Opposing Polarities May Cooperate With Each Other Or They Conflict To Varying Degrees
Fluidity is the answer to all confusing statements. Fluidity is the key to wisdom.This article will discuss fluidity, its meaning and use.
If to you, for example, conflict means opposing, that indicates ... Views: 1233
To me, nothing is certain so I always think in terms of trying.
I will try to work in a new profession, I will try living in a new country, I will try being in a relationship, I will try to live another day a little better than the last.
The idea is that I know nothing is certain and it is ... Views: 1149
The meaning of Eastern in this article derives from a combination of the original teachings of the Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Sufism, and others as understood by me but does not mean to imply that all people in the east are this way, just the teachings. The western way is traditional ... Views: 2202
Our emotions have a powerful effect on our body, giving it all sorts of stress related illnesses.
Our mind creates our emotions. What we think is happening is the beginning of our emotional responses. Emotions begin with an event that we interpret, thus all emotions begin with the thoughts ... Views: 1501
When anyone asks; ‘How are you?’I am always well. The secret to always being happy is to have nothing you want to do. This is the essence of the Buddhist teaching that all suffering is caused by desires. The more we desire, the more we suffer, either through lack of what we desire or fear of ... Views: 1226
Many people hate money because our life is controlled by it. That is valid and true, but for every negative there is a positive, and the positive side of being controlled by money is what I would like to discuss.
The most important part of achieving a happy life is eliminating all negative ... Views: 1160
Buddha is famous for the saying; “Life is suffering and desires are the cause of suffering.” I have spent my life working on eliminating desires, and of course, it is not possible for a human being to eliminate all desires. We will always have something we want, or need.
At the same time, I ... Views: 1194
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment, Buddha
There are three things which rule our lives; desires, fears of all types and, regrets for mistakes, missed opportunities and decisions that just went wrong.
A life lived without ... Views: 1125
Many people would like to be more present, awake, aware, as well as financially successful and equally importantly, have better relationships with someone who is actually ‘there’.
In my years of trying to teach people how to attain these qualities I have been met with constant resistance to ... Views: 1118
Not caring is an empty, dead feeling. Not being concerned is a very alive vibrant feeling that can come by keeping the awareness in the chest with no other thought, fully present. One is full and the other is empty.
For this to be a full feeling, training and practice of repeating a word ... Views: 1079
The concept of splitting the bill when out with your friends for a meal or coffee for example, each paying for themselves, is a terrible thing because it robs us of the joy of giving and joy of receiving. Not only the joy is lost, but there is a far more insidious problem that invades our ... Views: 1487
This article is about how to increase your awareness, learning how to hold your tongue, to not say the wrong thing and, not stick your foot in your mouth. All this is achieved by removing selfish desires.
You may not realize how much of your life is ruled by very subtle but powerful selfish ... Views: 1508
Many people get the feeling that everything in life is just an empty waste of time, totally futile. So much of our time spent on empty interactions, work to make money just to pay taxes and survive, etc. is just a waste of time an effort, given the inevitable end.
This is a very depressing ... Views: 1285
Many people get the feeling that everything in life is just an empty waste of time, totally futile. So much of our time spent on empty interactions, work to make money just to pay taxes and survive, etc. is just a waste of time an effort, given the inevitable end.
This is a very depressing ... Views: 9129
These nine principles are a basic outline that you can memorise and keep with you as a guide to how you have conducted your day.
Review them at the end of the day to see if you have followed them and then try again tomorrow.
1 Do what is in front of you immediately. Take care of all ... Views: 1759
Have you ever been, or talked to someone who is clearly upset and when asked; “What’s wrong?” insists that nothing is wrong?
The more you probe, the more they resist. There is clearly something wrong but they will not open up. You write it off as being emotionally closed and eventually give ... Views: 1327
We often confuse our emotions with what we think they are as opposed to what they really are. This misinterpretation of our feelings to the opposite will keep us limited as this process most often interprets a wise emotion or intuition as a weak emotion or fear as we try to identify and explain ... Views: 1212
Is the difference between being open and closed emotionally simply being focused or preoccupied? Maybe we are just too preoccupied with the stresses and problems of life to be able to relax our mind enough and that is partially what prevents our ability to feel and connect.
Feeling your heart ... Views: 1909
Not everyone, but many people, have a level of guilt, insecurity or self-consciousness, a general unease and discomfort around other people. This article is about the cause and thus how to release guilt and attain emotional freedom. The key is at the end of the article, but you need to read the ... Views: 1277
Insecurity, fear, inhibitions, lack of self-confidence and freezing up are some common plagues. Feeling great then all of a sudden feeling down, a spontaneous emotional drop in mood and energy, or any emotional swings without significant cause is another painful condition for many ... Views: 1226
There is a great power in the concept of the law of attraction, which has also been expressed in terms such as ‘magnetic centre’, ‘attractive force’, ‘the power of the mind’, and many others.
The danger of the modern concept of the law of attraction (loa) is that it professes that you have ... Views: 1567
The most attractive is of course enlightenment, spiritual realization, self-knowledge or anything in that direction. Promise of this draws many people, and although it would be wonderful to have a large following, I will not claim to have achieved or promise something I cannot deliver.
What I ... Views: 1218
Many people suffer from the past of what their parents did to them, the negative events of their childhood etc. The purpose of this article is to present the reason why it is hard to release the past and end the perpetual limitations and suffering.
The concept of forgiveness rarely works, as ... Views: 1910
Many people are hindered by procrastination, and have no idea why they do it. There doesn’t seem to be any logic or reason as to the cause of putting things off, but it is almost impossible to get the simplest task done.
My theory is that the problem lies in the aspiration of perceived ... Views: 1724
Right and wrong are a matter of personal opinion, this is the definition of morals. Your morals define what is right or wrong for you.
If you do things you feel are wrong, but then convince yourself it is acceptable or divert your attention from feeling what you did is wrong, that takes ... Views: 1260
Many people are looking for a spiritual teacher, an enlightened being who can help them progress in their spiritual growth or path to enlightenment. Some jump from one teacher to another being perpetually dissatisfied, or maybe they find one teacher they like and stay there for the rest of their ... Views: 1272
We all suffer from a heart that is closed, either a little or a lot, and we spend our life trying to avoid being aware of this, but it is always there in the back of our mind. This article will take the article; “How To Find What You Really Are” a little further.
Our activities and desires ... Views: 1794
If you observe yourself, you will discover that all you are is an emotional feeling. It could be positive or negative, love, anger or hatred, it changes frequently, but ultimately we are nothing more than emotional feelings.
Are not all your thoughts and actions an expression of your ... Views: 1307
“...From very young, we are taught to ask questions,
so we keep asking until we find answers…”
This is a quote from Nobel prize winner, Dan Shechtman, in response to being asked why there are such a high percentage of Jewish nobel prize winners compared to any other race. This is not an ... Views: 1413
I post articles on a few sites, one of which is http://ezinearticles.com. They give me a report of how many views each of my articles gets and the keywords that were used to find it. This has been a very interesting report.
The article that was viewed more than double any other article was ... Views: 1560
I have spent a couple of months visiting my father and I have come to see some very disturbing things about not just myself, but how our personality, and thus our life, is formed and lived.
As anyone who has spent enough time reflecting on their character and seeing their flaws (we all have ... Views: 1511
Things are not often what they appear and, what they clearly are at the time, is not always what they turn out to be in the future.
Often, a wonderful safe and enjoyable childhood leads to difficulties in adult life. While we grow up, our fragmentation is formed based on certain experiences. ... Views: 1677
I have experienced too many times and have heard from so many other people about conversations that went inexplicably wrong. You may meet someone, have a conversation, even by text or email, and all of a sudden with tremendous ease and agility that you had no idea you possessed, your foot ended ... Views: 1449
With all the uproar about how the world is changing to conform with the demands of immigrant Muslim demands, I felt it was the right time to make a statement. Feel free to distribute this article as you wish.
There are many examples such as creating special time slots for swimming pools and ... Views: 2726
Everything in the universe works in some pattern. Everything has a logic and pattern of its own.
The trick is to find the pattern of what you are studying. This could be so different than anything you can logically perceive, which makes it very difficult to find.
If you can remove your ... Views: 2275
Self-mutilation, or other means of self-inflicted pain, physically, mentally or emotionally, are common to everyone. Everyone finds some way to inflict one form of pain or another on themselves, and we all wonder why.
One young person told me that the reason she liked piercing was because it ... Views: 1701
The title of this article is a basic principle of Buddhist teachings. The common interpretation is that unfulfilled desires cause pain and suffering. This is very easy to understand, that desires themselves are the cause of suffering and we have to remove all desires to end ... Views: 1696
Adab is the foundation stone of developing the essence of ones being such that one can grow in an opening manner to receive ever increasing wisdom using the inverted pyramid as the analogy. As the pyramid continues to grow, it gets wider and wider until it is so wide it can encompass all things ... Views: 2696
People who fight for preservation of a species, often neglect what preservation of life requires, which is in many cases, the end of another life.
Humans are the only creature who can choose an alternate food source. Lions cannot become vegetarians as much as elephants can become ... Views: 3632
Deadlines are a natural part of the universe. There is no need to get stressed and resist them.
In the Kybalion, one of the Hermetic laws is; As above, so below. This is to say that within the larger, there is a smaller version of the larger. The microcosm is in the macrocosm, etc.
If ... Views: 1566
Intuition is basically information about what is going to happen, which has nothing to do with what you want to happen in your life or at the moment. What blocks you from hearing the voice of perfect intuition is your ego and your desires. If you are trying to hear your intuition, but you have a ... Views: 2354
Having boundaries is tantamount to not truly being open. Basically, anyone who ever says they want to set boundaries is a selfish person because those boundaries are the rules you set up on how other people have to treat and interact with you. That is the point of a boundary.
You may justify ... Views: 1280
All things come from seeds, all plants and living beings, eggs are seeds.
If every thing originates from a seed, and thoughts and emotions are things, then thoughts too, come from seeds. The proof that thoughts and emotions are real things is in their effect on our physical body. Don't ... Views: 1314
This is an excellent exercise to attain an objective detachment to events and retain a freedom from being negatively emotionally effected.
The exercise is;
Do not say anything that will not serve a useful purpose.
Most often, when someone says something that is wrong, we jump at the ... Views: 1732
It is not true, in my experience, that a person’s thoughts or energy can effect another person. The way they APPEAR to effect you is by your sharing the thought. You can find happiness in ending negative emotions by seeing their true source.
If I hate you and you sense it somehow, you know I ... Views: 1501
If this were my last day alive and I was asked what I discovered in a lifetime of searching for Truth, I would have to say that the Beatles were correct, all you need is love.
But life is not that simple, and in fact, if all we need is love, then why is love so elusive? Why do we live in a ... Views: 1627
All religious and spiritual practices ultimately serve one purpose; to reflect on who you are as a human being by discovering the true nature of your personality. The method I present to you here allows us to discover who we truly are rather than who we think we are. With the discovery of the ... Views: 1518
This article questions of validity of reincarnation and explores a deeper meaning to the concept. Here, I shall show how the concept is true and false at the same time by exploring another level of its implications in ones pursuit of personal growth and finding happiness.
The concept of ... Views: 2236
Feeling inferior prevents you from finding happiness and can make anyone overdo proving that they are adequate or superior rather than accept the reality that they simply are not perfect or perhaps even capable of doing the particular task. We are all less than someone else, and more than ... Views: 1397
Continuing on from Part 1 of this article, the removal of pain brings pleasure and happiness. When you can see that mental pain is 100% in your mind due to your resistance of the state of things as they are, you cease to believe the illusion. At that moment, pain is gone and pleasure, or rather ... Views: 1415