A few years back I had a personal trainer and friend named Michael “Choppa” Willis (don’t call him Chopper). He had a unique and colorful way of communicating. At the time I was struggling with severe arthritis in both of my hips.
It was a challenge but we worked around it in the workouts. ... Views: 647
In my second year in the insurance business I set a couple of records while going for the coveted President's ring. At one point my closing ratio was over 90%. It seemed almost effortless at times. I felt at one with my work, my prospects, and my clients. I was extremely focused and energized, ... Views: 1821
Less is More
Fill in the blank: I wish I had more _________________. What comes to mind: money? time? energy? stuff?
As I write these words I am on Day 18 of a 21 day cleanse. Nine of those days were limited to fruit smoothies, vegetable juice, and an occasional herbal tea (or less). One ... Views: 1886
Do you remember the Lone Ranger? Everywhere he went he would leave something behind. No, it wasn't Tonto. It was a silver bullet.
He would be riding off into the sunset and invariably someone would ask, "Who was that masked man?" The response always went something like, "I don't know, but he ... Views: 2491
I was in a seminar today on networking strategies. It was produced by a very reputable organization. The invited speaker, an author and self-proclaimed expert in the area of networking, was sharing his strategies. He was funny and witty and quick on his feet. He used the word "stalking" as a ... Views: 2347
Personal Marketing: Own The Mountain, by Doug Grady
Do you remember the movie Gorillas in the Mist? It's the story of Dian Fossey, a Kentucky woman who dedicates herself to saving the African Mountain gorilla from illegal poaching and likely extinction. But this is not about her. This is ... Views: 1196
The Turnaround, by Doug Grady
If you would have told me 19 months ago that by now I would be an author, have a youtube hit and be in the best shape of my life I don't know that I would have believed you.
Less than two years ago I was heavily in debt, full of self-doubt, and struggling ... Views: 1491
The Cost Of Persistence, by Doug Grady
per·sist·ence (noun): firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
“I will persist until I succeed.” -Og Mandino
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more ... Views: 1406
A couple of days ago I jokingly posted on my facebook status,
"I was going to blog today about writer's block but I couldn't come up with anything."
And then I started writing this. It took forever.
For the past two years I have been writing regularly- blogging a couple of times a week ... Views: 1259
I remember several years ago calling on a prospect in California. When I introduced myself over the phone, he asked, “Are you the guy who sings and plays the banjo?” My reputation preceded me, how cool is that? I smiled and said, “Yes, that’s me!” He said, “Uh, yeah, I saw you last year, I don’t ... Views: 1665
Gratitude, by Doug Grady
Recently I went on my second trip to Wellington, AL. My church organized the trip to help out those whose lives were devastated by the storms that ravaged the southeast earlier this year. It is unlikely it would have been on my radar without my first ever mission ... Views: 1212
The Storm, by Doug Grady
So often we want to be rescued from the storm. We don’t realize it is the storm that rescues us. -Unknown*
These words hit me like a thunder bolt when I heard them. I was in the midst of my own personal storm. It included, among other elements, intense ... Views: 1177
I thought I was just tired. I was reading a book with fine print and found myself pulling it further away to make out the words. My vision was better than 20/20- this must be a mistake. I delayed the inevitable for over 2 1/2 years. Last weekend I faced the facts and bought my first pair of ... Views: 1189
In the early 19th century, when boxing was quite popular, one who wished to challenge a boxer would throw his hat into the ring. This was probably necessitated by the crowds and noise at such events; you'd be missed if you simply tried to shout out a challenge or push your way through the crowd ... Views: 1718
Take a moment right now to think of a few foods you particularly disliked when you were younger but now enjoy as an adult. For me there was brussel sprouts, broccoli, spinach and eggplant. As a child I was required to eat these foods because they were “good for me.” I certainly would not have ... Views: 1896
One of the most valuable aspects of taking on and completing the 30-day challenge is becoming aware of your tendencies- realizing where and how you tend to get stopped. Let me share with you one of mine. I tend to have an “all or nothing” mentality. If I can’t do something full on, why bother? ... Views: 2154
One Tough Mudder, by Doug Grady
On Saturday, March 12th I completed my first Tough Mudder in Cedartown, GA. Modeled after British Special Forces training, it was a grueling course with 18 obstacles in the North Georgia mountains. When I first wrote about Tough Mudder I was convinced that the ... Views: 1353
I was a shy, introverted, insecure kid. My parents pushed academics and music. This included "gifted" classes, choir, band, and piano lessons- all worthwhile pursuits, but they did not do much for my geek status. I wanted to be popular, confident, and comfortable in social settings. In eighth ... Views: 1621
Have you ever had one of those days when you hit all the green lights? When progress seemed effortless? When you were simply unstoppable? Sometimes it helps to slow down.
I live in an area of Atlanta called Buckhead near Peachtree Rd, one of the busiest streets in Atlanta. I was running late ... Views: 1380
“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” –Cavett Robert
Emotions are powerful. They can infuse passion, purpose, and power into our daily activities or they can be the precursor to a sense of futility and failure, causing us ... Views: 1171
Recently I registered for a run called the Tough Mudder, billed as the “Toughest One Day Run on the Planet.” It is 10 miles, includes 18 obstacles and is modeled after British Special Forces training. The average completion time is reportedly 2 ½ hours. In sharing this with a friend he said “I’m ... Views: 1450
I learned more from failure than I learned from success
I learned more no thank you, so much more than yes
I learned to be willing to lead with my chin,
And if I were willing to lose I could win
-Barry Manilow
It is hard for me to believe I am citing Barry Manilow for my blog, but I ... Views: 1355
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." –Goethe
The year was 2003. I was living in California helping to build High Achievers Network when I received an email from a fraternity brother. He challenged me, along with the other ... Views: 4199
“You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
You may find yourself in another part of the world
You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
You may find yourself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife
You may ask yourself, well how did I get here?”
-The Talking ... Views: 1871
A- Assurance. Has this ever happened to you: you deliver a planned, powerful, positioned presentation, and your prospect says something like, “Sounds great! I like it, I want, I need it. I’m going to do it! (wait for it…) Call me Tuesday!” You call Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday… ... Views: 2678
E- Evaluation. Once your prospect is within realization (see part 1), evaluation begins. Human beings are evaluation machines. Evaluations are simply questions your prospects are asking which much be answered to their satisfaction before they buy. Your prospect consciously or unconsciously asks ... Views: 3121
“You’re ridin’ high in April, shot down in May.” –Frank Sinatra
If you are reading this you are likely in one now currently or are remembering a time when you were. The dreaded sales slump. It happens- even to the best of us. Sales can be a hero to zero business. The highs can be heavenly ... Views: 5655
Have you ever wondered why some people buy and some don’t? Why you can ‘nail’ a presentation and still lose the sale? Why some prospect with obvious needs won’t even talk to you? Why some people give a fast “yes” but you end up with a slow “no”?
It’s not about you.
So much of traditional ... Views: 2017
From time to time I have found myself watching ESPN’s coverage of the World Series of Poker. It provides an interesting look into human nature. Statistically, roughly 12 million Americans play poker, but only 5% are consistently profitable. Some of these 5% make hundreds of thousands of dollars ... Views: 1651