Why do so many resolutions not make it past the first week of January?
As we rush headlong towards the start of a New Year, isn’t it amazing how time flies? Where did 2012 go to? Mind you, a new year often brings a lot of new things as people prepare for a ‘fresh start’, and promise to deal ... Views: 1181
Everyone likes to think they’re a good listener. Do you think you are? Why do you think that? How often when you are listening are you actively taking in what is being said, and how often are you mentally forming your response and waiting for your turn to speak?
From the opposite ... Views: 1235
The holiday season is looming, and we’re all getting ready to party, but while this time of year can be hazardous to our waistlines and our wallets, there’s one event in the social calendar that can be hazardous to our careers, too. The dreaded office party!
Sure, they can be fun. They can be ... Views: 1228
We’ve all heard of the ‘touch it once’ rule – where smug associates with seemingly empty desks tell you they owe their serenity to never allowing paperwork to touch their desk more than once. Have you ever tried it for yourself and found yourself no better off, if not worse?
Likewise, if you ... Views: 3111
Almost every day, I hear someone remark how fast the world is changing – and it’s true. It’s almost unrecognizable from our parents’ days, and even from the world we grew up in.
We live in a world far more touched by a constant state of change than any generation which has gone before us. ... Views: 3685
No one is perfect, and as long as people work, there will be behavioral errors, and situations that need correcting.
There is a lot of room for improvement in the way bosses, coworkers, and friends handle these situations.
One of the most popular responses to correcting behavior is to ... Views: 1492
How well do you build reserves? And we’re not just talking about money, although the concept is the same. Do you have reserves of time, resources and energy? Are you running your life, or is your life running you?
We are all familiar with the concept of building financial reserves. Your ... Views: 1628
Why doesn’t everyone just get along???? We hear this all the time. Whether it is differing values or conflicts or misunderstandings, some people have a harder time than others just getting along.
And even worse, when they aren’t getting along, they’re the ones who expect the other person to ... Views: 1257
Information Overload Awareness Day is fast approaching. Yes. We all struggle with the barrage of information that we receive and is available to us daily. And one of the ever growing sources of that information is e-mail.
Consider the world productivity impact if everyone sent 10% fewer ... Views: 1316
You’ve wanted to know the secret to meeting management success? Look no further…
Here is YOUR answer to getting things DONE at alllll those meetings we attend.
All it takes is three little words.
Here are the “three little words” that will change your meeting life forever. Who knows, they ... Views: 2395
So many times, people don’t realize how easily they can sabotage their careers, unknowingly, they will do or not do things that hold them back. Here are five cautionary behaviors:
Pretending that there are no politics: sometimes people take the view that they are not going to acknowledge or ... Views: 1590
Feel like you’re on a treadmill that will never stop? Too much to do? Too much to get done?
Just as with how the overlap between our work and our home lives has become blurred, and technology has connected us to people and tasks around the clock, we could all be working 24/7 and still feel ... Views: 1731
These days, it seems like we are being pulled in so many different directions. Priorities compete with each other, and it just seems like we can’t get everything done, doesn’t it?
What’s worse, it seems like our daily “to do” lists grow much faster than our abilities to check them off. No ... Views: 1632
Icebreakers are great. When you get people together to work on things, getting them to know each other will spur on other positive results.
I make it a habit to have an icebreaker at just about every volunteer meeting I conduct, whether the group is large or small. After all, these people ... Views: 2664
There’s no arguing that email use is on the rise. Every day, people tell me how overwhelming it is to address their email backlog and how just opening up their inbox stresses them out. To help remedy this crisis, here are ten surefire ways to manage your outgoing email to reduce the number of ... Views: 2034
In these trying economic times, we are all looking for opportunities to save costs and increase productivity. Businesses have a huge opportunity to increase productivity staring them in the face that unfortunately has gone virtually undetected.
What is that opportunity? The reclaimed ... Views: 976
We’ve all done it. The meeting is going on and on. Your boss is rambling. You “get” the gist of the concept. You’re bored. Your mind drifts. Hmmm. Wonder what newfound treasure has appeared in my PDA? Who will notice if you sneak a peek?
Your boss will. Others in the meeting will. ... Views: 1066
Everything is changing so fast! I hear this comment almost daily. And the reality of it is, -- it's true!
The changes that we are experiencing today are significantly more than the changes that our forefathers had to embrace. The world is moving at an extremely fast-pace. And the ... Views: 1507
Instead of thinking about a network, let's envision a net.
If you place yourself at the center of this net, you can see how your direct links, or connections, extends outward. And each of those links extend outward as well. Yet they are all interconnected. This is what we want our net to ... Views: 1031
If I could wave a magic wand, and change something about how human beings interact with each other, I would eliminate “gotcha” forever.
What is “gotcha”? Before we talk about eliminating “gotcha”, it is important to clarify just what “gotcha” is! “Gotcha” can come in many forms. In the ... Views: 3960
People who have more luck than others aren’t afraid to ask others for help. While some might think that this is a sign of weakness, it really isn’t. It is a signal of success.
Asking people for help in terms of a referral to someone or opening the door for a possible meeting with someone is ... Views: 1192
So much to do -- so little time to do it all. I can't tell you how many times I have heard exasperated people lament that they just don't know how they will get it all done.
That's part of the problem -- if our expectation is that we are supposed to get everything done that is on our to do ... Views: 1724
In this fast paced world, we are continually challenged to fit more work into the same time frames that we all have. One of the most challenging parts of "fitting it all in" is deciding what is important and what is not.
Of all the dilemmas I've experienced in my coaching practice, just ... Views: 1396
Struggling with people resisting making the changes you know you need to make in your organization or group? Don't know how to get buy-in from people so that you can change things for the better? Challenged by an undercurrent of resistance to your attempts to move your organization ... Views: 1010
Times are tough. Businesses are faltering, families are struggling, employees are paranoid.
All this stress lays the groundwork for a real problem with balance—life balance.
As business leaders work 18 to 20 hours a day to save their businesses and workers address their fears of possible ... Views: 1006