Have you ever been in a conversation with a colleague, friend or family member about a sensitive topic and ended up in a power struggle, conflict or shutting down? Or perhaps in response to someone else’s criticism, you find yourself justifying your behavior, blaming the other person or ... Views: 3995
Do you ever feel you have too much to do and not enough time? Perhaps you find yourself forgetting to breathe, trying to do three things at once or unable to be in the moment. If you're like many of us, a fast-paced life of multi-tasking combined with regular family and career challenges can ... Views: 1251
If you're like many of my clients, you may want to make big changes in your life - for example, a new career, more time with family or a healthier lifestyle - but you don't know where to start, life gets in the way or you end up feeling stuck.
So, what's holding you back?
Perhaps it's ... Views: 1044
If you're like some of my clients, you may be feeling fear, doubt and worry in these uncertain economic times. And if you're a parent, your stress and anxiety may be compounded by the very real need to provide for your family.
So, what can you do about it?
A great place to start is by ... Views: 1032
For the majority of my life, learning how to slow down has been very much a work-in-progress. Several years ago, I was completely unfamiliar with the concept, however, due to various life circumstances, I've had regular opportunities to re-examine my pace in life and to make choices as to what ... Views: 992
Are you a “type-A” working mother who used to define yourself by your career? Now that you have kids, do you feel constantly pulled by conflicting priorities? Are you most comfortable and familiar with operating at 110% but juggling work and family has you running at 220%?
One ... Views: 979
If you're like many of my clients who return to work after maternity leave, you may view your job as a welcome vacation from the exhausting responsibilities of caring for a newborn. Oh, the irony. However, as you prepare to go back to work, you may unexpectedly be faced with a whole new set of ... Views: 1587
Have you ever been fascinated by certain people and wanted to truly understand what motivates them, what scares them and what keeps them up at night?
Over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed that working mothers come to coaching looking for solutions to very specific challenges, not the ... Views: 2282
Do you spend your energy worrying about everything you have to do instead of actually doing it? Has making dinner, picking up the dry cleaning or responding to e-mails become a monumental effort? Is your to-do list growing at unmanageable rates?
Lately, I’ve been observing what happens when ... Views: 1018