Hundreds of books have been written pointing out the differences between men and women. Some suggesting that we come from far apart planets, it’s obvious that tour physiology differs and that since man lived in caves we’ve been brought up to fulfil different roles in society, and so, yes, we ... Views: 2125
Early today I made a comment on Facebook:
I tell you one thing you need in order to change your life: you need to be stronger.
Straight away, I received comments saying “it’s easier said than done”, and asking “how is one to be strong when things are bad?”
It is, easier said than done, ... Views: 2648
Sometimes, and for no apparent reason at all, we get stuck. It’s like something breaks inside the engine of our brain, keeping us from moving forward. We feel the symptoms, we can’t seem to think clearly, make decisions, or get motivated. We wrestle with problems, understanding concepts or are ... Views: 2957
Intermittent fasting is a well researched way to lose weight healthily and quickly while maintaining muscle tone and boosting health.
Intermittent fasting involves cycles of feeding and fasting. Contrary to what you might think, this is not a new fad or concept. Our ancestors fasted naturally ... Views: 2008
7 billion of us on Earth, and yet so many people feel so alone. With more avenues than ever to connect with each other, quicker than ever before, many people find it harder than ever. We can Skype, twit and poke people on the other side of the globe. So far, yet so close. So close, yet so far. ... Views: 2067
With January behind us and Valentine’s day fast approaching, a lot of people are starting to feel the sometimes inescapable pressure that comes with being single at this time of the year.
And whilst many singletons take it in their stride, professing to be single by choice and celebrating ... Views: 1959
Every day is full of little happenings that bring us happiness: getting home form a hard day at work and slouching on the couch, a hug from a partner, a call from a friend… it is the little things that are determining factors in our estate of mind. We need these to minimise the hardships we ... Views: 2523
Typically bad nutrition and lack of exercise are blamed as the main causes of obesity. Some say it is as easy as: if you eat too much and you don’t exercise enough, you get fat.
However, experts say that theory doesn’t explain every case. Now we know that the bacteria that live in our ... Views: 3129
Here's part II of "New Year Resolutions: where you've been going wrong". If you haven't read part I yet, make sure you do that first!
Mistake #6 Failing To Plan
We say we want to do things, but often we leave it to chance, or to God… to actually get us to do them. I believe nothing ... Views: 1999
It is that time of the year when a lot of us reminisce about what we have accomplished over the past 12 months, and, start thinking about new goals and objectives for 2012.
We’ve been making New Year Resolutions since as far back as the year 153 B.C. and yet, we still have trouble with ... Views: 2061
Sugar coated insults, or backhanded compliments are insults disguised as compliments. Sometimes a backhanded compliment can be inadvertent, other times the intention is to belittle or condescend.
“You drive well for a woman!”, “you’re very clean and tidy for a guy”, “wow, you look amazing in ... Views: 7060
“Happiness Doesn’t Depend Upon Who We Are Or What We Have; It Depends Upon What we Think”
Happiness… our ultimate goal. But should it even be a goal, or a daily habit?
Thousands of books have been written on the subject, seminars taught, articles published, debates debated… yet a lot of ... Views: 2136
Lean but not too skinny, and not to muscly either. Slim hips, cellulite free and toned thighs, small calves, skinny ankles… When it comes to talking about our legs, we seem to have what we want pretty clear.
We all have different body types and are genetically predisposed to store fat in ... Views: 2341
Sugar is a name given to a class of edible crystalline carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, lactose, and fructose, characterized by a sweet flavour. In food sugar almost exclusively refers to sucrose, which in its fully refined form primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar beet, though is present in ... Views: 2337
No, I’m not talking about the infamous and autumnal flu vaccine, even though I have already got an email and text reminder from the doc… I’m talking about a different type of vaccine; this one is made of 100% natural ingredients and has been proven to induce a quick and comforting feeling of ... Views: 1902
As humans, being rejected is one of our biggest fears. This fear sometimes keeps us from doing things that we want to do, or that we need to do in order to improve our lives.
One of the inherent needs we are born with, or that maybe we acquire during out childhood, is the need to be liked and ... Views: 2670
The other day a client told me he had been taking anti-depressants. I didn’t know him to be depressed, so I asked if he had been diagnosed. He said he went to the doctor because he’d been having trouble sleeping and he’d been stressed out, and the doctor prescribed anti-depressants.
I was ... Views: 2392
1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something
3. *My own definition: the art of getting off your butt and getting stuff done
Because here is the thing: you may have a ... Views: 3878
This past year I’ve thoroughly enjoyed coaching clients starting business ventures. New coaches trying to find a suitable niche, young businessmen and women with organisational and time management issues, a lovely lady starting a franchise, a self proclaimed entrepreneur with lots of ideas but ... Views: 2414
Women, and men, of all ages and backgrounds come to my coaching practice: singletons looking for love, young professionals looking for a job, career or life direction, business people with public speaking fears, a lot of people struggling to lose weight… The common denominator is usually low ... Views: 2393
In the current economic climate, we find ourselves with millions of highly intelligent, overqualified job seekers around the world fighting for the same jobs. Millions of Curriculums Vitae’s emailed every day, followed by millions of phone calls, followed by millions of interviews, followed by ... Views: 2811
If you think there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do, if it often seems as if you are chasing your tail, if you are underperforming, or stressed out, and don't know what to do about it, this could be just what you need.
To this day I am always shocked when I ... Views: 2122
Did you know that 60% of your brain is fat?
- Source of energy
- Building blocks for cell membranes
- Building blocks for homones
- Help vitamin and mineral bsorption
- Control blood pressure
- Regulate body temperature
- Boost ... Views: 2077
The blockbuster movie Avatar conveyed the heart warming message that we are all connected to each other and to mother Earth.
And it seems we are; maybe not in the romantic slash holistic sense I got from the movie, but in a scarily futuristic and cybernaut kind of way. It seems we flew mother ... Views: 4632
Do you find it hard to focus or concentrate on the task at hand?
Do you ever get brain fog, can’t think clearly or retain information?
Do you tend to over analyze things or get mood swings for no apparent reason?
A lot of my clients do. Housewives, students, successful business people, ... Views: 2403
It’s spring! Flowers blossom, trees bloom, landscapes boom with summer colours, animals and insects awaken from hibernation, and we…well, why not make this the time we start to love ourselves more?
It’s time for Self-love!
Most of us have spent enough time self-loathing to last us a life ... Views: 1966
Hair extensions, fake lashes, filled pouts, whitened teeth, pumped breasts, stick on nails, Spanxed hips, 6 inch heels… size ten women killing themselves to be a size eight, and size eight women putting their life at risk to be a size zero. All so we can all look like each other, be accepted and ... Views: 2874
When coaching clients, my focus is to help them get from where they are to where they want to be in the quickest and most enjoyable way.
But no matter what challenges they present me with, most of the time, it all boils down to a lack of confidence and self-belief.
People want to feel ... Views: 2072
In such a challenging economic and workforce climate, career development means different things to different people:
getting that first job, keeping your current job, returning to the workforce after a long hiatus, dealing with redundancy and unemployment, starting an entrepreneurial ... Views: 2113
Ok so go with me on this… if your car is your brain, and petrol and water are the fuel that make your car run smoothly, then the fuel that makes your brain run smoothly are the foods you eat, the drinks you drink, and the thoughts you allow yourself you have.
I’ve written before about the ... Views: 2083
It’s all over. The festive season is behind us and it is back to normal now. Or is it? For a lot of people January is a dreary long month. Waiting for the next lifesaving pay check is bad enough, but then there are the long nights, the cold days, the new year with all its expectations, and the ... Views: 8702
Ah New Year’s Resolutions… gotta love them! Every year we swear we are going to lose weight, quit smoking, cut down drinking, get organised, achieve our business goals… we talk about it with conviction, even stubbornness… this is it, next year will be our year, starting on the first of ... Views: 2026
Anyone who knows me knows I am not a fan of winter. Understatement! Come October I turn into a bit of a bear (metaphorically speaking) and all I want to do is hibernate. Wake me up on the first of May when the earth comes alive; when I can see the world in multicolour, hear the birds sing, feel ... Views: 2472
According to Richard Bandler, creator of NHR, most of the problems and things that people do and bad feelings that they have work automatically but they weren’t there when you were a baby.
These are all learned behaviours, and when you hypnotically repattern someone what you are basically ... Views: 7776
Have you ever failed to come across the way you wanted to when you needed to the most?
Did you ever find yourself struggling to make a good impression or persuade the person you’re talking to whether in social situations, at interviews, or at presentations?
Does speaking to an audience or ... Views: 2370
Why is it that some people achieve seemingly impossible things while others shy away at the smallest challenge? Why is it that only a tiny percentage of the world population go on to accomplish some extraordinary things in their lifetime, while the rest simply tick along from birth to ... Views: 4867
A friend of mine recently lost over two stone. She went to visit her best friend, who she hadn’t seen in a while, expecting a big reaction to her very visible transformation. What did she get? Nothing. No shock, no excitement, no recognition, no pat on the back, no “well done”… nothing.
When ... Views: 5131
Today I find myself collecting spiders to use with a client with a phobia. I’d usually spend most of the time either ignoring them, killing them or sweeping them off my walls… but today I am actually actively looking for them. Who would have thought! I used to fear them myself once, but now, I ... Views: 3300
Do you have trouble sleeping or find it really hard to relax? Do you feel overwhelmed by people and things in your life?
I am not surprised. Most people I coach are so stressed out they don't know whether they are coming or going. A lot of them sleep badly or not at all. Their eating habits ... Views: 3228
If you think that the foods you eat and how you feel have nothing to do with each other, it’s time to open your mind, and close your mouth, to certain foods, that is.
I remember my recent visit to Spain, where, for the umpteenth time I heard my own mother complain about how crappy she is ... Views: 2321
A few years ago, I thought that mindset was about 10% of the reason for why one person would succeed, while someone else wouldn't.
Then, the more I worked on myself, and the more I worked with clients, the more I thought it was like fifty fifty.
Now, I believe that your success is 90% ... Views: 2663
“Speak well to yourself because your deep mind is always listening”
I remember one evening at a boot camp session, when a fellow boot camper working out right beside me managed to slightly vex me, to put it nicely... her self-talk, which she let out for everyone to “enjoy” went on something ... Views: 4426
But not for clothes girls, sorry! For food! Buy your groceries before the weekend so that you have the right foods in your fridge and cupboards.
Use the PSP system: Plan-Shop-Prepare.
As with anything in life, the more prepared you are, the better chance you have of ... Views: 2912
Summer has oficially arrived! With good weather come skimpy clothes, ice cream and barbeques. The streets will be perfumed with the hunger inducing aroma of charcoaled sausages, chicken and burgers. Buns will come out too, together with salads and copious amounts of beer and wine.
How can ... Views: 3107
Do you insist on screwing up your weight loss efforts and making sure you stay overweight and unhappy forever?
Here’s 5 ways you may have been doing this:
1/ WEIGHING YOURSELF EVERY DAY: It is completely unnecessary and you will only be disappointed and frustrated. When you step on the ... Views: 2575
Do you know anyone who makes excuses for why they can’t exercise? Maybe you have been making excuses…
According to research published in 2009 by the department of health, 61 % of the Irish population is overweight or obese. The ratio is 29% obese to 32% overweight.
That’s a whole lot of ... Views: 2979
Being a woman in today’s society can be extremely fulfilling, but also challenging at the best of times. We know we should feel lucky and grateful after how far we’ve come in history. Yet, a lot of us may have taken on more that we can chew...
After working hard for years, many of us are ... Views: 4003
Ever wondered how your brain works? While we don’t know everything about it, what we do know is this:
The human brain weighs about 7 lbs and is about the size of a small head of cauliflower. It is a knot of 100 billion neurons and support cells. We can store a lifetime of memories there. We ... Views: 3418