When I begin to coach clients I ask them to share with me:
- What do you want to do with your business?
- What results do you want to accomplish?
To support you in moving towards those desires I start with identifying where there are ‘energy mismatches’ that may be holding you back from ... Views: 1304
One question I get from clients all the time is, “How do I connect with ideal prospects though online sales pages in a way that is authentic, creates a heart-to-heart connection AND generates income?” Then I love to share my five proven steps to EnergyRICH® Soul-filled selling success so you can ... Views: 1401
I want to introduce to what I refer to as the #1 Secret Success Ingredient: what I call energetic and personal responsibility. You see it can be so easy in this day and time that we live in to blame what is going on “out there” for what you don’t have.
Yes, even if you tell yourself ‘Oh no, ... Views: 1354
Creating business that gives you more freedom, more money and more energy isn’t about knocking out a BIGGER to-do list - it’s about prioritizing what most needs your time, attention and energy first, then doing it.
Because let’s be honest, being self-employed is extremely overwhelming and it ... Views: 1184
If there’s anything that’s going to block your light, that’s going to dim that lighthouse beam from within you, it is your engagement with lower-level energies.
And when we are talking about level energy we are talking about – Fear and Doubt. There’s nothing like fear to turn out the lights, ... Views: 1327
Choosing to shift into BEing in the business of service rather than selling someone will make all the difference in supporting your ideal clients in EASILY being able to step forward into working with you… to the point where they are thanking you as they give you their credit card number! ... Views: 1332
Choosing to shift into BEing in the business of service rather than selling someone will make all the difference in supporting your ideal clients in EASILY being able to step forward into working with you… to the point where they are thanking you as they give you their credit card number! ... Views: 1238
One of the most important aspects of having selling process that’s effective is having a step-by-step plan that you follow every time you connect with a potential client.
This plan is designed to:
A) Help your client activate their inner guidance and make a choice about how to best work ... Views: 1301
Receiving massive marketing results starts with connecting to your Core Value Offer and creating alignment with what you want to create in your business, your life, the world. Who you are B-E-ing dictates your experience as you are marketing your business.
Now, what is a major challenge with ... Views: 1287
Many times along your Entrepreneurial journey you will be called to step up or uplevel to a whole new way of BEing in your business. During these times you may feel a lot of internal turmoil or all your “stuff” coming to the surface. You see, after you’ve raised your energy vibration a bit, it’s ... Views: 1335
Have you ever wondered how some entrepreneurs always seem to create such big successes, while you are stuck “just paying the bills” or struggling to make ends meet?
The secret that those entrepreneurs have tapped into is what I use and coach my students and clients to cultivate… a mindset of ... Views: 1331
Every income leap that I’ve experienced has been founded on the 5 major components of the EnergyRICH® Entrepreneurial Success System.
These very principles truly are the backbone of my success and this is the same for the countless number of clients I’ve been absolutely blessed to coach with. ... Views: 1224
I’ve seen it a million times. Coaches, healing practitioners and creative entrepreneurs just like you “market, market, market” or try to “sell, sell, sell” and with all your efforts , you still see little to no success. It breaks my heart because I’ve seen you angry, frustrated, and depressed as ... Views: 1134
When you ignore consciously creating business balance you run the risk of burning out or shutting down both your business “doors” and your brilliance.
Especially at this time of year, I hear from my clients that you are experiencing the effects of BEing out of business balance. This may show ... Views: 1375
Just the other day I was on a call with some of my Evolutionary PLUS clients. They stepped forward to share some of the recent successes that have come their way... going from 0-6 clients, being able to leave a soul-sucking job, signing on a Papa package client (5 figures!) and so much ... Views: 1393
Attending a live seminar or event is one of the most powerful ways to receive from your mentors and high-level leaders. I know it’s one of my most favorite ways to absorb new ideas, trainings and teachings to up level myself and all of EnergyRICH® Coaching!
I also know it can be very easy for ... Views: 2377
If you want more clients, one of the most effective ways to increase your abundance of clients is with the power of follow up.
For those of us who are heart-centered that “Old School” technique of pressure and manipulation doesn’t work so well. This has been the main point of reference for ... Views: 1280
I have to admit, in the past, I took for granted what I already know and teach everyday and started questioning my value. When I started my first business as a nutrition and wellness coach I would think, “Who am I? No one will invest in my services.” To me, the information I was sharing was ... Views: 964
It’s helpful to remember that “creating copy” is just the same as the more traditional phrase of creating “advertising materials.”
Here are 7 Key points to keep in mind when creating effective copy that will instantly engage your ideal client and as a result create soaring sales – so you can ... Views: 1011
Let’s start by getting clear. Taking bold action is what will both fuel your soul and fill your bank account. So how do you do it?
It simply takes a willingness to choose to move beyond what is comfortable and to move forward without wavering. At EnergyRICH® we call it being Considerably ... Views: 1586
I see so many entrepreneurs stuck and struggling when it comes to having a selling conversation. It breaks my heart because I can clearly see their energy is mismatched. You want to sign on clients but you are caught in a belief that selling is pushy and manipulative and dirty and embarrassing ... Views: 1150
Now, it doesn’t matter if you are just beginning in business, have a business in place and are taking it to the next level, or if you are intending to clarify your direction and purpose...
When you intentionally create a magnetic connection between you and your ideal client you are able to ... Views: 1125
So many creative entrepreneurs that I coach share with me that either you don’t know what you want (or what you say that you want) in your business or you are very vague about what it is that you do want. I often hear “I want more money” or even “I just want to be able to pay my bills” but most ... Views: 1298
Every person comes to this earth with a purpose. As an entrepreneur, you have the awesome opportunity to fuse your business with your purpose! Actually I would say this is a must because when you do your clients benefit (in a big way!) and so do your bottom-line profits (in a big way!). One of ... Views: 1343
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, yes? “Thoughts become things” is a popular saying today. But here’s the thing … this is especially true for those of us with heart-centered businesses. You as a conscious business owner must be aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions and use ... Views: 1346
Setting clear intentions for your business is the opportunity to take full responsibility for creating your business the way you really want it to be. When you set an intention, you first get very clear about you desire, and then you ask for guidance by being willing to partner with the divine ... Views: 1565
I’m sure you’ve heard over and over the importance of having a “target market,” a specific group of people who share similar qualities and have a problem that you and your business can solve. Now, this is important because you want to have a clear message that speaks directly to potential ... Views: 1298
Now there are all types of steps, tips and tricks to business success. But there’s one that I’ve found that really keeps the whole energy moving: the ability to process information.
There’s more information out there than ever before. More to learn and more to do. There’s more stuff to read, ... Views: 1762
"Celebrating AMAZING Accomplishments with my Elite Master Mind 3 Members!"
This week I think I’ve cried tears of gratitude every single day! What an awesome and amazing week it’s been! First I started with an INCREDIBLE two-day meeting with my Elite Master Mind 3 Members. Seriously, this ... Views: 1278
Many of my clients share that one of their biggest marketing challenges is actually connecting with enough prospects. They are doing all of this great work in their businesses, but not very many people know about their work; or at least not enough for the flow of business to be moving smoothly ... Views: 1226
I knew a woman who didn’t know what she wanted to eat. Her husband would ask her, "Do you want Chinese or Mexican food for dinner? Do you want fast food? Do you feel like cooking?"
She would study his face with each word, listen to his inflections, trying to guess what he wanted her to say. ... Views: 1365
I’m often asked, “How do you do it -All?” Now, I do have a full private mentor client load, lead high-level masterminds & group coaching programs, write a newsletter weekly, attend many events, give teleseminars, present speaking engagements and even more behind the scenes. And, yes, while I do ... Views: 1693
If you’re a person who comes from the corporate world or maybe even a system or organization such as the teaching system that I came from, you might remember that it wasn’t considered “professional” to give personal compliments, praise or even any type of expression of appreciation. There always ... Views: 1342
I often hear from entrepreneurs how hard it is to sign on a new client. Actually, it’s quite simple. I am going to share 11 steps with you, but before you can take these 11 steps to signing on a new client you must be clear about WHO your Ideal Client is. This is a key pre-step. And another key ... Views: 2055
“Saving Starfish As Part of My Solo Private Beach Retreat”
I took myself on a solo private beach retreat this past week, and there was A LOT that I learned … just to name a few: 1) There is no one around to take your picture (good thing for the iPhone do it yourself feature as you can see in ... Views: 1411
Look around you. Do you have everything you desire for your business? If your business is not where you want it to be, you need to look at where YOU are focusing your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You can’t blame anyone or anything if you are not where you want to be.
You need to take ... Views: 1573
EnergyPOOR Entrepreneurs believe their success is primarily their own doing. They believe in the self-made person theory.
EnergyRICH® Entrepreneurs are aware that all good things come from the spirit of love. They know love is the natural order of the Universe, and that ego and self-pride ... Views: 1568
So many entrepreneurs try to do it all and get frustrated by all the time it takes. Here are 5 solid-gold steps to keep your energy high, your tasks moving quickly, and your bank account full.
1. Prep Your Energy
Have time set aside every day (even 5 minutes) to connect to that part of ... Views: 1892
When I think of all the mistakes I’ve made in my business (some small and some not-so-small) it’s important to remind myself that “perfect” never equals more successful.
I’ve observed that one of the main things that keeps entrepreneurs from marketing themselves is fixating on “getting it ... Views: 1466
If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs I know, business bravery can be a tough energy to tap into. But no matter what approaches you take to care for your energy, one of the quickest ways to take your business to the next level and start Being Considerably Huge™ in your business is to start ... Views: 1725
I’m sure you’ve heard over and over the importance of having a “target market,” a specific group of people who share similar qualities and have a problem that you and your business can solve. Now, this is important because you want to have a clear message that speaks directly to potential ... Views: 1700
Remember the story of the “Little Engine That Could”? This little train had always pulled small loads, but one day it was called upon to deliver something greater. First, it had a hard time getting the load to move at all so it cheered itself on by puffing, “I think I can, I think I can, I think ... Views: 1646
Now there are all types of steps, tips and tricks to business success. But there’s one that I’ve found that really keeps the whole energy moving: the ability to process information.
There’s more information out there than ever before. More to learn and more to do. There’s more stuff to read, ... Views: 1954
To every new potential, your business is like a lake on a nice summer day…the idea seems like a good one, but plunging in could be a shock to the system..
That is why it is important to have a way for you potential clients to dip their toe in the water of your business. From the toe-dip ... Views: 1317
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, yes? “Thoughts become things” is a popular saying today. But here’s the thing … this is especially true for those of us with heart-centered businesses. You as a conscious business owner must be aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions and use ... Views: 1654
Setting clear intentions for your business is the opportunity to take full responsibility for creating your business the way you really want it to be. When you set an intention, you first get very clear about you desire, and then you ask for guidance by being willing to partner with the divine ... Views: 2005
Remember the story of the "Little Engine That Could"? This little train had always pulled small loads, but one day it was called upon to deliver something greater. First, it had a hard time getting the load to move at all so it cheered itself on by puffing, "I think I can, I think I can, I think ... Views: 1644
Setting clear intentions for your business is the opportunity to take full responsibility for creating your business the way you really want it to be. When you set an intention, you first get very clear about you desire, and then you ask for guidance by being willing to partner with the divine ... Views: 2042
The holidays are a busy time for everyone, but especially for small business owners/entrepreneurs. In addition to everything else you’ve got going on: this is a great time of year to be connecting with your current clients and potential clients. Yup, that’s right. This time of year is perfect ... Views: 1419
I’ll share with you that when I first started in business the image of a leader that I brought with me was an authority figure who has the power to hurt those that are following them. This was because I was so used to being around authority figures who were coming from a place of leading through ... Views: 1579