With the crisp mornings and even cooler evenings here in New England, it seems we are fast approaching the end of another year.
The leaves have changed colors. The sky has taken on its winter hue. The frenzy of the holidays are fast approaching with just a few more weeks until the beginning ... Views: 1913
Who are you really? I'm not asking what you are but rather WHO is that person deep inside of you…the one who shows up whether you want her to or not.
You are not just teachers, lawyers, social workers, managers, administrators, etc. These are labels that society uses to identify the work we ... Views: 2072
The first book I read by Erma Bombeck was "If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits". I was hooked after that.
And when her poem, If I Had My Life to Live Over came along, I was even more inspired by a woman who could write such a profound poem after being diagnosed with ... Views: 1855
There is so much in life we have little or no control over. You can't control the weather or the sun rising or setting but the good news is there are many other things that you absolutely CAN control. Here are some of them:
Letting Go of Expectations
Let go of the notion that you can ... Views: 2874
I often hear women say, "there's just not enough hours in the day", "where did the time go", "it seems the more I do, the less I get done" and my favorite, "I just need more time to get everything done".
Have you ever found yourself saying any of these things? Are you spinning your wheels ... Views: 2713
If you are not familiar with the term vision board, let me explain what it is. A vision board is simply a collage of images, quotes and affirmations of your goals and dreams pasted on poster board giving you a visual for what you want to attract into your life.
One of my dreams is to be ... Views: 3290
Wouldn't it be great if you had your own "Life Instruction Booklet?
If there were such a thing, you could browse through the index to find out exactly what to do in any given situation. You would then have a welcome guide to journey through life.
Unfortunately, there is no such booklet to ... Views: 2180
We all say we want more...
* more money
* more time
* more happiness
* more balance
* more clothes
And, the list goes on...
Have you made space for more in your life? When a container is full, you can't expect to add more to it without it overflowing. Have you made room to attract the ... Views: 2324
Any successful businessperson has taken a risk even when those around them may have tried to dissuade them. Donald Trump is a risk taker. Despite business setbacks, he did not allow fear and negativity to prevent him from becoming one of the most successful businessmen in America.
Oprah Winfrey ... Views: 5269
The famous poem by Marianne Williamson makes me think about how often we bury our aspirations under a bushel of self-doubt, insecurity, fear and procrastination. When we shrink, minimize and deny our strengths, talents and God given abilities, we shortchange ourselves and the world.
All of us ... Views: 2055
How often have you lost your focus, allowed others and circumstances to erode your confidence, lost your authentic voice in the midst of pleasing others, delayed pursuing your passion, and feel stuck in less that joyful lives? As women, we tend to push our dreams aside risking frustration, anger ... Views: 2296
How do you verbally express or demonstrate by your actions how you feel about yourself? Is your speech peppered with negative talk, self doubt and your behaviors sabotaging? If so, you will remain stuck and in a constant state of “overwhelm”, confusion, stress.
When you use words ... Views: 1494
Any successful businessperson will tell you she has taken a risk even when those around her may have advised against it.
Oprah Winfrey is a risk taker. When she moved from Baltimore to Chicago, she took a huge risk. More importantly, she believed enough in her talents, skills and abilities to ... Views: 916
How often have we lost our focus, allowed others and circumstances to erode our confidence, lost our authentic voice in the midst of pleasing others, delayed pursuing our passion, and feel stuck in less that joyful lives? As women, we tend to push our dreams aside risking frustration, anger and ... Views: 948
It’s official – summer is over! The vibrant green colors of warmer and brighter days are becoming a faint memory. When I look around now, I see a sharp contrast to the green of summer. I see vivid oranges, muted browns, burgundy reds, and tawny taupe’s emerging.
I’m reminded now how the ... Views: 930
Have you ever noticed a toddler in a sandbox when a parent moves away or out of her sight? Most of the time, the toddler will hold up her hands in a gesture to be taken out of the box or they will just sit there and cry. And for the more adventurous personalities, she may ... Views: 1039