Feedback is BAD when you're speaking to a group or recording (unless it's guitar feedback, but as a guitarist, I'm biased), but GOOD afterwards. I mean, of course, the kind of feedback provided by a happy client or an enthusiastic audience.
But if you aren't getting feedback? How are you ... Views: 1258
It's easy for speakers, voice artists, studio owners, and really, any entrepreneur who has fun in their work doing creative projects, to start getting a little too lax in how we treat our time and our mindset.
Many of us in the speaking or audio fields have left a 'first career' in a less ... Views: 1490
In building the latest version of my company's website, I've had the opportunity to revisit a lot of old audio projects and samples we've done over the years. I remember taking that leap into professional voice work around 2003, and how capable I really felt when I landed that first voice ... Views: 1205
Back in college, I kept a great log of my guitar rehearsal time. It kept me on my game, and was the metrics for a little friendly competition between other players. It wasn't necessarily required, but I knew my professors and instructors preferred that I keep track of what I was doing.
Jump ... Views: 1292
I get to work with a lot of great personal development and business growth experts who are making the world a better place. In their industries, like in most, there seems to be a trend when it comes to audio for one of two things: speed or quality.
In the speed category, they're working to ... Views: 1397