So you’ve tried everything you know of to help you achieve your dream. You’ve watched ‘The Secret’, you’ve read all the self-help books, and done everything they’ve suggested, the visualisations, the affirmations, created a vision board and more, and still you feel no nearer to achieving your ... Views: 1463
The Ho'oponopono phrases are "I love you," "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," and "Thank you."
You can use these beautiful Ho'oponopono phrases on people, places, situations or anything in your life you want to 'clean'. Remember, using these phrases is a powerful way of 'cleaning' and clearing ... Views: 12172
“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."
(EFT discovery statement.)
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a process developed by Gary Craig, an engineer from Stanford, USA; that works with the body's energy system to help 'rewire' it and remove the ... Views: 1447
Cleaning Your Life With Ho'oponopono
The practice of Ho'oponopono comes from a very old Hawaiian tradition. The word Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning 'make right' and it's a way of making things right in our lives. Originally it was used in family situations where there was discord ... Views: 3046
Visualisation is a lovely tool we can use to enhance our ‘cosmic orders’ or simply take ourselves away from the present to a lovely place. You ‘cosmic orderers’ out there will no doubt already be visualising the end result of your orders and imagining how you will feel once they’ve been ... Views: 1643
Abundance comes in many forms. We can be abundant in health, time, beauty and many other things, as well as having financial abundance. However, when you're asking for or trying to manifest abundance (whatever area of your life you're focusing on) there are a few little tips and tricks that can ... Views: 1240
I believe that we should at least have some idea of where we want to go in life and what we want to achieve, if we are to achieve anything at all. Depending on which personal development or motivational book you read, there are many different techniques for making plans and goal setting, but one ... Views: 4190
Surfing the Internet recently, looking for inspirational videos for my Forum and web site, I’ve come across a strange phenomenon. There are many lovely videos out there with the usual breathtakingly beautiful photographs and music on, but instead of the normal ‘I am healthy’, ‘I am rich’ type of ... Views: 1241
I’ve often been asked "How can I be positive when I see what’s going on around me?" "I don’t have health/abundance/money (you fill in what you don’t have)." "What about the ‘reality’ I now face?" "Don’t I have to deal with that?" "How can I be positive in the midst of all that’s happening to ... Views: 1263
So how do we go about using the Law of Attraction in our lives? This is where I believe ‘Cosmic Ordering’ comes in. The Law of Attraction is the theory; ‘Cosmic Ordering’ is the practise.
If you read all the books, there are many ways to do cosmic ordering. Some people light candles on the ... Views: 2847
Many of you will have already come across the DVD or book of ‘The Secret’, or the work of Abraham-Hicks. Possibly you’ve read Barbel Mohr or heard Noel Edmonds say how he managed to create a new prime-time TV show for himself, through Cosmic Ordering. There are ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Cosmic ... Views: 1961
These days we hear a lot about Cosmic Ordering, The Secret, the Law of Attraction and the fact that like attracts like. If this were true then surely it would benefit all of us to learn how to live our lives a little more positively. And even if it's not true – what have we got to lose by ... Views: 1546
In the course of my work, I ran a lovely Faery Wisdom workshop recently. I do love running those. They're a real treat for me, and people seem to go away inspired by what they find too. During the workshop we use guided meditations and oracle cards to help us find our 'wisdom', and one of the ... Views: 1303