The CBC news in Canada ran a story called “Don’t Call Kids Obese; Parents Tell Doctors”
The article described how parents were concerned about the words and terms doctors used when describing an overweight child. ... Views: 2071
Janet Williams Urges Parents To Use Technology With Their Children To Win The Battle, Not Exacerbate The Problem
Toronto, Ontario Canada / September 15, 2011
Twitter: Using technology & yoga to fight obesity in children #ChildhoodObesity
Researchers over ... Views: 1915
How Things Used to Be – Only a Few Short Decades Ago (Only 4 Short Decades Ago!)
When I was young, my father used to joke around with us children and say “When your mother was pregnant, she must have been startled by a kangaroo because you children never stop bouncing around!”
All the ... Views: 4915
Did Your Whirlwind Life Turn into a Raging Tornado in 2009? Here’s What You Can Do for 2010.
In 2009 with the birth of my new children’s yoga book “What I See, I Can Be: A Guided Yoga Flow for Children” I felt like a new mother. Just like a new mother, my busy schedule left me feeling ... Views: 2591
With the holidays around the corner, the excitement level in children is high. Although this time of year is filled with many wonderful traditions, the holidays can also be a treacherous time. The emphasis on sitting and socializing, snacking on sweets, drinking sugary soft drinks, and eating ... Views: 2402
Have you ever faced a big decision and felt paralyzed with fear and torn about what to do? l have worked with many clients who have been faced with wonderful new opportunities and yet they felt overwhelmed by the task of determining how to make the best decision.
Big decisions are ... Views: 5654