My ESTEEM Principle is designed so that women are able to look at their lives from a different perspective, shifting paradigms and ultimately creating the life they really want. Building self-esteem is one of the keys to walking through the fear of inadequacy and paves the way to become ... Views: 1628
Strengthen Values. Synonyms for the word “values” are; principles, standards, morals, ethics, ideals… just to name a few. These are the qualities that DEFINE US AT THE CORE OF OUR BEING. Without these things YOU would not be YOU. It’s useful to know what your values are because they help you ... Views: 4987
What are our goals? The dictionary defines goals as - (noun) something that somebody wants to achieve.
When setting goals, set what I call SMART goals:
• Specific
• Measurable
• Authentic
• Resonate
• Thrilling
If you start to Envision Goals that are SMART, your life will ... Views: 2730
My ESTEEM Principle is designed so that women are able to look at their lives from a different perspective, shifting paradigms and ultimately creating the life they really want. Building self-esteem is one of the keys to walking through the fear of inadequacy and paves the way to become ... Views: 2233
The other day I was talking about how Triangles are the strongest geometric shape in the world. Its shape is very simple: a flat base with two sides that come together at the top to meet at a point. They are rigid, able to stand freely, and able to support their own weight. They do this against ... Views: 1792
What gets you motivated? There is always something that can get you going. One of my favorite ways to get Motivated and that I love to do as we approach the end of the year is to reflect on what I have accomplished during the year.
1. Acknowledge what you have done. Frequently while I am ... Views: 1742
My ESTEEM Principle is designed so that women are able to look at their lives from a different perspective, shifting paradigms and ultimately creating the life they really want. Building self-esteem is one of the keys to walking through the fear of inadequacy and paves the way to become ... Views: 1696