When I first came across this mirror process in a workshop U.S Life Coach Debbie Ford, I really found it rather confrontational. Of course I had heard the old adage that ‘your life is like a mirror’, but what I hadn’t done is sit down and apply that to people in my life who really annoyed ... Views: 1609
didn’t. I thought loving myself was basically treating myself to a night out with friends or buying myself a hot new pair of shoes.
To be honest, it took me quite a while to really understand the whole concept of ‘loving myself’ and it was only then did it really start to have a profound ... Views: 1709
When I meet my clients for the first time, the majority of people actually know deep down what they SHOULD be doing, but they are not moving forward due to fear of what COULD happen. We often fear the worst if we change a habit or behavour fearing that other people won't like it or that we ... Views: 1299
Quick Tips to Boost YOUR Self Esteem.
1) Every morning, look in the mirror and affirm ' I am willing to learn to love myself'. You can do this when you are cleaning your teeth.
2) Buy yourself a journal and write down at least 20 achievements you have completed in your life. ... Views: 1651
Is this a typical working day for YOU?
6am Oh no, the alarm is going off and I have to get up. I can't face work today. I would rather stay in bed! I will just press the snooze button one more time.
7am Do I look ok? My hair is a mess. Why do I always look so terrible? I look so ... Views: 1948
1) When you wake in the morning, tell yourself that you are going to have a fabulous day.
2) Do your affirmation statements while you are in the shower or brushing your teeth. You can even laminate them and put them up in your shower.
3) If you walk or get public transport to work, repeat ... Views: 1102
Are you friendly towards yourself and treat yourself like your own
best friend? I doubt it!
Often we have more patience and kindness towards strangers that we
do to ourselves.
For most of us, we do not even realise when we chastise ourself,
think horrid things about our looks, ... Views: 1366
Choose Happiness
Most of wait for something great to happen in our lives before we put on the smile and feel happy! But really, happiness is a choice and why not make yourself happy rather than waiting for happiness to come to you?
Seriously, nobody is coming to save you so if you want ... Views: 1363
Why do so many businesses or individuals fail? Why is it that people do not all get what they want in life? Failing to plan can often mean planning to fail. Creating a plan means setting goals in your life. If you do not set goals you will not be very likely to succeed. Sure, there are some ... Views: 1195
Having too many negative thoughts can be harmful to not only your mood, but also your mental welfare. If you let things continue on a downward slide for too long it can also start to have a negative effect on your general health. Do not despair, because there are some simple things that you can ... Views: 1689
Do you want to know how to take charge and stay in a loving relationship? In today’s world everything is so fast paced that we tend to have short and shallow relationships with others. It can be very difficult to stay in a dedicated relationship when most people have such short attention spans. ... Views: 1661
It is well documented that meditation aids with stress relief and has other benefits too. It may sound impossible to suggest that time should be set aside for meditation to be part of your weekly schedule but by allocating enough time you actually can meditate for your well-being. No other ... Views: 1194
In many ways these are tough times we live in. I know a generation older than myself certainly believes that it’s harder for youngster today then it was for them and that there aren’t the same opportunities but at least we’re not in the trenches like many young men and male teenagers had to ... Views: 1280
Excuses are driven by fear and negative emotions that keep us from realizing our ambitions. That's why you need Excuse Busters! By learning to control these fears we need not make excuses. Being too busy is not an excuse, nor is not having the money or having the relevant qualification. That’s ... Views: 1321
Loving oneself is not something that is particularly easy. It can be difficult to take a look in the mirror and like what you can see. Low self-esteem can affect many people all over the world, but there are ways to beat it. You simply have to follow these easy steps and you will find out how to ... Views: 1211
Often, we all have one or two areas in our life where our hearts feel
heavy. This could be any area which is important to you. Your heart
could feel heavy with regards to relationships, finances, career or
perhaps family issues.
What if, for the next 4 weeks, we all took responsibility ... Views: 1676
Are you a born worrier? I think everyone would admit to being a worrier at one time, but some people worry a lot more than others
Once acquired, the habit of worrying can be difficult to stop. Often our parents teach has how to worry and society often dictates that if we don’t worry, then we ... Views: 1851
One of the most common complaint I hear from people is they feel tired, overwhelmed or their life is somewhat chaotic. One of the easiest ways to really take care of yourself is to become very careful and discriminative on how you choose to spend your time and energy. People’s diaries are often ... Views: 1714
Just as the world’s economy weakens the entire global economy, stress and anxiety can weaken your entire body so learning to deal with stress is an important part of maintaining your well being and protecting your health.
What is stress?
Stress is an emotionally disruptive or upsetting ... Views: 1615
It never ceases to amaze me how we continue to punish ourselves and hold onto resentments for things which have happened in the past. We carry these bad feelings around with us like painful baggage for years and years and often deny ourselves the life we truly deserve to live as deep down, we ... Views: 4228
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your self esteem? If it requires some improvement, then you are not alone! Most of us can acknowledge that our self esteem could do with a boost, but much of the time, we are not sure how to go about improving it.
In this newsletter, I am going to ... Views: 1745
A few years ago, I attended one of Debbie Ford’s ( No1 NY Times Best Selling Author and Self Development Expert) Shadow process workshops in New York. One of the biggest light bulb moments I had on this course was when Debbie led us through a process where we learned to accept that ‘ There are ... Views: 3391
Too often we allow our fears to prevent us from achieving our goals or living the life we truly want to live. Fears have no boundaries and differ from person to person. We can be fearful of anything ranging from relationships to rabbits! In this newsletter I am going to focus on facing our ... Views: 1348
Sometimes a goal looks so big, you can end up feeling overwhelmed and give up before you have even started! That is why it is so important to chunk your goal down to small manageable chunks and set yourself a target for completing each chunk.
So, say for example, you have set yourself an ... Views: 1351
Many people groan when the hear the word ‘ Goal Setting’ as it seems a unnecessary and dull process. I am going to share with you a fun, inspiration goal setting process which will keep you motivated and help you stay on track towards your goals. Setting a goal is really important and will ... Views: 2661
When we feel resentment we believe that someone, or something has wronged us in some way. When we feel resentful, we tend to feel negative emotions such as anger, spite, hurt and irritation.
Examples of Resentment include:
• Feeling angry against a person or group of people whom you feel ... Views: 8338
It is impossible to remove all Fear from our lives. Fear is a natural emotion and we are all human – It is normal and natural to experience some degree of fear in our lives. We can feel fear for many different reasons including the following:
• Fear of doing something new
• Fear of the ... Views: 1433
I thought I would share with you some insights and life lessons which have been useful for me on my own journey. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful.
1) Handle your ‘ due diligence’
Have you noticed that in life, there will always be people who lie, cheat, abuse, manipulate and ... Views: 1789
Affirmations do work! Often people give up on affirmations after a few weeks as they feel that they are not working. I often describe an affirmation as being like a seed. You have to be patient, nurture it and cherish it, until it blossoms into what you desire. Often you can’t see the seed ... Views: 1856
Have you ever walked away from a person, event or situation and felt resentful or violated? If some of your experiences are making you uncomfortable, then it may be time to set some boundaries. Setting good boundaries is healthy. It is not rude, bad or wrong. It is not bad or rude or wrong! ... Views: 2835
Often if we are not getting the results we want in our life, whether this in financial, relationships, family, work etc, it is often an outer reflection of the way we feel about ourselves on the inside. Remember…life is like a photocopier…what you put in the photocopier (your inner word) will ... Views: 3009
Within the article, I don’t plan to go into all the details of why some people tolerate poor behaviour more than others, but I do plan to give you a few key concepts which may help you put appropriate boundaries in place when dealing with such people.
On the whole, we often attempt to be kind ... Views: 3358
Goal setting is a very powerful technique that works! At its simplest level the process of setting goals and targets allows you to choose where you want to go in life. By knowing what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on and improve. Goal setting gives you long-term ... Views: 1868
So what is detachment? To me personally, detachment is all about giving up control of an outcome, and to ‘let go’ and allow the higher purpose to come though. Remember, everything does happen for a reason – and letting go of your own personal outcome can give space for a much better universal ... Views: 3011
Do you ever have those days when you just wake up in the morning with a huge big dark cloud over your head and feel miserable? The trouble is, if we start the day like this, the negative vibration that we send out, as well as the negative thoughts, will often result in our day getting generally ... Views: 3938
What do you think you are worth? Do you think you deserve to be treated fairly? Do you believe that other people deserve to be treated better than you do?
Actually…………….We all possess the same basic rights! Many people seem to have forgotten or may have never been told that these basic ... Views: 13767
Do you have an area of your life that you feel powerless to create success? Have you created success in other areas of your life but have one area that seems to cause you more issues than any other? If we take some time to examine this area, we will undoubtedly find one or more excuses. These ... Views: 1256
Do you really think you are not good enough? Do you criticize yourself? Do you give yourself a hard time or punish yourself with harsh words or thoughts? Do you beat yourself up when you feel you have done something wrong? Do you get angry at yourself? Do you speak to your friends better than ... Views: 5191
How do you feel each morning when you hear the alarm clock? Does that sound fill you with dread as you drag yourself out of bed, or do you jump out of bed with excitement wondering what wonderful things the day has in store for you? What thoughts run through your mind as you prepare for a new ... Views: 2009
How does the voice of your negative belief system sound? Do any of these sound familiar?
You are worthless, useless, a failure, lazy, ugly, a mess, non-deserving, not good enough, unlovable, stupid, fat, etc etc etc!
What sort of negative thoughts go through your mind? How do you speak ... Views: 3048
We are all liable to feel inferior to another person at some time. This can show up in the fact that we may feel not as attractive, intelligent, slim, rich, popular or somewhat ‘ less than’ other people for many different reasons. When we feel like this, we look at others in our lives as being ... Views: 7279
How happy are you with your life? Are you tired, wish you had a better job, relationship, more energy, a fitter body or improved relationships with friends and family? Do you want to feel more relaxed, happy and successful?
Do you spend your ... Views: 1343
You might not wish to hear this but, YOU are responsible for much of what is happening in your life and your life, is your responsibility! Unfortunately, nobody is coming to save you! In all situations in life, you have the freedom and choice to choose how you will react and what actions you ... Views: 1530
Too often I hear people say that they are waiting for something to happen before they can be really happy. They feel as if something has to be achieved such as meeting their soul mate, losing some weight or finding that new job. They believe that once they have achieved this, then ... Views: 1177