Your success is dependent upon your focus. Thinking about all of the day to day demands and everyone needing your attention leads to anxiety and overwhelm. This is energy draining. You are likely to get everything done, but will feel frantic as you rush. The minor day-to-day details can get in the way of the BIG picture.

Spending time putting out fires distracts you from your larger, long term goal. This way of doing business is time consuming and tiring. You are constantly attacking things as they come up one by one. As soon as one issue is resolved, a new one pops up to take its place.

If you are focusing on all of the daily problems in your business and your life, then the mindset you create is based upon avoidance. The focus is on an external issue and trying to control things which you are not likely to be able to control. You cannot control events or the things other people do.

What if you made a change in how you perceived yourself and the way you do business? How would this affect the way you run your practice? When you decide your goal and have the willingness to take one step at a time toward success, you have created the opportunity for positive change to occur. Imagine all of the possibilities which could arise with this mindset.

Creating boundaries and systems gets you focused on the big picture. All you need to do is take one small step and this will begin to make a difference in how you operate in your practice. With organization you manage your time effectively and actually get more done. Creating a system could be as easy as a check list to view each step necessary to reach your goal.

Mary wanted to grow her business and increase her referrals. She kept a running list of people she contacted and her goals in her head. She would become easily distracted by day-to-day operations which appeared to need immediate attention. Mary admits she did not regularly work on growing her business and would become frantic when her caseload would begin to drop.

Mary worked to develop a system which she could use on a regular basis to continually be marketing. She did not want to write down an entire system, feeling it would be too rigid and structured for her. Mary modified the process and was willing to create an abbreviated checklist. The beauty of this approach is the marketing is done on a regular basis which prevents the desperation she felt from her case load dropping.

Follow these four steps to get you started on taking control to reach your goals for success.
1. List the objective or goal you want to work toward.
2. List the strengths of what you are already doing to reach that goal.
3. List the activities you would need to do to reach that goal. This will be a checklist.
4. Set a begin date and an end date for reaching your goal. Some activities might be ongoing and will not have an end date.

The only thing you have complete control over is what you choose to do and choose not to do. With that in mind, imagine the difference if you focused on growing your business and tapping into your true potential? All you need to do is take one simple step and see the results.

People are motivated and inspired when they have a challenge. Decide what you want to achieve. Choose the direction you want to expand your practice. What would you like to attract more of into your life?

Activity: The most successful people have a vision and a plan. Think like a success. Take the time to get the systems you use regularly and begin to document them. This will be the beginning of your Operations Manual. Establishing boundaries and systems helps to manage time and keep you focused on the BIG picture, your long term goal.

When you have the plan down on paper, it will become your checklist and increase consistency with how you do business. As new things come up, you will have a plan for doing that task instead of having to reinvent a process each time. The checklists you create for each part of your business will bring a sense of order and consistency.

Author's Bio: 

Ready to move forward in your life, but feel stuck? Learn how to transform the thoughts that keep you from taking action. Loren Fogelman, the success expert, shows you how to master the marketing mindset to grow your business.
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