We’ve had some turbulent economic times lately, for sure. As I write, unemployment is at its highest level in twenty-six years. To give you some idea of how sales have softened: one of my dear friends was recently told by her employer that they were easing her out the door in three hours, after ... Views: 969
I’m celebrating today, and I figuratively invite you to lift a glass of champagne with me. I just put the last nail into the project, El Nuevo Piense y Hágase Rico, the Spanish translation of The NEW Think And Grow Rich.
I dispatched the translated autoresponder series off to my webmasters ... Views: 1304
I was in a Reno airport when I first heard the news. I had an immediate gut reaction. Looking at the newspapers I saw the headlines announcing Superman was dead. He was a great actor. He was of my generation, and he was important to us. And then there’s something else, he was my exact age. The ... Views: 1229
The poet wrote, “There’s a destiny that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will.” I’ve lost several friends and family members, good friends in the internet community, father-in-law recently. Sad. We all will die.
Then I happened to be looking through photo albums, family albums. Oh, all ... Views: 1097
Confidence is an inside job. You've got to have confidence to achieve anything. And by the way, confidence makes you feel powerful yourself, but that message is communicated to others, too. Confidence is the greatest trait of a leader. Confidence makes people popular; confidence makes others ... Views: 1258
That's three I know about in the last three days.
Now, I very seldom take a public political position—although as you may know, I'm an iconoclast and I'm pretty much against what's normal. But that's in general.
But on the immigration issue, I've got close connections. Of course, I’m NOT ... Views: 1209
As I prepare the audio version of this article, the time is 4:03 a.m. I'm on my way to the airport, heading to Panamá. I just wanted to make a few notes on this political situation with Immigration. One of the reasons why I can comment on this is because I am half-Latino, I guess you'd call it, ... Views: 1304
I sent an article out recently, and I had one of the beautiful people on my subscriber list write me back. She happens to be a practicing psychic, and so she gave me a message, apparently because she was touched with the depth, the profoundness of the article.
The basic message was that she ... Views: 1316
I caught the papers traveling in the UK recently, and oh, God rest his soul, a banker/businessman, Hywel Jones, from North Wales was shot in the Bahamas. He was working in the Bahamas—that's where his office is—and was shot two times at close range when he came to work at 9:30 a.m. The article ... Views: 2614
Delayed gratification. That's a phrase that few people like to hear—we are the "give it to me and give it to me now" generation. Literally, we don't often think along the terms of "grow” rich. We want to start a business and have it do what Google did. Everybody wants that. But can you plan on ... Views: 1700
Position yourself for a market recovery.
Hey come on—don't buy into the prevailing sentiment. This is the stuff that Getty and Rockefeller talk about. When 80% of the people think everything is going to get worse and it's crashing, and there's no light at the end of the tunnel, when 80% of ... Views: 1132
There is a problem with our educational system, which could be solved by introducing one text That text, by George S. Clayson, is The Richest Man in Babylon.
There's a reason why nobody receives financial education in the public school system. It's because they don't want you to have it. It's ... Views: 1336
Delayed gratification. That's a phrase that few people like to hear—we are the "give it to me and give it to me now" generation. Literally, we don't often think along the terms of "grow” rich. We want to start a business and have it do what Google did. Everybody wants that. But can you plan on ... Views: 1666
Position yourself for a market recovery.
Hey come on—don't buy into the prevailing sentiment. This is the stuff that Getty and Rockefeller talk about. When 80% of the people think everything is going to get worse and it's crashing, and there's no light at the end of the tunnel, when 80% of ... Views: 1077
There is a problem with our educational system, which could be solved by introducing one text That text, by George S. Clayson, is The Richest Man in Babylon.
There's a reason why nobody receives financial education in the public school system. It's because they don't want you to have it. It's ... Views: 3138
I had a guy who embezzled several hundred thousand dollars from me. I'm not going to go into the specifics of the situation, but because of the fact that he did it to some other people, the law may still settle the score differently than things look right now. I have no idea.
This I do know. ... Views: 1137
Let's talk about seven secrets to maximizing rewards in your business and your life. Let's focus on time and optimization, and let's start where we've got to start.
Secret #1—All things being equal among the normal run of humanity, nobody has any advantage over you. Now, God bless 'em, there ... Views: 1155
Today, you get a special marketing message from the insights of Ted Ciuba as a direct response marketer.
What does that mean? Basically, it means that I put the message out to the masses as much as I can—I want everybody to know what's happening. And then, those who respond I work with more ... Views: 1105
Have you ever been involved in a strength training regimen? If you have, you'll know what I'm saying to be the truth. It's that they talk a lot about, and teach a lot about, and practice, repetitions. They practice stepping it up—so that the next time, you can do more.
They talk about adding ... Views: 1504
I didn't write it, but I would like to have written it. I'd like to take credit for it, but it's from the Early to Rise newsletter. I just got an email from them, and the subject line—which of course is the title—is, "Why You Need a Little More Evel Knievel in You."
It's always a sales ... Views: 1135
Have you ever done a perfect pushup? I mean a perfect pushup. You see, for millennia of humanity, there was the pushup. I think you know exactly what I'm speaking of—that's when you get down on your toes and hands—that's the regular style—and some people do it with their knees and hands, facing ... Views: 1223
Jim Rohn is one of the true greats in the motivational field. Let's look at one little quote of his right now:
"What we ponder, and what we think about, sets the course of our life. Any day we wish, we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish, we can open a book that will ... Views: 1793
Believe in your success. Believe with all your heart and soul. That's Principle #2 in The NEW Think and Grow Rich—Faith! Because when you believe in your cause, in your mission, in the fact that you will be successful, why of course you have the confidence to move forward confidently.
Of ... Views: 1514
Recently, I was talking to fellow entrepreneur, Wendy Robbins, about autosuggestion, one of the more powerful principles I teach in The NEW Think and Grow Rich.
Principle #11 teaches that the thinking The NEW Think and Grow Rich philosophy is based on is complete and throughout your whole ... Views: 2366
Today I want to talk about the Formula for Riches. It's made up of six steps. I talk about this in Chapter 1 of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, because it's that important. It starts with Desire—and this is where a lot of people completely miss the boat.
A few years back I was at a Christmas ... Views: 1277
You know, when people ask about the Law of Attraction, I tell them, "Oh yeah, it's definitely the truth." But what confuses a lot of people is that they picked up on this one law, and somehow believed it was the whole truth.
Now, you know better than that. There are myriad laws operating. ... Views: 1460
You can compare being successful with playing a game. Let's take a football game—whether American-style or soccer-style, it doesn't really matter. You know, that's a game where you have to be good to compete at the higher levels, and where you take it seriously.
And you know, the interesting ... Views: 1137
There are some people you can't lie to, because they've got the goods on you. For instance, how do you lie to your banker about how much money you're really making, how much business you're doing, how well you're managing the financial affairs in your business?
There's an interesting story I ... Views: 1112
When you see someone, when you meet someone, when you interact with someone, when you get a chance to look at someone who has done what you want to do, whoosh, you have an amazing belief change—because you can see that it is possible. Now, I don't mean people out there. Because we know there are ... Views: 1297
It was one failure after another. I bounced around in any job I could get for years. I yearned to tread the road to riches. But, after years in the work force, I looked up, and still, I was in a job that I didn't like—broke, barely getting by.
It was at that time I found the book called Think ... Views: 1019
I like to ask people what it is that they that want in their life. I mean, here's what a seminar offers you: the BMW or Bentley that you want or whatever it is; the house or castle. It offers you the ability to write a check for your children's education instead of sweating, taking notes, and ... Views: 1307
All my life, I had been a little bit envious of the success that I saw that others clearly had and I didn't have. And of course it was justified in my circles and my family, and we were taught it was good, religiously, to be poor. God loved the poor people but not the rich ones, you know… “It’s ... Views: 1097
It's fairly well known in motivational circles and sporting circles… The story of Roger Bannister, the first person to break the four minute mile - or as they say it in the track and field arena, to run the sub-four minute mile.
What a lot of people don't know is what went on to make that ... Views: 1093
There's a person who does some work for me—getting specific, she does transcriptions for me—who off and on has done it for years. We've been creating product all this time… Of course, most of it earlier was Internet-related, and she came right along with that.
And now, most of what I do is ... Views: 1132
Today, folks, I want to share some more of the inspiring words of my friend, marketing legend Glenn W. Turner!!...
"The first thing to remember is that you have to go to seminars. What changed my life was not listening to my neighbors and my friends, my father, my mother, and the people in my ... Views: 1159
I was broadcasting in the company of several legendary marketers… Really, a dream come true…
And it came my turn to comment on “enthusiasm”. And while I have much to say on the topic and your weal-being, HoloMagic in the moment had gifted us with the company of a very special achiever, so I ... Views: 1084
There is a lot of misunderstanding in the marketplace that I'm involved in, and I get people all the time who tell me, "Listen, I don't want to learn about mindset.
"I want to learn about the stock market, I want to learn how to trade options, I want to learn about Forex, I want to learn ... Views: 1840
Any way you look at it, most people are failures. You know, there's the 80/20 rule, which some people correctly say is really the 90/10, or really 95/5. All this is true. I definitely agree with you.
Most people are failures—like if you believe the oft-touted Social Security System study. I ... Views: 2061
I was talking to Nik Halik the other day—Australian, adventurer, investor, trader, multi-millionaire. We were talking some business strategies, and I invited him onto my radio show, The NEW Think and Grow Rich radio, and we did an interview.
I have read his book, which I highly recommend: The ... Views: 1239
It was just one of those little things that happen at a good meal. Comments—you know, we all share them. It really didn't mean anything, other than the fact that it did give me a moment to think.
I was having lunch with a very, very close female friend and we've kind of, as they say, grown ... Views: 1119
Todos los tiempos. For you who are not fluent in Spanish, todos los tiempos means—o significa, as they say—all the time, all the times. And really, what I want to talk about today is just an example of how we really want to live life to the max. I'm going tell you the story of a seven-year-old ... Views: 1284
What are you gonna say? I was caught between a rock and a hard place the other day. It was with a person I've got a certain debt with that I've been working with—which is a business debt. No issue, cash flow management, the rest of the stuff—but we've never called him and said, "Hey, it's tough ... Views: 1140
The professor had the graduate students that were his aides bring in a table. Then he had them bring in a big glass fish tank. It was pretty big, about five to six feet long and about four feet high. Then he had them bring in the pike, which is a carnivorous fish—and then bring in the ... Views: 6124
This article came about because of a lady who was considering enrolling in a coaching program that I offer for a coaching, consulting, training business.
And listen, here's what she was saying… The times we're in, you're hearing it everywhere. "Well, my husband got laid off unexpectedly four ... Views: 1089
In The Richest Man in Babylon, George S. Clason tells a story. And so it comes along one day when the middle-aged chariot maker, Bansir, is tired and can't quit working. He's built a linear income. And there's the lyre player, Kobbi.
Kobbi's coming up the hill with lyre in hand, going to do ... Views: 1056
We've each got our favorite periods of history we identify with, and our favorite personages and activities. And one of my favorites, from early childhood—the very first things I remember reading in depth, so I had to be in the first, or presumably, the second grade—were the stories of Sir ... Views: 1142
So often we hear the "But I don't have money!" cry. Well, neither did Colonel Sanders. He wasn't traveling around the country in his 60s trying to sell his chicken recipe and sleeping in his car because he wanted to sleep in his car. He was sleeping in his car because he had no money.
Social ... Views: 1139
People often ask me, "How long will it take to be successful?" Well, that's a good question, and a lot of the people who ask me know that, in my particular case, it was less than three weeks. Less than three weeks after I attended a high-quality seminar that told people how work in the direct ... Views: 1187
Let me tell you about two men that I knew through two Panamanian women. One man had been married 53 years to his lovely bride. When he died suddenly from a heart attack, he left her in good stead, with insurance policies, money in the bank and investment accounts. There were no unpaid bills, no ... Views: 1247
I'm a talk show radio host-that's a piece of information. The question today pertains to this: “Why would anybody pay for a coach?”
Well, I do want to share with you that I'm really a rather recent talk show host. I have had a show before that was broadcast on the radio, and I have been on ... Views: 1267