The majority of us live stressful and hectic lives. It seems that we're busy 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and never have enough time to accomplish what we need to. Whether it's your boss demanding overtime, your children needing your constant focus, or your spouse requesting your ... Views: 1447
Shyness isn't the same thing as just being a quiet person. A quiet person only speaks when they know they have something they want to contribute to the situation. People who are shy, however, desperately want to speak, but doesn't due to cripppling anxiety. Even if you think you'll never ... Views: 2577
Anxiety has a way of taking over before you realize it. It's important to be intuitive enough to detect problems in advance and maintain stability. A medical doctor is necessary if you experience severe anxiety or have panic attacks. In the case of daily anxiety, however, there are many ... Views: 1238
Have you been trying to find a way to reduce your anxiety? Have you found yourself contemplating things in your life, and simply increasing the amount of anxiety you are feeling? In order to stop the snowball effect this has, you need to take action to put a stop to it. No drastic action is ... Views: 1148
You might have a hard time figuring out the millionaire mindset that you need to succeed. You can indeed find a way to make your living while still chasing down the things you want to do most. With the millionaire mindset, you'll be able to look at each day as an opportunity to become wealthy ... Views: 1679
Think of failure as a road you have to travel to arrive at success. This isn't meant to oversimplify failure or treat it lightly; knowing how to deal properly with failure can determine the course of your future and how you will achieve success.Everyone reacts to failure in different ways and ... Views: 7363
Goals are what direct us. If you are trying to get to a place in life that makes you happy, setting personal goals will help you to get there. But don't forget that your goals need to remain clear, even if it means reevaluating them on occasion. Take the simplest route in order to get to your ... Views: 994
Bad habits are very easy to develop, but can be extremely hard to stop. Nevertheless, it is not mission impossible. As with achieving any goal, stopping a bad habit begins with a single step. And while that step is hard to take, it does get easier after that. Once you are willing to make the ... Views: 1994
If you have experienced burnout, then you probably want to find a way to feel happier, healthier, and more peaceful. You need to take care of yourself after you experience such ordeal so that you don't have to later deal with chronic illnesses. You might experience emotional or mental problems ... Views: 2808
People suffering from burnout may experience a number of physical and emotional problems, including exhaustion, anxiety and depression. If you're burned out but you won't change your lifestyle in substantial ways, health problems as severe as heart attacks or strokes may be in your future. ... Views: 2034
No matter what end of the therapy spectrum you are, it might do you well to learn about EFT. EFT refers to a new way to release repressed feelings known as Emotional Freedom Technique, and can revolutionize your therapy techniques. EFT Creation and Development EFT Therapy was created by Gary ... Views: 1007
You may have noticed that there are aspects of your life that are not well organized. You realized what's happened when you look at the chaos and feel defeated, but there is another way out of this. The key to creating an organized life starts with an honest assessment and taking small steps. ... Views: 3151
Mastering anger management requires you to learn how to control your emotions. To do this, you will need to develop an attitude toward life that allows you to think first, and then act or speak later. Your inability to control your anger may lead to the erosion or even the destruction of the ... Views: 1603
It's easy to keep doing what you are doing because if you keep things the same, you don't have to be afraid of things turning out bad. However, if you don't risk even a bit, you won't get to enjoy the rewards that come with it. Overcoming Your Fears You are well aware that it is risky to ... Views: 2089
Have you ever felt like your life was stuck in a rut? Are you finding it difficult to move forward in your love life, career or friendships? If this sounds familiar, it's time to do something about it. The first step is to pinpoint the areas of your life that seem out-of-balance. It's ... Views: 1344
At one point or another, tragedy will affect our lives. At the time that it happens, you will think that the bad feeling will never go away, but there are certain things that can be done to help you move forward and resume your life. You need to acknowledge and accept that the unfortunate ... Views: 3573
How you use your time is very crucial. You could waste time unneccessarily or have tons of down time by working quickly. You should look at these tips if you need some tips with time management. However, the truth is, that there are no cookie-cutter rules for managing your time. It is ... Views: 1250
Guilt is not a healthy thing to keep bottled up within you as you go through life, whether you think you have to hold on to it or not. Guilt is often the result of a refusal to accept that we make mistakes, we will all have failures and no one is immune to these facts of life.
It is also ... Views: 5768
Can the very thought of giving a speech cause you to break into sweat? Many people, when asked to stand in front of others, can suffer from anxiety in many forms, even panic attacks.
Some studies have concluded that many people are more afraid of public speaking than death!
However, it may ... Views: 956
A scary thing to many people is change. Making a change means stepping into the unknown. You leave the life that you are comfortable with and go into a place where you do not know what is going to happen.
However, change is one thing that can never be stopped. Whether for the better or worse, ... Views: 1449
Inside each person, there exists untapped potential for creativity. Creativity does not just refer to skills like being able to paint, write eloquently, or make beautiful music; creativity merely refers to unique thinking. For example, if you are using different and new ways of finding a ... Views: 1497
Would you class yourself with having a low self-esteem? Do you find yourself beating yourself up over something negative that happened in your life over and over again?
You would be surprised to see how simple phrases such as “no one loves me” and “I’m so fat” can take the happiness out of ... Views: 1041
Trying to master self-discipline can be a tough task but it can be extremely rewarding.
The power of self-discipline has never been underestimated. It helps an individual to overcome various obstacles in order to achieve his or her goal. This does not mean that things are easy. ... Views: 1546
During our journey through life, we all are prone to come across various relationships. Some will have more meaning than others in the same way while some will last longer than others.
Are you prone to be pulled towards relationships that have a negative outcome? Even though you try really ... Views: 1357
Anyone with kids can agree that their children are the most important and precious people in their lives. Every parent wants nothing but the best for their kids and they hope they strive to do great in everything they do. Kids are just like adults, they too can develop motivational brick walls ... Views: 1550
Yes, we all wish we could find the Fountain of Youth. In this time and age, the whole world is stuck on intelligence and looking good regardless of their age. Almost everyone sits waiting for the next quick beauty fix to hit the market. Regardless what it may be – from diets to Botox injections, ... Views: 1251
Everyone regardless of what age experiences boredom. The kids are the first usually to say the words “I’m Bored” but us adults have at one point or another in life experience it too.
Have you ever wondered why you are feeling bored? It can be a feeling of laziness, or exhaustion or even a ... Views: 1808
Yes, everyone has bad habits. Whether it’s smoking, biting nails, chewing on things, or even eating too much, it’s possible to get rid of it easier than you think.
With 3 key factors called willpower, determination, and perseverance, you can overcome the nasty habits you’ve developed for ... Views: 1930
When the economy is really bad and there are no jobs anywhere, people are stuck looking for any type of job that can get them out of the horrible situation they're in. This does one thing to the job market; it increases the competition for all of the jobs that is available.
You must stand out ... Views: 984
Visions of quitting smoking or weight loss are brought forth when the word "willpower" is spoken. Willpower can be extremely helpful in the other areas of your life, in addition to breaking bad habits.
Willpower is not something we are born with; it is something that we must develop as we ... Views: 2551