"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
~Eleanor Roosevelt
I was twenty-three years old when I had my daughter and twenty-five when I had my son. My husband, at ... Views: 853
“To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest”
Success surely doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey which is faced with many obstacles, mistakes and even some wounds. Whether ... Views: 1738
Are you sleepwalking through your life or are you creating a vision for how you want your life to be?
I grew up in a small Victorian home in Detroit, Michigan. On the weekends, all I wanted to do was drive around the suburbs and look at large homes and dream. I loved going in the evening ... Views: 979
It was two years ago when I took out a map of the United States, closed my eyes, spun myself around and then pointed. I had told my family that wherever I pointed was where we were going to vacation. My finger happened to fall upon Solomon’s Island, Maryland. The family looked at me like I ... Views: 807
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." A Course in Miracles
With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I thought it would be fitting for me to focus in on love and relationships, which is probably the ... Views: 943