Helen’s process of revelation began the day she recognized that everything around her had a sense of lack attached to it. Her car was old and wouldn’t start in the mornings. The washing machine was temperamental. There were always more bills than cash every month.
She never had quite enough of ... Views: 1244
Every time a report card came home Ellen knew that, no matter how well she did in her exams, the same three words would appear at the bottom of the page. Her teachers always felt that she ‘could try harder’ but in fact she really was doing her best and trying her hardest.
Every day after ... Views: 1309
Dig Deep
My friend Susan became a kind of surrogate mother to a young woman called Kate. When she about 4 years old, Kate’s natural mother died tragically. Susan helped Kate in all ways possible. She was there for her throughout and Kate loved her as much as she loved her own mother. For ... Views: 1478
Fairytales may not be quite as fanciful as they appear at first glance.
Think of the frog who was really a handsome prince, or the Sleeping Beauty and Snow White who just needed a kiss to restore them to life.
The hidden message in every fairytale can teach us a very valuable lesson. The ... Views: 1865
We all start perfectly successful. We all start complete. We acquire failure.
Real success is based on who we are within rather than anything we come by externally. The willingness to look at ourselves in a light of perfection, success, inclusion and completion provides a real opportunity to ... Views: 1316
My brother Rob was diagnosed with cancer one May. By June he had passed away.
Initially the situation was one of horror, shock, sadness and anger but as we went through the weeks and as his failing health became more evident, we also realised that anything we needed to talk about would have to ... Views: 1289
It doesn’t matter where you want to go – the next city, the local store, a new life – the starting point must always be where you are right now.
Every process of change begins by determining exactly where we are, then deciding where we want to go and then creating an action plan for moving ... Views: 1633
Operate In ‘I’m Okay’ Mode
No matter what has happened so far in your life – you are essentially fine.
Find a picture of yourself as a young child. If you can’t find a picture, imagine yourself about 10 years old. Now, write that child a letter outlining the perfect life he or she is going to ... Views: 1461
We live in a world of judgment. When we talk about judgment it’s not just judgment of other people but also judgment of ourselves, sometimes even the harsh judgment of ourselves.
An example of this was brought home to me profoundly on a course I attended some time ago. We were asked to say a ... Views: 1467
We hear a lot of talk about ‘staying in the Now’. The key is our ability to focus fully on our present task.
My friend Mike was good friends with a very famous musician. He went to see him in concert one evening and brought his boss. Mike’s boss was a huge fan and really wanted to meet this ... Views: 1338
It’s far too easy to let the world seem to do it’s dirty job on our creation and descend into a spiral of out of control hopelessness where our ‘destiny’ and ‘fate’ lie in the hands of everyone and everything beyond our own ability to provide our own redemption as we escape the bleak misery of a ... Views: 2002
There is a part of all of us that is beyond every problem, doubt, worry or loss and is, in essence, the true and universal embodiment of success. It is here we dispense with limitation and start the journey of experiencing the truth of what we are and can be. This is the part that is never ... Views: 1474
Never deny your own value, no matter what experiences you have had so far.
Your value is an immeasurable gift to give yourself for the future, starting in the present. It really is one of the most outstanding conditions of what you are. It is here you will gain total freedom of what you can ... Views: 1624
Each and every one of us has a foundation in truth, yet we all have a set of beliefs that we always feel the need to defend.
We are compelled to defend our belief system because it is safe and familiar to us, even if we know deep down that our thoughts and beliefs are limiting our experience ... Views: 1444
We have all developed patterns of limitation but we can make the choice to change in an instant. Sometimes the results of this choice for change will be apparent very quickly and sometimes nothing seems to be happening. The key is to be patient – with our selves and with the process - at all ... Views: 1381
It’s quite extraordinary how we can move our focus from crisis to crisis - financial, personal, health, relationships, global. It’s as if there is always one ready and waiting in the wings to trap or ensnare us in this melee we call life. Yet in the midst of it all there is something of a ... Views: 1282
Sometimes circumstances give us an opportunity to reflect on where we are and to choose once again how we want to live.
Having run a very large business, employing close to a hundred people and turning over many millions, I found myself in a situation where the business no longer existed and my ... Views: 1307
In a unified Self we have more direction and greater presence, a presence to be perceived in how you live your life. Holding your unity is taking ownership of the greatness and potential you can offer to your own day-to-day world. But once again it’s all about how you start that process of ... Views: 1380
We all find areas where we can really compromise ourselves. We perfect that process and those patterns and it becomes second nature in how we live and what controls our lives. We repeat the same mistakes in the same areas over and over again, keeping us trapped and un-free as the apparent ... Views: 1761
When you view life as a journey, you start to realise that you do not have to repeat your limiting or negative patterns. You start to look at how you make decisions and how you take your Self forward. You start to teach your Self that holding the true nature of who you are – which is successful ... Views: 1172
Each and every one of us has the potential to be the successful person we admire, read about or see on our TV screens if that is what we really want or that is to be our journey.
Have no doubt about it, you can be the superstar you want to be, but just keep reminding your Self to take ... Views: 1277
We live in a world where it’s hard to be perceived as a success, where being wealthy necessitates enormous amounts of money, where being good in sport necessitates huge acclaim and fame. This in turn can become an attack on the truth of who you really are. When you place heroes on a pedestal, ... Views: 1614
Success comes from the mind that is ready for it but for many of us ‘I would but …’ becomes the cop out and then the excuse department is endless. Failure can have addictive qualities all built from the loop of personal history. When we get good at not achieving we can perfect the art of not ... Views: 1285
Life gives us so many opportunities to steer a direction or to plot a course. In many instances we choose to complicate this process by mindless compromising of our own Self-value.
It’s not about who wins. Life is about our perception of being a winner. Even if you don’t come first you can ... Views: 1430
Beware the constant attraction that all of us carry to feel hard done by and the subsequent feelings of how unfair the world can be that become a hiding place from the more fulfilling journey of achievement.
I learned the truth of how we identify with this loop when, on many occasions, my own ... Views: 1537
My brother was diagnosed with cancer in May. By June he had passed away.
Initially the situation was one of horror, shock, sadness and anger but as we went through the weeks and as his failing health became more evident, we also realised that anything we needed to talk about would have to be ... Views: 1312
Finding success really simply a process of breaking the cycle and saying ‘I can change all of this for the better’ in a final determination to see your Self as being alright. Stay in touch with your I’m Okay Factor and lose that sense of a lost life or a hopeless dilemma. Regardless of where you ... Views: 1196
The past got us to where you we now but that doesn’t mean that our present has to decide our future. The external circumstances of our world do not determine the kind of person internally we are.
Everybody has a choice for change. Make your choice in the knowledge that you can be in a far ... Views: 1206
Success does not mean that every situation we encounter will result in monetary, personal or social gain, or whatever perception of ‘success’ we may have. It means that, even where the situation doesn’t look like it’s working out, we recognise the opportunity for a successful learning process ... Views: 1338
We have all already established an identity. Don’t be afraid to let this identity be up for change. In many instances we find ourselves adapting to situations, almost like being different characters in a play. This gives rise to the many faces of the one person, acting out different roles in ... Views: 2224
The whole experience of development and successful growth is not about going it alone and doing it all by yourself. It involves a Self-belief system of inclusion. Inclusion is a huge part of any personal or business development. Inclusion is simple and simple is successful.
The opposite of ... Views: 1328
Perception determines who we are.
Perception is a choice that offers options of how we want to view the world. We can choose to see nothing but a dangerous and frightening world or nothing but a friendly and happy world – or something in between.
Whatever way we decide to perceive the ... Views: 2220
Life has taught many of us to be naturally inclined to gravitate toward the negative, based on what we perceive as failure, loss and isolation. We then use the value we have assigned to our past experiences as a template for future decision-making.
When we begin to look beyond the historical ... Views: 1245
You can only think for your Self and when you become aware of how you justify your failure (or your absence of success) it’s time to examine how you can correct that (unless you want to stay in the loop of failure, which many people find far more comfortable, because they have become very ... Views: 1222
Begin each day by realising that you are for your Self. Be powerful in the presence of who you really are and what you want to be. Align your Self with your birthright, which is success. Fear comes from feeling inadequate and it’s quite natural for all of us to feel this way. It doesn’t mean ... Views: 1200