Yesterday I was in a meeting where we were talking about prospecting and sales. One of the men shared a story about how he called a prospect to let them know he wouldn’t be calling again as they appeared to be very busy and he’d surmised the timing was bad. They responded to this message and he ... Views: 979
This is a time sensitive article in that, around the world, eyes and ears are following the story of the missing Malaysia flight – it’s been 2 weeks now since it has disappeared from the sky. This incident has caused me to stop and reflect on my own life, my business and my travel patterns. I ... Views: 979
I often refer to marketing and sales as ‘the dating game’ for entrepreneurs. For those of you who are actively in the dating scene, you’ll understand what I mean by that. The rest of you – well, I’m sure you can remember what dating was all about as you keep reading.
One of the challenges I ... Views: 926
People often make fun of me when I tell them about my #DWTS (Dancing with the Stars) twitter activities. And they wonder what Twitter has to do with growing my business.
I am the first to admit that I am a #DWTS ‘addict’, LOL – however, social media has played a large part in the growth of ... Views: 1212
I am often asked what I do, specifically, to generate revenue each and every day. A few years ago, I heard it said that when you focus the first hour of your business day on a revenue-generating activity, you can double your monthly revenue.
Well, I’m always up for that kind of challenge. ... Views: 1224
I apologize for the strong language – not usually in my repertoire- but I really did want to get your attention.
I am just so sick and tired of talking to people who don’t know how to make a decision! Aren’t you? So many people who call themselves entrepreneurs, who say they are serious ... Views: 1419
“Are you spending any time watching the Winter Olympics?” I am committed to watching the Games on TV because it is like a ‘Master’s’ program in Excellence!!
‘These athletes give it all they’ve got – for an opportunity to reach for the Gold!” Watching and listening to these Olympians gives me ... Views: 1034
“Are you any good at what you do?” This is a question I ask my clients regularly – particularly when they are discouraged or frustrated with the lack of results they are getting.
“What are you doing to master your skills?” This is the next question I ask – not only of my clients, but I ask ... Views: 1162
You really had to be there. In Atlanta – where I was the day it felt like the world was coming to an end. Severe winter weather hit and the city came to a total standstill.
From a Canadian’s perspective, it was no big deal. To the people of Atlanta, it was a living hell for at least 48 ... Views: 1172
I have always been an advocate (and participant) in professional development.
One of the questions I hear frequently from my clients and colleagues is ‘how do you manage to get things like that (professional development) into your busy calendar? Continuous learning, for me, is not optional ... Views: 1123
I often get asked how I managed to invest in my business a few years ago when I had no clients and was starting over. I know this kind of situation often feels like a ‘catch-22′ for many new entrepreneurs.
Let me put a disclaimer in here right away so that you know I am not a financial ... Views: 742
I wanted to pull back the curtain this week and share some of the challenges that I’ve been experiencing this month in my business.
I’m going to share them because I want you to understand that regardless of where you are in your business, whether it’s been a week, a month, a year, or ten, ... Views: 818
Have you ever seen the TV show “The Hoarders”? I’ve watched it a few times and, to be honest, felt like a hoarder in my own office when I am working on an intense project. There are files, papers, pens, post-it notes, note pads, etc. all over the place. Flip chart paper is on each and every ... Views: 889
‘How can you be so happy all the time?’ is a question I often get asked. Well, it’s not that I’m happy ALL the time – but, I can say, ……..most of the time. I believe that being, and feeling, happy is a habit.
We all know people who make ‘being miserable’ a daily habit, right? That’s not ... Views: 830
London. Phoenix. Rome. This has been my (travelling) life in the last 2 weeks. Wow – many of you say! How lucky you are, many of you also say.
No doubt about it that I ‘get to’ travel to some incredible places in my life as an entrepreneur. And yes, there are many ‘up-sides’ to all ... Views: 861
It’s ok to BE intimidated – but it’s not ok to STAY intimidated. This is an expression I heard time and time again from my mentor, Lou Tice. And it was brilliant advice.
I was a guest speaker recently at an event where I was scheduled to speak at the end of the day. That, alone, could ... Views: 827
Did you think that having your own business would be a ‘cake walk’? Do you find yourself making comparisons to others in business and wondering why you aren’t doing better? You are not alone! This is so very common, especially for those new to the business world.
There really is only ONE ... Views: 893
Does the fear of failure ever hold you back? Have YOU ever talked YOU out of doing something YOU wanted to do – because you feared failure? You’re not alone. This is almost a phenomenon among women entrepreneurs.
Last weekend, I took time to sit and read the October issue of Success ... Views: 982
Have you ever felt overwhelmed as a new entrepreneur? You know – those moments, when you are behind your computer wondering where the heck do I begin? It typically hits you on a Monday morning as the whole week looms ahead of you.
For those of you NOT working with a Business Coach, this can ... Views: 820
So many entrepreneurs are confused about what they need to succeed. It’s a website. No, it’s a new package. No, it’s a book.
Actually, to succeed in business and in life, you need critical thinking skills – a powerful mindset!
The way we think can either make us or break us. . I ... Views: 844
How many of you just love to read books?
I know I do. They open up the world to me and I can get lost in the pages of a book for hours and hours. Business books and autobiographies are my favorite.
“People who say they don’t have time to read simply don’t want to.” – Julie Rugg, A Book ... Views: 885
Congratulations! You’ve joined the ranks of successful entrepreneurs who work with a business coach. For many of you, for whom this is a new experience, you’re now asking yourself: “Now what?”
That’s pretty normal, just so you know. What people don’t often tell you is HOW to work ... Views: 892
I know that many women entrepreneurs work really, really hard in constant efforts to achieve more. I am often asked about my approach to this.
The one habit that has served me well, both in good times and in bad times, has been to have an attitude of gratitude. With Canadian Thanksgiving ... Views: 747
“If you ever watch ‘Dragon’s Den’ (on Canadian TV) or ‘Shark Tank’ (on U.S.A. TV), then you know that there are some simple rules for success. I had the pleasure of hearing one of the ‘dragons’ speak at a luncheon recently and want to share his tips for success with you. Jim Treliving kept it ... Views: 883
“Well, it all just looks so simple!” Don’t you just love it when people say that to you about something you’ve been working on for close to a year?
I love that statement because it means that I have pulled it off – I have done a great job and people have had an incredible experience. Here, ... Views: 859
As a woman entrepreneur, who seriously intends to succeed in business, attending live events is a MUST-DO activity! It is simply the best way to make connections and develop the know-like-trust factor.
If you are one of those people sitting at your desk thinking and believing that prospects ... Views: 947
Want to reach more people in your business! Is it time to step out in a bigger way? Well, one of the best ways I know, to grow your business and grow your list, is to host a live event.
This is not something that comes together over night. One of the reasons I am successful when it comes ... Views: 791
Are you working in clutter in your office? Have you actually moved to a different working space just so you can spread out, breathe, think and function effectively?
When there is chaos on the inside, there is chaos on the outside. For me, I always know I am facing a challenge of some kind ... Views: 808
Did you think it would be ‘easy’ having your own business? I was driving through a small business area of town last week and commenting to my friend that many people just have absolutely NO idea what it takes to have a business and to succeed in business.
There are so many misconceptions ... Views: 915
I am often surprised when I get the question: ‘what is a list’?! It’s interesting how much we assume as entrepreneurs when we are talking to each other.
Back ‘in the day’, we used the term database – and that’s all it is. It’s your rolodex – it’s your contact – it’s your network. In this ... Views: 767
It was so obvious – I didn’t fit in! I was in Baltimore to speak at a business conference. When I arrived at the Hilton, I had no idea what I had stepped in to.
There were hundreds and hundreds of others at the front desk of the hotel – but it was clear they were not there for business. ... Views: 796
For many people, the day after Christmas Day is often a ‘let-down’. It seems like the hurry, the pressures, the deadlines, the joy, the gifts, the food – all that which leads up to Christmas just goes away after midnight – poof!
Well, the very same thing happens in our business. When you ... Views: 849
Have you ever turned down an opportunity because you were afraid? This has happened often in my life because of my fear of water and, no doubt, this translates into many areas in the life of an entrepreneur.
Well, this past week, I had a situation come up which included a ‘water experience’ ... Views: 923
“What is it you do?” This was a question I asked repeatedly of the entrepreneurs at our Increase Sales and Profits workshop this week.
“And why do I care?” Yes, I am that blunt when it comes to understanding the introduction being made by entrepreneurs at networking events, or workshops, or ... Views: 818
“Why does it always feel so hard?” One of my clients said this to me last week when we were talking about what it takes to grow a business. Have you ever felt this way?
Then I say to you – you’re doing it all wrong. Yes, growing a business can be hard work – in the words of my mentor, Larry ... Views: 831
At my workshop last week, many of the women entrepreneurs spoke about their frustrations when it comes to attracting ideal clients. They said they wanted to learn whatever it takes to make more money. And yet, on follow-up phone calls with most of them, I learned the real truth.
They say one ... Views: 956
I not only HEARD that expression a lot in the past week, but I LIVED it. When is the last time you GAVE first or are you stuck in the scarcity mentality? It’s the old ‘I can’t because……….”
The experiences I had last week stretched me in many ways. Like many entrepreneurs, I strive to ... Views: 788
“No one can do ‘it’ better than me.” Have you ever said that to yourself? Wonder why your business is not growing and thriving?
“It takes so much time to train someone”. Well, yes it does, LOL. And it’s worth it.
Entrepreneurs are control freaks. I am – you are – we all are. And that’s ... Views: 889
“I’ve done everything I can to grow my business! I don’t know what else to do.” Have you ever felt that way, especially as the summer months loom ahead?
As an entrepreneur, it’s normal to feel stuck at times. No one is ‘on’ all the time. There are days and there are times when most of us ... Views: 824
“It’s summertime – and the living is easy. Time to wind down for a few months since no one does any business in the summer.” – I hear that statement from so many women entrepreneurs – it makes me crazy!
In the words of my coach, Suzanne Evans, ‘are you a hobby owner or are you a business ... Views: 786
Have you ever heard the expression ‘keep it simple, sweetie’? There is gold in them there words, LOL!
Keep it simple has become my new mantra. I know that I have been guilty of complicating things and that’s a problem. It’s a problem when it comes to marketing, to networking, to helping ... Views: 823
Are you so bogged down in the daily detail of your business that you can’t breathe some days? Do you find yourself looking at the clock at the end of the day and wondering what you’ve accomplished?
Of course you have! We all have – and that’s your first clue when it comes to making the ... Views: 825
How many of you feel very alone in your business? Your family doesn’t have a clue what you do. Your friends think you’ve ‘lost it’. And there are days when you feel so isolated and lonely that you, too, wonder if it’s worth it.
I know – I’ve been there! The first year I moved across the ... Views: 921
Have you ever returned from an event or a workshop feeling totally overwhelmed with all the information? When that happens then, typically, nothing happens. We are in a state of paralysis!
I’ve developed a very simple process for getting things done! I’m a simple gal – and that’s what works ... Views: 771
I was attending a live event in Orlando recently and, boy, did I get ticked off! At the same time, I felt a deep sadness for many entrepreneurs who were there – all with good intentions – but with very bad ‘event etiquette’, as I call it.
When you are invited to someone’s event, it’s their ... Views: 800
“How do you stay so motivated?” I get that question a lot and I can easily understand why many entrepreneurs lose their motivation on a regular basis.
First of all, I believe it’s human nature. Nobody is motivated ALL the time. And if they tell you that they are, then they are lying.
I ... Views: 911
“I don’t know what I want.” So, how can I set any goals? I have been hearing that over and over and over as I speak at different events for women in business.
In my signature keynote, I speak about ‘7 Steps to Growing Your Business By Getting Out of Your Own Way!” That content is only ... Views: 1011
“I’m scared to death!” Have you ever felt that way as you grow your business? I know that many of you look at the ‘successful’ entrepreneurs and tell yourselves that it’s easy for ‘them’.
Are you kidding me? I do hear that a lot when people learn that I’ve taken my business from sub-zero to ... Views: 856
“Nothing is happening!” I have been hearing this from so many entrepreneurs, from all parts of the country. My response right back is ‘What are YOU making happen?”
Success isn’t a magic pill. There is no magic wand. It is hard work, a daily effort, a full time job!
Here’s what I think is ... Views: 899
I trust that all of you have had the opportunity to read the phenomenal book “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!” by Susan Jeffers. If not, then you need to get your hands on a copy today. It will become a live-saving reference as you grow your business.
All of us have experienced fear at some ... Views: 1250