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Underlying every change you wish for is a layer that must be transformed yet is rarely addressed.
It is the root from which all else emerges…and the key to sustained transformation.
It has become a part of you, integrating itself in the subtleties and intricacies of who you have come to ... Views: 1507
We all hear about how making changes involves giving up something or making sacrifices of some type. If we want to lose weight we have to “give up” some of our favorite foods. If we want to start a business, we have to give up financial security and the list goes on.
But what if it wasn’t so ... Views: 1323
People often look at challenging times as obstacles in their path to accomplishing goals. I have found that difficult situations can actually be the catalyst for much greater things, if you let them. I wrote my first book, "Think GREAT: 5 Steps to a Greater Life" to tell the story of my wife’s ... Views: 1524
Can you get focused for 90 days? Are the goals in your life important enough to eliminate bad habits and create new, great habits? Many of us have started some form of a program to improve certain aspects in our lives. The problem is that most of us start off strong, but fail to finish. I use ... Views: 2554
How to make a decision that will benefit you?
Do you know how to make a decision? Is making decisions easy for you?
Many people find themselves lost when they want to make a decision. People often do what they will do when it is clear to them what they do not want. Usually, no one can ... Views: 956
Cover the Clock
Most people, more often than we care to admit, don’t need to wear a watch. There are all manner of clocks and timepieces surrounding us. If you’ve got an appointment or if it’s important for you to be someplace in a particular time, sure, wear a watch if it’s convenient. To ... Views: 3758
God blessed me to publish my first book of poetry entitled, ON SOLID GROUND: Inspirational Poetry For All Occasions. All of the poems are God inspired and are based on His word with a scripture reference for each one. I may have written the words, but God spoke them to my ... Views: 1422
Is Finishing What You Start something you currently struggle with? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you’re having trouble completing your goals, dreams, projects, or even simple tasks?
The obvious answer is that you may have too much on your plate. Every time you have good intentions ... Views: 1714
Are you planning…
• for disaster?
• to be broke?
• to barely be making ends meet?
• for extreme wealth?
• to be let down?
• on someone saving you?
• for success?
• for struggle?
• for ease?
These aren’t trick questions. At first glance you may think that you would ... Views: 917
It goes without saying that time is gold. As we all know, goal setting is one of the main characteristics of time management. It allows us to define and design our dreams in life. To know our top priority is not easy to do so. First, you should ask yourself.
Am I happy and satisfied of what ... Views: 759
If you are thinking about your ideal future, goal setting is a powerful process. You must motivate yourself to make this dream into reality. Processing your goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. When you know what you desire to achieve, you have an idea where you should focus your ... Views: 727
I did quit my job, -“I fired my boss” as I used to say- because I had a little voice inside telling me to do so. But, at the same time, I was so afraid. I could also hear another voice inside telling me all the horrible things that might happen. These two voices were creating an inner conflict ... Views: 1157
"Help me understand something. How I can BOTH feel guilty about charging for my services, but at the same time feel resentful because they are not paying enough?" This question came up in a recent session with a private client. This client, and many others I have talked to in the past two ... Views: 1090
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success…”-Henry Ford
Anyone who has been in multilevel marketing for any length of time realizes quickly how important relationships are to your business. Not only are the relationships with your customers ... Views: 1621
First I’d like to ask, are you a goal setter? If yes, why are you setting goals in the first place? The answer should be to attain an admirable and deserving objective. There are many advantages in defining your objectives. First, like a movie, you choose to direct your own life.
You get to ... Views: 1301
"Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man [woman] does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right mind." - Seneca
Many people understand the importance of having a plan or setting goals, but what do they do with that information? Or what is they are not doing ... Views: 1358
It’s easy to waste your time on a whim
One hundred hours is just over 4 days. That’s the amount of time my fellow panel member on the BBC Sunday morning radio show had spent in the TV show ‘Big Brother’. Contrary to popular belief in the UK there are in fact more people in the world who’ve ... Views: 1406
I walk my dogs every day. After I get past a certain point on the walk I let them off their leashes. Their reactions to freedom are the exact opposite.
Barney likes to wander off the path. He’s a three year old Beagle so he will follow his nose just about anywhere. In fact, I have to watch ... Views: 2000
A vast majority of students navigate through their studies with no picture of their future. A large percentage is just collecting degrees. Many land themselves even to jobs that has nothing to do with their line of study or area of expertise. What is the cause? A lack of vision. A lack of vision ... Views: 1047
In Sometimes We Run... Part 1 (see article here: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/sometimes_we_run_your_relationship_with_your_goals_part_1 ) two of the primary ways that we run in relationship to our goals were addressed, running away from and running towards our goals. There are several ... Views: 1571
How do you envision your relationship in five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Many times we have a plan and a vision for other areas in our lives, like our career, business, or finances.
It is much less common to have a clear picture in our minds of what we envision our relationships ... Views: 1573
Article Title: How to Set and Achieve Realistic and Effective Goals (Part One from 'Handbook to Survive Life'')
Author: Craig Lock
Web sites: http://www.creativekiwis.com and www.lulu.com/craiglock
Other Articles are available at: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/user/15565
(Personal ... Views: 1214
If you know me, you know I’m BIG when it comes to goals. I preach goals every single day to those around me and even to people I don’t know sometimes! The truth is that I am a firm believer that having clear goals can clearly make a difference between living life, and living a great ... Views: 1877
You may remember the hugely popular 2007 movie,"The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman about two terminally ill men who decide to do all of the things on their wish list before they "kick the bucket".
For many of us, there is a similar bucket list of things that we want ... Views: 1394
The journey back to school is a time when students meet new friends and get adjusted to a new school environment. The adjustment is not limited to K12 students there are changes for college bound students too. Often after the first week students realize that they do not know how to study and ... Views: 1652
If you were like me growing up, when it came to accepting presents or gifts from others, your parents may have told you, "No, you can not accept that." They told you this for a variety of reasons, but the message was clear. You should not accept gifts. To further complicate things you may have ... Views: 2341
Life indeed is just too short to let it pass by and success in its most phenomenal state is just around the corner if you simply apply a few of these theories and principles. 1.) Focus, focus and focus. By concentrating and focusing on your dream goals and steps for at least one hour per week, ... Views: 1427
Aiming is a process in planning which takes time and should be done before you could fire your way into into a successful career, organization, relationships, and life in general. I have seen a similar thing in some people’s professional and personal lives most of the time. Several individuals ... Views: 972
When I think 'resistance' what comes to mind is the French Resistance: a bunch of intrepid and dedicated underground rebels fighting for the freedom of their country - all with a certain 'je ne sais quoi' and irresistible French accents...
But that's only good in the movies. Dealing with ... Views: 1866
Do not wait for another day because the future is now. Perhaps you have heard some of the techniques and strategies for accomplishing goals before but oftentimes we have to hear them again. A simple and easy acronym to recall is “smart” goals. These smart goals actually stand for specific, ... Views: 1074
“Be the change you wish to see.” Mahatma Gandhi
What seems to make the difference between those who thrive versus those who strive comes down to the willingness to identify what is and isn’t working in life; and then making the appropriate changes. Yet, studies indicate that most - over ... Views: 1907
Imagine how much more of your brilliance you could share if you released it when it was good enough. Count the hours and the days and the months and maybe even the years that you may have held on to your wisdom because you believed it was not good enough.
My background includes many years ... Views: 1570
The most important thing we can do in life is to set goals that will propel us forward. People should define and refine their goals to reflect the changing realities of their lives. Goals lead us in the right direction for achievement and one must know how to set goals that shape their life. ... Views: 2154
I have question for you and we want you to be completely honest with yourself.
Does the idea of being complete scare you or conjure up images of something too hard, too much or too final?
Hang on before your inner dialogue kicks in and puts all sorts of thoughts and ideas in your head. ... Views: 2816
Do you plan to be successful or do you just plan? There is a big difference between the two.
Any kind of plan is probably better than no plan at all. But do you know the reason so many plans fail or succeed only as a faded, watered-down version of what they're supposed to be? It could be ... Views: 1257
In difficult economic times it is easy to let go of standards and take on a client who does not fit your vision of your ideal client. When few clients are in the pipeline it often looks attractive to take the ones that show up. When you do this you run the risk of having an angry client or ... Views: 1245
Have you ever set a goal and not achieved it? Most people have. In fact, it’s common for people to get stuck in an endless cycle of setting goals, being very motivated, then losing that motivation after a couple of days, weeks, or even months and giving up or losing momentum.
Why does this ... Views: 2303
The GROW model is a widely used tool for setting and achieving goals. I certainly have found it invaluable and whether or not you have used it, or even heard of it, this article will help you to use it in the future. The GROW model can have a huge impact on your achievements in every area of ... Views: 2662
Surprisingly enough, setting goals may actually hinder your chances of life-long success!
Let me begin by saying that goal setting is wickedly effective. In other words, if you desire an outcome, and make it a goal, the odds are extremely likely that you’ll achieve it. And therein lies the ... Views: 2667
In order to bring those wanted changes in our lives we have to change the way we are asking. Once you have established a goal, reflect on the way you are asking for that goal to occur.
It is easy to state it as something you do NOT want rather than something that you DO want. For example, ... Views: 2164
The Practical Side Of Self Improvement
From changing our core beliefs and fundamental mindsets using techniques like meditation, yoga, self hypnosis and others, to simply fine tuning and sharpening existing success skills, self improvement is not only about improving our lives, but our world ... Views: 3137
Method No 4: Write a Description of Your Ideal Reality
Using your imagination, now write a detailed description of your new reality in which your ideal life and ideal self are already manifested. Write in the present tense as if all of your goals have already been achieved. Describe how you ... Views: 4406
Method No 2: Specify Goals
Make a list of your goals; the things that you would like to accomplish, create, manifest, improve or obtain. Include all aspects of your life – physical, material, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, familial, relationships, professional etc. Consider what you ... Views: 1626
If the current economic climate has you putting thoughts of work-life balance on hold in favor clinging to your job because it may seem the “safe” thing to do, I challenge you to shift your perspective around that. If we’ve learned anything in the past few months, it’s that what was once ... Views: 1779
You know what you want; you can almost taste your goal, see it just over that one mountain. Truly, if you can dream it, you can do it, and no goal is ever truly out of reach. It simply might take more planning and inspired action to get you over that great big mountain.
You started with an ... Views: 1509
Everything is going according to plan. You’ve got your strategy laid out, specific goals in mind, and a long-term plan that seems to be airtight. But then it happens, just as everyone said it would. You’re smacked in the face with your first obstacle. “Not a problem,” you say, cracking your ... Views: 2528
We are the master’s of our own destiny. This is a famous quote I remember once said in the movie “Once Upon a Time in China”, I forgot which part though. Very well said by whoever author who coined this quote. We are the sole responsible for whatever happens to our life. Today is the outcome of ... Views: 4855
Your experience is the one that shape who you are and how you live - how to achieve success.
As with everything in life, there are positive experiences in life and there are negative ones. When you think about your life experience, it can have a profound effect on your existing and your ... Views: 900
The power of communication is what the listener does with the message, not what the message does to the listener. Messages, stories, speeches, movies and advertisements that move people deeply do not do so because they are powerful in themselves. They do so because they touch the audience's most ... Views: 2041
Do you set goals or make resolutions at the beginning of each year? With 2009 upon us now is the time to whip out a pen and paper or your Blackberry and make some plans before another digitally enhanced year speeds by!
Want to know the secret to setting goals that you will achieve? It's all to ... Views: 1745