How happy do you want to be? How happy will you allow yourself to be?
The beautiful and surprising thing is that we are mostly in charge of our own happiness: only 15% of our happiness depends on external events, according to studies. So the first happiness habit is to decide to be happy and ... Views: 1066
How can you achieve ideal work/life balance in a 24/7 world?
"There's no such thing as work life balance," declared Sheryl Sandburg recently, best-selling author of "Lean In." "There's work, there's life, and there's no balance."
What do you think?
What are your thoughts about Yahoo ... Views: 1132
“Are you human or are you dancer?” ask the Killers in their hit song “Human”. My question to you today is are you human or are you zombie?
Being un-dead isn’t being alive. How fully alive are you really? Or are you living a bit of a zombie life, going through the motions, waiting for ... Views: 1239
You have to admit there's something special and a bit magic about New Year's Eve, about that betwixt and between moment when we're poised to end one year and start something ... Views: 1316
Many of you will know that I am passionate about how the Enneagram creates extraordinary self-awareness as a way to transform your life and your work in endless positive directions.
It's an incredibly dynamic and profound personality profiling framework that shows how your orientation to ... Views: 2208
As Walt Disney said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
What's possible for you? What's impossible that you want to be possible? What if you could make the impossible possible? You's an art.
I've been thinking a lot recently about what has been called one of the modern ... Views: 1912
Think of the words in Christmas carols: "glory shone around," calm, bright, peace, light, shine. Whether we focus on angels as guardians, heavenly messengers and intermediaries, or simply as inspiring symbols of qualities we aspire to, we are most likely to see them at Christmas time.
Angels ... Views: 1120
It's that time of year again... That time of year when we take time out, time away, time to enjoy nature and all of the beauty around us and within us. Whether we spend summer in the city or in Tuscany, we experience time differently. The summer gives us an inner summer experience of immersing ... Views: 1349
Type 8s are from Mars, type 4s are from Venus? They might as well be, considering the potential for misunderstanding between different Enneagram types.
The first point to understand is that we aren't wrong because we're different. If you would like to get a handle on each type, visit the ... Views: 1970
Maya Angelou writes that "you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
I can add a fourth thing to the list: you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles being stranded abroad and ... Views: 1402
What if today could be your first day ever of consciously choosing and creating happiness? The great news is...that it can. Whether happiness is a science or art, why not bring it back where it belongs, to your life and work at the present, rather than postponing it to some hypothetical future ... Views: 1198
As you count the ways you're grateful for your 2009, why not take some time out to reflect on how you want to feel this time next year? What do you want 2010 to be like for you?
If you consciously decide on what you want to achieve in 2010, you stand a much higher chance of making your dreams ... Views: 1116
Listen for your Call to Adventure
In a story, it's the moment when the hero or heroine is invited on a quest or journey, when the day-to-day routine of their ordinary life is interrupted by something disruptive, exciting, unsettling, different... It could be the hobbit, hearing a sudden knock ... Views: 2226
What comes to your mind when you picture a graceful surfer on the crest of a huge wave.....exhilaration, harmony, connectedness, balance, beauty? What if you could approach your life with the same qualities, poised and ready to catch your next wave and seize all the extraordinary opportunities ... Views: 1131
How much joy do you currently have in your life? Think 3 dimensionally! What might it take to feel you're moving closer to a destination that's right for you as a unique individual? As a life coach, I help people gain clarity on what kind of life and work will make them happiest. It's about ... Views: 1176
Increasingly, there's a whole range of interesting scientific studies in the area of positive psychology showing how and why coaching works. How does excellent coaching produce such profound and sustainable results? In my life and executive coaching practice, I find that using practical ... Views: 1383
What difference would it make to your life if your relationships, at home and at work, were based on mutual understanding and respect, where you inspire each other to be your best and enjoy the differences between you? The Enneagram is a powerful and still surprisingly little known approach to ... Views: 3698
"The Buried Life," by Matthew Arnold
This poem articulates the profound truths of our heart and soul, that often, sadly, bear so little relation to the superficial happenings and conversations of our days. It invites us to be true to who we really are, to share our genuine self with those we ... Views: 1218
How much joy do you currently have in your life? Think 3 dimensionally! What might it take to feel you're moving closer to a destination that's right for you as a unique individual? As a life coach, I help people gain clarity on what kind of life and work will make them happiest. It's about ... Views: 1744
How much joy do you currently have in your life? Think 3 dimensionally! What might it take to feel you're moving closer to a destination that's right for you as a unique individual? As a life coach, I help people gain clarity on what kind of life and work will make them happiest. It's about ... Views: 858
As I'm writing this afternoon, I'm half-reading Tennyson's "Ulysses," half-watching the New Orleans Saints play the San Diego Chargers at Wembley (on tv!) , and wholly reflecting on what to write to my lovely past, present, and future coaching clients that will inspire them amidst the daily ... Views: 1347
Increasingly, there's a whole range of interesting scientific studies in the area of positive psychology showing how and why coaching works. How does excellent coaching produce such profound and sustainable results? In my life and executive coaching practice, I find that using practical ... Views: 1047
"The time will come/ when, with elation,/ you will greet yourself arriving/ at your own front door, in your own mirror,/ and each will smile at the other's welcome , and say, sit here. Eat./ You will love again the stranger who was your self./ Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart/ to ... Views: 1434
One of my lovely executive coaching clients was recently invited to give a presentation on leadership and personal development to his international board of directors. Colleagues were aware of our coaching work and impressed with his own personal development and leadership, both of which are ... Views: 1141
Over the many years I've been coaching, my clients have achieved extraordinary personal and professional results through following the strategizing process outlined below, everything from changing career from one that bores to one that delights, gaining rapid promotion, turning a team (and ... Views: 1095
This poem articulates the profound truths of our heart and soul, that often, sadly, bear so little relation to the superficial happenings and conversations of our days. It invites us to be true to who we really are, to share our genuine self with those we love, even though it can be scary, ... Views: 982
Think about waking up in the morning knowing that you're going to be spending the day doing work you love, work that excites and fulfills you. Doesn't it feel like that wonderful beginning of summer or summer holiday feeling, or almost as good, anyway? Now think about work you've done in the ... Views: 1164