence have proposed that we need to broaden our understanding of what intelligence really is, and the role it plays in ... Views: 3097
Did you know that even if you never say a word, your face and body are constantly sending out messages to other people about your state of mind, your happiness, and your level of confidence.
And you have been reacting to the body language, voice tone, and facial expressions of those people ... Views: 4771
People who are lonely and who have few friends often dread the arrival of evenings and the weekends, because they have nothing to do, and no one to do it with. Weekends can become a long stretch of lonely hours and nothing to do. Why not change that!
Many lonely people stay lonely because ... Views: 1634
How do you feel when you are faced with spending another weekend alone because nobody has invited you to do anything with them?
Do you mope around the apartment, hoping that the phone will ring? Do you spend all your time wishing that somebody, somewhere, will call to invite you to do ... Views: 3725
Many students leave their studying too late until the night before an important exam. Even though most students realize that this is a bad habit, they continue to do it.
One reason that many students procrastinate with their studies is because they have not learned to pace themselves ... Views: 4871
If you’re a student attending classes, do you ever find it hard to make yourself settle down and study? Do you tell yourself that you still have plenty of time before that big exam, and then suddenly you find that it's too late?
Like most students, you probably put off studying until the ... Views: 1815
How important is perseverance in achieving your goals? Many success gurus tell us constantly that to achieve your goals, you have to keep on going, have faith in yourself, and never give up.
To keep persevering to achieve your goal does not mean that you forge blindly ahead, regardless of ... Views: 1385
Would you like to enhance your creativity? Do you think that increasing your ability to be creative would be a good idea?
Some of us feel desperate to be more creative, because we want to feel more free to express ourselves, or because we may think a creative life is more glamorous than the ... Views: 1420
How important is perseverance in achieving your goals? Many success gurus tell us constantly that to achieve your goals, you have to keep on going, have faith in yourself, and never give up.
To keep persevering to achieve your goal does not mean that you forge blindly ahead, regardless of ... Views: 1535
How do you feel about getting rejected? Does rejection devastate you, or do you shrug it off?
Rejected. It can be such an ugly word.
One of the reasons why rejection can cause us so much difficulty is that in our minds we often tie rejection to so many other ugly words that cause us even ... Views: 2136
There are a lot of good reasons why we should try to improve our vocabulary. When we have a good vocabulary, we not only sound smarter, but we are smarter. We can learn more things. We can understand deeper concepts and learn the connections between various bits of knowledge that we already ... Views: 8328
When I was twenty-two, I was befriended by a woman named Doris who was thirty years older than I was. Although Doris was then a fifty-two year old woman, she did not feel it was inappropriate to befriend me.
She did not operate with the social belief that she should choose her friends only ... Views: 3327
Are you shy? If you are shy, then you are aware that shyness can sometimes be a problem. People who are very shy, miss out on a lot of life. They miss out on relationships, on fun, and on career opportunities. Fortunately, there are treatments.
Most of us are shy on some occasions. For ... Views: 2321
When you are with other people, do you let them get to know the “real you”? Or do you hide yourself from others, always acting stiff and polite?
In some societies, people behave very formally with each other. In those societies, you will be more respected if you are distant and courteous, ... Views: 4464
Today if anyone asks me, "Who am I ?" I can answer that I am a writer.
It wasn’t always this way. For many, many years, I ran away from being a writer. I was terrified of putting pen to paper, or fingers to computer keyboard, even though I knew since I was a little kid that I was desperate ... Views: 1401
One of the most powerful tools we can use to change our beliefs and our behaviors is the tool known as affirmations.
Affirmations are simple, short, strong messages that we send to ourselves, by repeating them out loud or silently. Affirmations can also be written.
There’s a good reason ... Views: 2445
When I was doing my research for my special report on making friendly conversation, I discovered that there’s a lot of information out there on the topic of how to start a conversation, and a lot of information about how to keep a conversation going.
On the topic of how to end a conversation, ... Views: 2144
Do you find it difficult to make small talk with strangers? Most of us do. Talking with someone we don’t know can make many of us feel very anxious, especially if we happen to be shy.
Why is it so hard to make conversation with strangers? When you first talk with a stranger, you don’t know ... Views: 4638
Many of us fear growing older because we are worried that when we are older we will be lonely. We often see older people sitting in shopping malls who seem to have no friends and nothing to do. We hope that won’t be our fate. What can we do to make sure we still have some friends and a good ... Views: 6982
One of the most common reasons that friendships and romantic relationships break up is because one of the people involved in the relationship or friendship decides he or she really cannot trust the other person.
It may be that the other person has let them down too many times, or has been ... Views: 1870
First impressions – they feel so accurate, but it’s so easy to get them wrong.
When we meet somebody new, we size that person up in just a few seconds.
A few seconds, that’s all it takes to decide whether or not we like somebody, whether we trust them, whether or not we want to get to know ... Views: 12929
Have you ever been in a conversation that seems to be going nowhere, and neither person seems to be able to think of anything to say?
This happens a lot, especially when both people don’t really know each other. It can also happen when both people are lacking in conversational skills. ... Views: 1709