Inner Growth is the force that awakens, grows, is fortified and mature in a very special way where each heart always has quite long moments that seem an eternity.
Thus, Inner Growth may seem to be an unattainable effort, it is not something simple, it is not as to read a book and to learn the ... Views: 4249
The great battles are not won by the arms. That would be too primitive: To kill in order to live belongs to the inferior kingdom.
If you want to reach success, recognition and self improvement, do not look for applause, which is only the noise of the street, a passing light that will soon be ... Views: 2007
What's the reason that at times, Love gets hurt, breaks? Why it gets sick, weakens, becoming anguish and desperation? Why? If Love is light that dissipates shadows, if it is warmth that melts ice, water that gives life to the earth and spaces where universes grow.
The answer is true, unique ... Views: 2015
Brief Thought
What sells the most in the world
apart from your knowledge,
is something very simple and pretty,
which is not difficult to offer.
It will give you great satisfaction.
Do you know what it is ?
Your Smile.
What is the reason, that we include a topic ... Views: 2189
A goal is not the end of the path. It is what bring us near and connects us to it. Besides, the goal carries many goals within since it is not only to reach that place but also to develop, sustain and totally identify with it. Maybe at some point, the goal seemed too distant but now it turned ... Views: 2185
The king got up and said: " My citizens are too relaxed, they sleep too much, they eat too much, they enjoy themselves too much and they have neglected me." He, then shouted at the top of his lungs, and somebody instantly appeared and said: " What does my lord the king want?"
The king answered: ... Views: 2048
It happened in a town, where the people decided to run a Santa Claus Contest; and men dressed as Santa Claus came from all the nearby places. Of course, in the stage the inevitable laugh: Ho Ho Ho could be heard. All the Santa Claus brought gifts for the persons who were present.
Well, the ... Views: 2921
The whole world celebrates with a big dinner, with many presents, with colorful lights. There is music, parties, there are many things: Abundance, generosity, sympathy, romance in the air, and so much happiness because the day of Love is celebrated.
Ladies and gentlemen, read with great ... Views: 2249
The man was wondering, who am I ? And two voices in unison, answered :
- You are a man who is always called to justice, peace, good and eternity.
But another voice said : - You are the dream of a dream. You are the son of desire. You love to have pleasure just because you want to please ... Views: 1775
The Superior Power has established the laws for a perfect equilibrium. The order and balance of nature must not only be external, but also internal. And it is here where Good plays a fundamental role, since it is not only theory, but also practice. And is not only desire and intention, but also ... Views: 3364
There are topics that in accordance with its purity are extremes of the same condition. There are so opposed as day and night.
The topic is submissiveness. In its most strict sense, it is commitment, loyalty, surrender. It is also the participation without self questioning. The submissive ... Views: 2309
Things happen sometimes and may seem not to have a clear explanation. This story may resemble fantasy for some and reality for others:
It all happened a very special day, a terrible day, when the battle between two armies was coming to an end. At the same time, a natural disaster had happened ... Views: 3694
Forgiveness is one of the deepest and most intense spiritual manifestations. And from the spiritual perspective, it has to be completely honest, integral and absolute. It requires of a great effort and after this, follows the experience of conciliation and then balance and harmony.
Why is so ... Views: 1743
Meditation is always a source of renewal, vitality and peace.
Why is this possible? Well, it is possible because man, in truth, is not only a form, a thought or a thinker; he is much more. If we could see the universe as a whole and to reach the understanding of its absolute unity, we would ... Views: 875
Every person wants to receive unlimited abundance but very few seem to have access to this benefit. What is the reason and mystery? And in this legend, we asked then, to the one who received plenty and to the one who received little.
The first one said: - I asked to be able to Love because I ... Views: 2892
We reach the unreachable by making it happen little by little, is like walking in front of a dragon, waiting for the best conditions in order to walk very slowly in front of him. But in the path to success, what is the meaning of slowly? We are going to illustrate it here.
One of the most ... Views: 1419
Some persons think that happiness is found in tolerance. And this is important, but is only the first part. Since, is like saying :
I have two eyes on my face, one to see the good, and the other the bad. I have two hands, with one I try to do good, and with the other to do bad. I have two ... Views: 1226
Many persons have wondered if angels truly exist and which is their nature. We will try now, to understand this topic. The best known and evident foundation, of course, is that the angel is a messenger of God, who comes to fulfill an specific work; and who has the capacity and power to do it. ... Views: 1714
" The eyes of the soul cannot be seen. But they are known by intuition. According to the sensibility and purity of the heart "
The Spirit is vast and infinite. The totality of its life is inspired by the existing fullness of Divine Love. Therefore, its nature flows by the light of peace, ... Views: 1017
Mystic Healing Art is a profound instrument of meditation and abstraction, that takes us to a mystical experience, clearly defined, in which we learn to see that other spaces and times exist inside us. When we change the reference of the superior reality, then, we realize that this reality is ... Views: 1126
The child looked at the sky as trying to understand its meaning, dimension, depth. He had heard some stories, some happy and others sad. The happy ones said that the inhabitants of heaven were always joyful, as if the celebration would last forever. But he had also heard that heaven is the place ... Views: 4865
The mind is the bridge between matter and spirit. Matter, because of its characteristics, is mutable, variable, changing , perishable and subject to laws, characteristics, conditions, qualities or defects. The spirit is immortal, stable in an absolute way; does not change, does not transform. ... Views: 994
There is fragrance of roses, jasmines and violets in the air. The wind is charged with a sweet temptation which is more than fascination. There is also a diaphanous clarity in the atmosphere, which resembles the twilight of the afternoon and the luminous magic of the play of light and shadow ... Views: 941
In a very distant country in a forgotten town, lived a very poor family. They were so poor that they had the sky as the roof of the house.
One night, the owner of the small house, was watching the stars and saw a shining one and thought:
" Oh, how much, I would like to have one wish granted ... Views: 1064
The Spiritual Life is not something different, strange, hidden or fanatical.
It is the practice of freedom of consciousness and reason.
To give and example: A Deep Reflection follows:
Man is capable of making mistakes, maybe many. But he is also capable of amending them. Of repenting, asking ... Views: 862