As some of you may already know I am currently studying to become a teacher of meditation, a journey which has opened me up to a new and exciting world.
This week I wanted to share with you one of my learning’s on this wonderful journey. A journey which for me has only just begun.
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How often have you given up? How often have you quit just before you’ve struck gold? In life there are many keys to success but one you simply cannot do without is consistency.
Think about it, if your goal is to get fit, to be slim and trim you have to take consistent and steady action to ... Views: 760
One of my daily mantras is that there is nothing like Success to breed Success!
There is nothing like achieving a goal to really make you feel good and make you want to do more.
Often I have found that when we set big hairy goals we get so over whelmed that we don’t know where to start. ... Views: 5872
When setting goals to get us to where we want to be in life it is so important that we always honor our core values in all we do.
WHAT ARE CORE VALUES? Firstly values are the things in life which are most important to you but core values go even deeper still. These are the qualities and ... Views: 5379
As I am going through a lot of change currently in my own life now, as is the world over all I think this quote sums up for me how to we might all best approach change.
It’s often so comfortable to stay where we are as its familiar, secure and easy. However, as with many things in life we ... Views: 5222