I was watching a heron fishing, she was searching for her next meal, her graceful, purposeful movements, unconsciously executed with great precision and yet effortlessly, but also with great focus and concentration. As I stood watching I wondered how big her universe was. As she was ... Views: 644
How would you like to find a method to drastically reduce your stress? One that is free (you already own all the equipment you need) and only takes a few minutes a day. And if this method not only helped you to relax but also increased your energy, improved your circulation and immune function, ... Views: 2457
All of our senses - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, gather information and send this information for processing to our brains. Our brains receive thousands of pieces of information every second. This is where your reticular activating system (RAS) comes in, your RAS is a small group of ... Views: 11258