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You have a CHOICE! What will YOUR day be like today?
It’s a beautiful morning and I am feeling incredibly blessed. As the sun is shining outside, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude, I wonder how we can actively allow the love in our ... Views: 1172
Some people sabatoge their own success due to fear of failure, so the person does not even try. These are core themes of a negative self-concept, leading to poor self-esteem, poor body-image, and blocked goals the main obstacle being that person who has the goal. A person’s success and social ... Views: 928
Many of us, without realizing it, are manifesting our own failures. We have this intention of pursuing our dreams, but then we also instantly think of a back up plan in case it doesn’t work out. The instant you come up with a back up plan, the instant you fall back to your back up plan, you ... Views: 1100
Sometimes, against all odds, life continues. At other times, it stops with no previous warning. Baffling, to say the least!
What does that tell us? Well, I see it as a call to action. If you live, you must do. Do what? That depends on what is meaningful to you. I know one thing for ... Views: 1224
I share this story because we teach people to view their business as a jigsaw puzzle. You must Start with the 4 corners ie your 4 core values, SEE the end result, big picture, FEEL as though the puzzle were already built and take massive action to put the pieces together.
I excerpted the ... Views: 1293
Starting out 2011, many of us would like this year to be different. We would like to eat better, exercise more, spend more time with our families, have better relationships, or whatever else might be important. In the beginning, our hopes and dreams are strong and might bring about ... Views: 884
How are you doing on all those wonderful, fantastic New Year's resolutions of yours? Are you still sticking with it? Or have you fallen back into the same old routine, the same old rut, the same old habits that caused you problems last year? Read on and learn how you can stick to your ... Views: 1302
“In beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in expert’s mind there are few.”- Suzuki Roshi
By now, most of you are coming out of the Christmas Cheer Coma and are back at work scratching your head and saying to yourselves, ... Views: 708
By now you might have read much about the futility of making New Year’s Resolutions. Each year we get wiser and learn earlier and earlier in January that resolutions don’t work. So, if you made resolutions, how well are you maintaining them now that we are several weeks into the year? How many ... Views: 1287
No more New Year’s resolutions!! No more thinking about projects to finish, exercise classes to start or diets to loose that same ten pounds. Baby Boomers, parents, career professionals; we all strive for better health, less stress, being more organized. A great solution for a Great New Year ... Views: 1271
Achieving Goals: Devise your own "ad" campaign
1. Write down your specific goal (remember the SMART principles?) and refer to it every day to keep it fresh in your mind and maintain focus.
2. Write it in the present tense as if it had already happened, otherwise you’re always putting it ... Views: 1385
Ah New Year’s Resolutions… gotta love them! Every year we swear we are going to lose weight, quit smoking, cut down drinking, get organised, achieve our business goals… we talk about it with conviction, even stubbornness… this is it, next year will be our year, starting on the first of ... Views: 2027
Before we set out to accomplish anything at all, we must begin with a clear picture in our minds of already having achieved our goal. We wouldn’t even imagine trying to glue broken pieces of pottery back together without any idea of what it’s supposed to look like. So, why should we go through ... Views: 1577
Are you living your life by design or by accident? Thomas Edison said, "If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves." Most of us know there is more that we want to achieve in our lives, but most of us do not know where to begin.
Each day brings ... Views: 2793
Happy New Year again. I hope your first week was great.Today I want to talk about New Year’s Resolutions (NYR’s for short). I don’t believe I’m the first to tell you about all the hype and habits regarding NYRs. I don’t know what you think I might say about starting the New ... Views: 1245
New Year’s Resolutions don’t work! Why? Because these “resolutions” are typically goals, rules or regulations we consciously impose upon ourselves. These resolutions can sometimes just end up being glorified “to-do” lists. Put simply, the techniques used by most people to set goals are ... Views: 1296
Article Title: How to Make Your Wildest Dreams Come True - Fifteen Principles to Realise Them
Author Name: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Success, Dreams, Self Help, Personal Growth, Inspiration, Self Help Books, Personal Growth, Success Skills, Empowerment, Positive Psychology, Motivation ... Views: 1573
Statistically about half of the population make New Year's resolutions, but how many of us actually keep them? According to Psychology Today, setting a resolution is a form of "cultural procrastination" because people fail to set realistic goals and aren't ready to change their habits.
If ... Views: 1389
Socrates believed that the inner excellence of a person created success. Everyone has their unique definition of what it means to become successful. Here’s a guide that can assist you realize your own definition.
If you were to ask everyone you've met for his or her definition of success, ... Views: 1088
I don't know how many times I have read it. Maybe I've heard it even more. Sometimes it takes place at Yale; other times at Harvard. In some cases, it was in the 1950s; in other cases, it was in the 1970s. It has been referred to in bestselling books and on college campuses. It has been quoted ... Views: 1436
Do you want to save money?
Do you know how to do it? If yes, that is great but it won't work unless you can answer these four questions;
1. Do you notice new opportunities about how to save money?
2. Why do you save money?
3. For whom you save money for?
4. Can you make your decisions ... Views: 1884
“Financial freedom”—wow, these words simply sounds divine. For who else doesn’t want this kind of freedom? Some people simply dream about it, some people want it, yet can’t make it happen, while others are already living that LIFE. It’s one thing to have enough money to get by, having enough ... Views: 644
Put yourself on the profit makers list for 2011!
There isn’t really an official list of profit makers. But wouldn’t you like to be able to say that in the first quarter of 2011, you upped your income and did it with grace?!
HELL YES, right?!
Well, then you have to get your bootie off ... Views: 909
As we embark on another new year of life, I find myself experiencing a mixture of emotions about 2011. I'm excited about the possibilities of this New Year and inspired by the energy of creation that exists at this special time. Similar to last week, there is a magical quality to this first ... Views: 1155
Most people go through life aimlessly. They generate few if any destinations and just take what life thrusts upon them. Their lives become a chaotic response to the winds and forces around them and they feel like tumbleweeds caught in a storm, or stuck in a corner somewhere. They fall into ruts ... Views: 3720
Credit Card Debt By The Financial Silent Killer!
In our world of credit cards, credit debt is far too common. Credit debt from charge cards can be extremely stressful, and result in a extremely crippling scenario. We're not safe from credit card debt, as even college students can ... Views: 959
The start of a new year is a time to reflect and consider your full potential. I’m sure I’m not alone in being excited for this year to start strong every day and every week. Here are 3 ways to overcome your top-of-the-year to-do list and use your time to your best ... Views: 1330
Have you ever got spun up trying to figure out the details of a project and found yourself stuck because some of the details simply didn’t present themselves? I have, and more than once. I’ve also ruined joyous vacation planning by wondering how to figure out everything before my ... Views: 863
At this time of year I’m always posing the question, “What New Year’s resolutions did you make?” It seems most responses I am getting are along the lines of “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.” It’s about time to put to bed what I consider to be the top five myths about New Year’s resolutions ... Views: 2231
New Year! The perfect time to make new plans, set new goals and dream BIG! There is a positive, invigorating energy that surrounds the start of a brand new year, an energy that helps us let go of the old and stake a claim for the new. It can also be a time when you ask yourself some important ... Views: 1828
Usually, just right after the New Year’s celebration, many of us start looking at the resolutions we made and, if you’re like many people, yours probably resemble more of a grocery list: You want to exercise more, make more money, have a savings, learn a skill (let’s say playing the guitar), get ... Views: 722
It’s early in the year of 2011 and many people are embarking on a new life filled with resolutions that were set on New Year’s. These resolutions might include weight loss, a better relationship with their spouse, getting a new job, and so forth.
Resolutions are great – I’m a big fan of ... Views: 532
As we move into January many of us start making resolutions for the New Year ahead, but only a very small percentage of them are ever kept. This is because resolutions are often made based on things we think we should do, rather than from our heartfelt desires. Resolutions tend to be fuelled ... Views: 2662
It's that time of year again where we make a list of things to accomplish in the upcoming year. And 365 days from now, most of us will fail at achieving most of those things on that list. The reason isn't because I'm a cynic. The reason is that most New Year's resolutions aren't resolutions ... Views: 854
Every January 1st offers a new year with unbounded potential and endless opportunities. This is an exciting time – a new beginning. A time when many working moms set intentions for the year to come. Most of us are great at setting intentions but aren’t so great at seeing them through.
If ... Views: 987
“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” –Cavett Robert
Emotions are powerful. They can infuse passion, purpose, and power into our daily activities or they can be the precursor to a sense of futility and failure, causing us ... Views: 1172
Recently I registered for a run called the Tough Mudder, billed as the “Toughest One Day Run on the Planet.” It is 10 miles, includes 18 obstacles and is modeled after British Special Forces training. The average completion time is reportedly 2 ½ hours. In sharing this with a friend he said “I’m ... Views: 1450
It's that time of the year again. Time to set new goals for the year and to start creating your own destiny! But where do you start? You know you want to change and at least for now you have the motivation, but how exactly do you start down the path to change.
Quick tip? Take a look at ... Views: 789
Stress occurs from setting unrealistic goals. Self-imposed pressure does nothing to enhance the quality of life. A goal might be met, but the price paid is not necessarily worth the effort. Setting goals in a healthy context can have positive ramifications in that both process and result are ... Views: 918
First of all, Secret of Self Empowerment will like to take this chance to wish all readers a Happy New Year and an empowering fruitful year 2011 ahead. Time flies, a year has passed and have you pondered over what you have achieve over the past one year, are all your goals achieved with the ... Views: 2173
Before you list out all the things you may want to change in your life, and overwhelm yourself in the process, start with with the idea that you will have success. Take some deep breathes and say "I can make the changes I want." If you can, try to focus on one or two hopes to address. This ... Views: 989
The final hours of 2010 are here. This is when we all should make our final reflections on the past year, and see what we need to repeat, and what we need to change in the following year. Here are some tips for getting 2011 started off right.
1) Write down your goals. Goals are much much more ... Views: 916
If you are thinking of changing careers or reinventing yourself at your present job, (and you don’t think you’re up to the task), well here’s a survey you should know about.
According to the University of Chicago study done on achieving goals — it was shown that those who relish challenge are ... Views: 1390
Different governments, officials, environmental agencies exhort us to conserve the energy we use in order to save the environment and sustain our continued existence on the planet.
On a personal level, if you are serious about reinventing your career and life, then I think that you also need ... Views: 1875
Article Title: How to Set and Achieve Realistic and Effective Goals (Part One from 'Handbook to Survive Life'')
Author: Craig Lock
Web sites: http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html#craig and www.lulu.com/craiglock
Craig's blog with thoughts and extracts from various writings is ... Views: 1008
2011 is just days away, and now is the time that people reflect upon the past year and make goals as to how to make the next year better. Upon reflecting for myself, the process led me to what will be my theme for 2011, and even beyond. That theme is this: Living Without Regret.
What does ... Views: 1075
At the New Year, everyone makes resolutions, savoring the opportunity to align with new goals, to throw out the old and seriously get started on achieving hopes and dreams. It's a good time to revitalize your journaling practice, as well.
And there's a bonus! You may well find that by ... Views: 1943
These few days before the start of the New Year have a magical and sacred quality to them. I appreciate the lull in activity that often takes place this week and the opportunity we have to reflect back on the year that is ending, as well as to create new possibilities and intentions for the ... Views: 1248
Truth is, you already are accountable. You are the ultimate creator of all that you do, all that you experience. While you may not have created certain events in your life, you are the generative force behind what you have that experience mean for you. Have to allowed yourself to become the ... Views: 1367