Authenticity is one of my top values. It has always turned me on, inspired me and makes me feel deeply grateful to whoever takes - what can sometimes be - a risk to be true and authentic.
Authenticity can be a challenge for entrepreneurs. The challenge comes when you don’t trust yourself or ... Views: 877
Dancing solo can be exhilarating. It can be rich and full of expression. Or it can be missing something.
If you are an inspired entrepreneur, there is a dance to successfully bringing your very important work to the world. It is a dance of two, the ‘pas de deux’ of devoted calling, and of ... Views: 893
I am living in a brand new landscape as of 2 weeks ago. Yet it is the same one where I have been living for almost 2 years.
It is a beautiful landscape that is home to the smaller house where I live with my partner and my dog-child Ollie, the larger house of the man who owns the property, ... Views: 1022
“Step into Your Greatness” is a simple — yet profound and often forgotten — spiritual imperative. Stepping into your greatness is waking up to and living from the deepest truth and authenticity of who you really are. It is the loving transformation from being at the effect of the world around ... Views: 1090
Almost every entrepreneur I know started their business because of a Big Dream! What is the dream, the vision and the passion that inspired you to be become an entrepreneur?
For many entrepreneurs, at some point you find that you are no longer facing or feeling your Big Dream, the fire of ... Views: 802
Fear of standing out is really big for a lot of women. This fear can hold you back from soul satisfying success in your business, and from becoming the leader that you naturally are.
The fear of standing out has other fears at its roots. Women have an innate need and desire for connection ... Views: 832
Have you checked your authenticity, aliveness and connection meter lately?
Some years ago when I first started coaching, my passion was just that - authenticity, aliveness and connection. That’s what I wanted for everyone. I still do.
I had seen many of my friends trading the precious ... Views: 667
Do you have any idea what a powerhouse you are, naturally? The potential energy within you alone could light up the largest city of several million people closest to you. That’s LA for me, it was Boston before. What is the one closest to you?
Get that city in your mind and imagine it standing ... Views: 736
Connection is an experience everyone yearns for. It’s also essential for stepping into your greatness, connecting with others and key to your success.
It’s painful to feel disconnected. Even if you are successful by external standards, when you feel disconnected, you experience that you can ... Views: 883
You are probably wondering if I need to brush up on my spelling. “Greatful” is a deliberate spelling. After being immersed in coaching people to own and express their unique Greatness for a few years, I occasionally found myself writing greatful for grateful, then being unsure which was the ... Views: 859
As a spiritually oriented woman (in business), have you ever worried that spirituality and money don’t mix? Do you cringe even reading those two words in the same sentence?
Many women feel that way. Women, especially, have been trained to believe that money is not spiritual, even bad. I’ve ... Views: 807
“Resist not evil” is a quote that has puzzled millions of people for over 2,000 years, and still does today. But what is even more puzzling and frustrating is why we resist our good. Why do we resist what we love, what we are called to do, our deepest yearnings, our biggest dreams and ... Views: 777
What assumptions are you holding on to that could be holding you back?
We all have assumptions. The problem is having assumptions that you are not aware of.
Assumptions are similar to beliefs. They are much like a pair of glasses through which you look at the world. You see the world, the ... Views: 1002
What is the impact of your presence?
Your personal presence has everything to do with what the world presents back to you – with how people respond to you. And it has everything to do with you how you think and feel about yourself.
My whippet, Ollie is one of my greatest teachers. She has ... Views: 918
Do you secretly yearn to fully express your greatest self in your life, in your business and in the world? Maybe you don’t know where to begin. It sounds so big!
Well it is! But think of it this way, it’s the most natural thing you will ever do. Why?
Greatness lives inside of you, and me ... Views: 1048
How’s your game?
Timothy Galwey struck a cord in 1974 when he wrote “The Inner Game of Tennis”. The inner game is the game we play against internal opponents - the opposition to your greatness that lives within you.
These opponents are all reflections of fear. They show up disguised as inner ... Views: 855
Are you aware of the number of times every day that you either say “Yes” or “No,” to yourself? You are essentially saying one or the other with every thought you think, word you speak, decision you make or action you take. Or don’t.
You’ll know which side of the scale your yeses and no’s are ... Views: 830
We have countless opportunities every day to say “Yes,” or “No.” To respond to what rises up from within you that seeks to be expressed. Or to respond to what comes to you from the outside - the invitations, requests, demands or expectations of others.
On Saying Yes - and No - to ... Views: 820
One big reason women - and sometimes men - give their power away is by being concerned about what other people think.
How many times do you make a decision or not make a decision, take an action or not take an action, or make a statement or not based on your fear of what other people might ... Views: 748
Is something calling you? Trying to get your attention? Not like a piece of chocolate cake! I’m talking about a different kind of calling.
The kind of “calling” I’m talking about is an inner urge or strong impulse to do something outside the ordinary. It is often visceral. You feel it “in ... Views: 930
Have you noticed that on any given day you could sign on for anywhere from one to upwards of a dozen FR*EE calls? Depending on whose lists you are on. I’m on quite a few lists so I see multiple FR*EE calls in my inbox daily.
Is it the call or the FR*EE that is so compelling?
Just because ... Views: 2115
More life and greater aliveness is ultimately why we create our businesses and why we are alive. These make up the universal Life Purpose.
More life is greater opportunity and a renewing and increasing abundance of all that is good, and life enhancing.
Aliveness is the flow of life energy ... Views: 959
Gratitude is a gift you give yourself, no matter what it is that you are grateful for. What are you grateful for? What in your life do you appreciate? Stop for a moment and bring to mind something that you are truly grateful for, that you deeply appreciate. As you are thinking of this, notice ... Views: 919
Have you ever had a run of successful action and outcomes, and then felt blindsided by doubt, insecurity and unexpected obstacles? If so you have probably experienced the rebound effect of success.
You’ve been here. You are inspired, clear and focused. You are taking action, loving what you ... Views: 830
Who will you be as a woman entrepreneur who doesn’t worry and struggle around money?
Worrying about and struggling around money are major issues for most women. The majority of women under-earn so they continually worry and struggle.
Under-earning is a disempowering cycle that becomes a ... Views: 843
If you are a Creative Visionary, you are using your creative power and innate gifts - fueled by an impulse or deep desire - to express and to share something of the vision that lives inside of you in a bigger way.
This may be a truth you experience, or a unique way of seeing or knowing. It is ... Views: 1010
Are you ready... step into your greatness?
Is your vision alive for you? Or is it a sleeping giant?
A vision is the imagination of your highest dreams and deepest desires realized. Vision is inspired, it is compelling and it pulls you forward.
Everyone has a vision. It is both a ... Views: 861
Are you ready... step into your greatness?
Inspiration is not only for a select few. It is available to you. Just as you have amazing potential and the seeds of greatness within you, you have the spiritual gifts and power available to transform this potential of you into the ... Views: 2302
Are you ready... step into your greatness?
One of the characteristics of Greatness is listening to the wisdom within you above and beyond the “shoulds” and the voices outside of you.
Your inner wisdom speaks to you as an idea, impulse or inspiration. It speaks to you in every ... Views: 3793
Are you ready...
...To step into your greatness?
To step into our Greatness is our deepest desire. This Divine Desire to be who you really are lives in the heart of every human being. It is also at the heart of real success.
There is much that goes into being who you really are - ... Views: 851
Are you ready...
...To step into your greatness?
What is your guiding Vision?
Your Highest Vision is the imagination of your highest dreams and deepest desires realized, as if you are already living them. Vision is a spiritual gift that is unique to you; unique because it comes ... Views: 687
Are you ready...
...To step into your greatness?
Are you living your purpose full out? Are you connecting with and expressing your desires?
Your Soul Purpose is a key aspect of your Greatness. And it is the area of your greatest potential, fulfillment and impact.
Desire is also a ... Views: 922
Are you ready...
...To step into your greatness?
What is it that you must be and do to feel fully alive?
We all yearn for aliveness. It is essentially what our personal journey in life is about. To feel and be fully alive.
Aliveness is the experience and the expression of the ... Views: 800
Does “Go Slowly, Act Quickly” seem like a paradox to you?
I know that the “go slowly” part might at first sound like a message from another planet. Especially since so many people experience that life on this planet is going increasingly faster.
“Go slowly, act quickly” is the way of ... Views: 817
What I’m wondering today is...
How much more would you accomplish with less effort and in less time yet with greater fulfillment and a higher quality if you prepared ahead by taking time to align?
I’m talking about aligning first with who you really are. This is bringing all aspects of ... Views: 844
What is your track record for reaching the goals you set? Or even for setting goals?
People often set goals like they make New Year's resolutions. You want to make something happen, do something different, change something that's not working or do something that you think you should do. ... Views: 758
How quickly do you make decisions? How do you make them?
We have the opportunity to make hundreds of decisions every day. Decisiveness or lack of it impacts the success of every area of your life - your business, relationships, creativity, health and finances.
Leaders in life and ... Views: 965
Do you know that you are being called to greatness, your greatness, at this moment? You are being called to your greatness not only at this moment but every moment of every day?
Your greatness is what you must be and do to feel fully alive. What is that? The answer is to be found within ... Views: 809
What is your purpose? For today? For life?
Everyone ultimately seeks to discover and know their purpose. The questions, "What is my purpose?" and "What is the purpose of life?" have been asked for eons. There is a universal longing to know the answers.
To know your purpose is to have a ... Views: 773
What would be different if you knew that your life at this moment is perfect? That your power is in the present, your power is now?
NOW is a beautiful acronym for "No Other Way," a poem of the same name written years ago by New Thought writer Martha Smock.
Your life and what you are ... Views: 1528
Are you ready to unleash your deepest desires? The time is now.
Every one is born with desire. Desire is the impulse of life and a spiritual gift that lives in your heart.
Desire sparks the flow and expansion of life through you. It is the power that calls forth that which you desire into ... Views: 1508
As a Spiritually Based Entrepreneur you already have the key elements of "real success." Do you know what they are?
Some of these keys were recently highlighted for me after an inspiring conversation I had with a new client. She called me because she was ready to step into the "bigger place" ... Views: 869
Are you concerned about how others see you?
When you sit down to write an article -- like I am now -- or have a conversation with a prospective client, speak to an audience, or show your work it is easy to be concerned about how you look, how you will be seen. Will you be accepted or ... Views: 766
Are the thousands of thoughts that go through your mind every day weighted in the affirmative or the negative?
It is tragic that for most people the majority of their thoughts are negative or disempowering - fear, doubt and blame thoughts. They believe their negative thoughts more than their ... Views: 924
If you are resisting success it's probably not obvious to you because resistance is an inner process. It's part of a mindset that is rooted in the subconscious.
However, if you are not achieving the thing you say you want, are working too hard at it, or not enjoying the process, resistance is ... Views: 925
Do you think more about and appreciate what you have OR do you think and worry more about what you don't have? Your sense of having or not having greatly impacts your success. Looking at the truth of who you are is important to understanding how this works.
Science has now caught up with a ... Views: 753
When we step onto our soul's path and into our greatness, every area of our lives wakes up and we are guided to our highest good in many different ways. One of these ways is through spiritual geography.
Spiritual geography is the geography that we are called to for our next stage of growth, ... Views: 843
Trust is an issue for most of us. We are required to learn lessons of trust in order to move confidently forward in our lives, to step into our greatness, to have the impact we are meant to have and to experience the joy of living that is our birthright.
There are three major elements of the ... Views: 1269
How much good do you expect? Can you have both Success and Love?
Do you believe that Authentic Success and True Love are mutually exclusive? Before you answer, I invite you to stop for a moment and take a couple of breaths.
Ask yourself if you really believe that you can have both an ... Views: 1539
Are you a big shot who is playing small? If you are, you likely recognized yourself as soon as you read the question. There’s nothing to figure out - you just know.
And if you are, it is highly likely that you are tired of it - tired of playing small.
A big shot is someone who has a ... Views: 780