You probably have heard the statement before, “Find someone who is highly successful and do what they do.” It’s what is called modeling success.

I agree it is important to continually look for those who are successful at doing what you aim to do in order that you can learn how to do the same.

Over the years, I have learned from many highly successful entrepreneurs. I looked for individuals who were successful in their business, looked at what they were doing and began doing what they did.

However, what was stunning to me was that I didn’t seem to move ahead in my business like I thought I would. Sometimes I would see a little improvement in my results, but nothing even close to what I expected. Many times, though, I wouldn’t see anything at all!

I was baffled, overwhelmed and completely frustrated.

I would work so hard to do what others were doing. I would structure my programs, change my website, and do the same form of marketing as they were doing. Changed all I was doing, so I could experience the same sense of success.

However, it led to less than expected results. After working so hard, with little results, I even began to wonder if I am really cut out for this and almost threw in the towel and was considering a j.o.b.!

What I have learned over the last several years was, though I thought I was modeling after them, I was actually just mirroring their behaviors. Mirroring is NOT the path to success. There is a big difference between modeling someone who is successful and mirroring them.

You see, in my pursuit of seeking out mentors, I attended an event a while back of someone whom I highly respect and is extremely successful in her business. I went to learn what she was doing with the intention to implement it in my business, so that I could begin achieving similar results.

The business model she taught was great. When I returned to my office and began to implement her system, something did not fit right for me. I was doing what she taught me to do, but I was not achieving the results I thought I would.

At the time, I chalked it up that her system was not for me. Her lifestyle
was very different from mine. She was not married, nor had kids to care for, etc. I decided that it must only work for single, childless people who had much more time to dedicate.

It was not until I attended another event that shared the same business system, but in a way that resonated more to my lifestyle, that my eyes opened and changed the way I looked at modeling the successful.

What I failed to realize was that while I thought I was modeling after her, I was actually trying to mirror her. I missed a valuable piece of the puzzle – ME!

While it does help to move you forward from learning from those who are successful, it is crucial not to lose the most valuable asset in your business – YOU!

True and lasting success is not a result of what you DO in your business; it is HOW you do it. The HOW depends on who YOU are and how you are BEING in your business.

Once I began to separate the mentor from the business model, I was able to take the valuable business system and apply it successfully – with my own personality and perspective.

I continue to seek out mentors that are successful and doing what I aim to do. Now, though, I am careful to implement the aspects of the system that match with how I want my business to run and tweaked the parts that did not match with my style and vision.

Your business is a reflection of you. So, if you are not allowing yourself, your passion and your personality to be in the business, you will not achieve the success you are looking for.

Seek out mentors to model after, but be sure to not be a mirror. Take what you learn, massage it with how you do business and you will see much better results in the end and enjoy the process.

© 2008-2010 The Business Of You, Inc.

You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Entrepreneur, Coach, National Speaker and Author, Jo Della Penna publishes The Business of You E-Zine with over 1,500+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your business, make more money, and have more joy and excitement in your life, get your FREE tips now at

Author's Bio: 

Jo Della Penna, CEO of The Business of YOU, Inc. is known as the Business Transformation Mentor. She is an inspiring and motivating speaker and author who helps women entrepreneurs build profitable businesses while balancing successful and rewarding family lives.

Jo's signature program, Be You, Be Real, Be Rich™ - is the foundation of her system to bring the authentic YOU into your business, which unleashes the money making potential hidden inside.

She has worked with hundreds of clients and is a sought after speaker in the areas of business and balance. Jo has grown a successful business working from home while raising her son and twins. She is a regular contributor to the San Francisco Examiner, Los Angeles divison, and is a member of many networking associations including the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of National Speakers Association (NSA/GLAC). She lives and works in Southern California.

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