Which stories do you choose to feed?
You’ve heard that what you focus on expands. But do you realize that your brain loves to collect evidence to support that story you are focused on? Whatever story (and we all have stories) runs through your mind, your brain actually works to collect ... Views: 827
We women business owners tend to ignore money. As conscious creative women, we typically start businesses with the thought that goes something like this: “I want to express myself and share my gifts so I can help others and make the world a bit better… and wouldn’t it be nice to make some money ... Views: 594
Last month I led a retreat for my Business Goddess Six Figures and Beyond Mentor Coaching and Group Mastermind clients. The theme of this oceanside retreat was Play Your Business Goddess Bigger Game.
Playing your Business Goddess Bigger Game goes beyond running a successful business. It goes ... Views: 853
I like to think of my business - and my life when I'm not dealing with boys' sprained ankles - as flowing in the Universal Abundance Current. This current flows naturally and easily, full of abundance, success, and all good things, taking us to our harbor of a joyful business and joyful ... Views: 841
If you haven't already, it's time to plan for your success in 2011. I find most entrepreneurs fall into one of two categories when it comes to planning. See which one resonates with you.
You resist planning, thinking that it will restrict your freedom and creativity. This means that you just ... Views: 864
You crave prosperity in your business. You want the easy enrollments in your programs and workshops, the abundance of product sales, recognition of your expertise by receiving joint venture invitations, and you want the financial success that goes along with changing so many people’s ... Views: 985
As entrepreneurs, we wear many hats, juggle many balls, and any other crazy-busy metaphor you can come up with. You write website copy and ezine articles, work with clients, speaking, design new programs, create a product, hire people, fire people, bookkeeping, professional development... Even ... Views: 859
As entrepreneurs, we wear many hats, juggle many balls, and any other crazy-busy metaphor you can come up with. You write website copy and ezine articles, work with clients, speaking, design new programs, create a product, hire people, fire people, bookkeeping, professional development... Even ... Views: 942
One of my favorite books is Eat, Pray, Love, and I was so excited to see the movie, which just came out. What made it a real treat was that I went to the opening day with a group of women from Ladies Who Launch. Afterward, we gathered together to discuss the movie and what it awakened in each of ... Views: 1185
As a women entrepreneur you probably have in your business vision to be well-known in your industry and to easily attract clients and opportunities to speak, write and contribute: I call this being a Go-To-Goddess.
Being the Go-To-Goddess means having enough confidence in what you offer and ... Views: 777
t happens to all of us small business owners. Things are hopping along in our businesses: we are growing our lists, increasing our visibility and attracting new clients, and then suddenly… BAM! The gremlin inside you starts whispering sweet nothings, accompanied by a dull ache in your stomach or ... Views: 705
One of the most important intentions in your business, even in passion-based business like yours, is to make a profit. Yes, you want to make money while making the world a better place by contributing your magical gifts. In order to keep contributing and changing the world in your unique way ... Views: 751
Having worked with thousands of creative women entrepreneurs over the years, I see the common trend: you fall into the “safe marketing” place. Doing what everyone else is doing, using the same descriptor words, offering the same types of products and programs…and then wondering why your ... Views: 696
Love practices for your business?
Love is the most powerful of emotions… we also know it as joy, passion, inspiration, connection, flow, beauty, creativity, and leadership.
We are literally yearning for more love in our businesses. We are tired of the same old sales letters and ... Views: 736
You’re a passion-based entrepreneur, which means you’ve created a business you love, that feeds your soul, fuels your passion, and gives life to your purpose.
And for that business to be viable – to *really* make a difference – it – and you – needs to be profitable. What most entrepreneurs ... Views: 700
As a passionate entrepreneur, I know you want to get your work out into the world in a bigger way. You also want to make great money so you can reinvest and keep growing your business to reach more people and, of course, to support a life and family you love.
To move into “growth mode” in ... Views: 810
The trick-or-treaters are ready to come out, and turkeys are starting to appear at the grocery store. Along with the impending holidays, it’s also that time when we start thinking about ideas for next year. What’s possible? What dreams do you have for your business and for your life? Is this the ... Views: 762
I went through life much like my family and the community around me – not valuing the feminine strengths.
Every day in your business, you are required to make decisions. Some are small decisions that you can do without needing a lot of deep thought, like ordering supplies, buying an ... Views: 702
Ever get a great idea, and then you are flying high with inspiration and possibilities? You outline your idea, you mind map it, you buy books on the subject, you easily draft up copy for an email campaign... you take a few steps, and then you share it with a few people close to you and... Bam! ... Views: 761
So you’ve been studying law of attraction. Reading the books, watching the videos, and going to the workshops. Still, you want to know why isn’t it working for YOU.
I’m a big believer in working with the natural laws of the universe when it comes to building your business. One of those laws ... Views: 812
Leaps in your business are both inspiring and powerful. Creating a new product, writing a new book, launching a new premium program… reaching more people, changing and bettering more lives and, of course, making more money are all common leaps you may desire in your business. These leaps in ... Views: 750
What I have noticed with business owners is that we have a unique way of sabotaging our business growth and success.
I've seen many clients go to a workshop. Perhaps this has happened to you. You go and get clear about the next marketing strategy for your business. You can't wait to get ... Views: 764
Your business is always changing and evolving. As you grow, your business grows. Growing can mean a lot of different things - higher paying clients, creating products or programs, or adding a new line of revenue. As your business continues to shift, you will find that it might be time to upgrade ... Views: 1015
As your business grows and you experience more success it becomes increasingly important to pay attention to your 5 Types of Energy to maintain the growth and also to enjoy the journey. Your energy is your #1 most important resource when it comes to growing your business. It's more important ... Views: 1075
As a creative business owner, you want to spend your time doing your "great work." This is the work of your passion and your purpose. Often, a successful business owner can get caught in the trap of doing the "good" work That means you get caught in the trap of "I'll just do it" because it's ... Views: 953
As a coach, consultant, author or speaker or other small business owner, you are always in the mode of creating your "expert status." That means that you know enough about your clients, their needs and desires and solutions to help them, that you can claim expertise in this area. Many marketing ... Views: 859
The secret to success for entrepreneurs and small business owners is not another brilliant marketing idea. There’s a better place to start first. The real secret to success is tapping into and using your intuition in your business on a consistent basis.
You might be wondering… Can this really ... Views: 838