We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Self-hypnosis is a simple mental technique which narrows down your focus to just one thing. It's been used for many years to focus on goals, whether personal change or personal development goals or achievement goals in business, sport and the arts.
Here's a thought experiment (don't try it ... Views: 1311
Decisions making is one of the most important steps to be successful. Success can have different meanings for everyone but in brief it is achieving the goals you set. You should make the right decisions to achieve your goals and succeed.
Unfortunately, there are some unseen traps that force ... Views: 1885
Perhaps you are at a crossroads, need to make decisions or move forward?
Maybe you’re not sure about the next step or are just stuck in a rut?
Being a Psychologist and many time practicing as a life coach I often start by guiding you in identifying your skills, values, and desires. Then, ... Views: 2362
Procrastination is hiding in the shadow of the future when you should deal with “now”. It is all about delay tactics, which turn seven days journey into seven years. Procrastination thwarts growth and hinders progress. It is a canker worm that thrives on excuses at all times and in every ... Views: 1571
The good news of having a chapter record in your credit report doesn't mean you'll be able to't buy a home. Imagine me or not but people who have gone by bankruptcy have been able to inspired themselves to construct credit by taking over debt again
However the dangerous news is that the debt ... Views: 497
In our efforts to better develop ourselves as a manager, an employee, a business owner or even a job seeker, we often focus on how we can achieve our long term goals and strategize forward to that point. However, often, we overlook the short term, ‘baby steps’ that we need to take to get to ... Views: 764
A year ago, I had a patient come into my urgent care clinic. He was excited to tell me he was finally going to retire. For over 40 years he had run a successful business in our community.
He and his wife had looked forward to the day he could retire. They had been putting money away in their ... Views: 1449
Last week we discussed why retiring is not something people should do. Instead of making plans for retirement, it is better to plan for a long life of happiness. An easy way to do this is to ask, "How would I have to live my life so that I would never need to retire - so I can live life to the ... Views: 1763
This story comes to us from one of our readers. She wanted to share her “sticking point” – the moment she realized that her attempts at organizing were actually hurting her more than helping.
“Everyone has one, you just may not know it yet. I discovered my sticking point the other day while ... Views: 1108
Some days are harder than others. Today seems to be one of those, for me: no energy, not wanting to jump on my planned tasks. One curse of being a therapist is my tendency is to look for reasons. And so I reviewed some of my recent decisions and actions, and non-actions, and found myself looking ... Views: 1498
Multitasking is not the secret to success. A scattered, unfocused mindset sabotages the accomplishment of the major-tasking that creates lovely memories and crosses off the jobs that need doing but one time. Myriad studies prove that multitasking not only isn’t efficient in the long run, it ... Views: 1365
Many years ago, I used to know this friend who was very intelligent and knowledgeable. As a matter of fact, I used to go to him for personal advice often. However, there were two things about him that many people (including me, eventually) did not like about him.
The first was his ... Views: 662
The next time you’re looking for a little fun at the office, try this one on for size: Prowl around a few cubicles and sneak up behind an unsuspecting employee or two. Then, quickly, before they have time to think, bombard them with a series of questions: “How would you define our brand? How ... Views: 1142
Why do so many businesses or individuals fail? Why is it that people do not all get what they want in life? Failing to plan can often mean planning to fail. Creating a plan means setting goals in your life. If you do not set goals you will not be very likely to succeed. Sure, there are some ... Views: 1195
Often when people come to one of my alcohol awareness classes, they know that they need to stop drinking alcohol. But they don’t know exactly how they should stop. Here are some tips that you might find useful:
1. Don’t hang around people who are drinkers or who might tempt you to ... Views: 5464
Goal setting and planning is what most say they do. But do they really do it in a way that compels them to get results?
My name is Jim Hageman and I want to share with you an uncomplicated goal setting and planning approach that works. It will help you realize whatsoever you truly want to ... Views: 936
You've seen the commercials and ads. You heard about the mystery of people working from home. You can even become a member of a multi-level marketing company in an attempt to build a business, but chances are you might have failed. This article is designed to help you build a foundation to help ... Views: 514
I was never one for having a long-term plan. When people asked "what are your goals for 5 years, 10 years?" I'd look at them blankly. I had no idea.
I would tell myself, I live in the moment, I can't possibly know what I'll be doing in 10 years.
And yet, in the deep of my heart, I DID ... Views: 680
Daily OM
When you remember that you are the author of your own life story, you are free to create a masterpiece.
We all have our own life story. It is filled with relationships and events that help shape who we are and what we believe to be true about the world. Depending on our ... Views: 3278
Goal-setting can be a frustrating experience. Especially if you have a goal that's too big, that is not clearly defined, or that does not reflect what you truly want. Let's say you want success—Great!—but what does that entail? What does success mean to you? Where do you start? How do you ... Views: 1157
In the current economic crisis, executive level roles are few and far between and competition is fierce. Once you have spent time making your Curriculum Vitae as professionally written as possible, securing a first interview is only the first hurdle. Employers today’s marketplace have their ... Views: 659
I have 15 years’ experience of working as a senior level ‘head-hunter’ and running an executive CV writing business, dealing with MBA graduates, and in my experience the short answer is yes.
If one read down the lists of business school MBA programmes under various headings, many institutions ... Views: 661
As a ‘head-hunter’ with over 15 years’ experience in both providing CV writing services for executives, and placing them into board level positions, I understand that once you have received a job offer, the negotiations have only just begun and a careful choice needs to be made on your ... Views: 600
1. Keep it service-based and simplistic.
I was recently told by someone that their new invention was going to be global; it was going to be the next big thing. Then, I asked him about production, warehousing, distribution and patent because if it got as big as he was boasting, someone would ... Views: 1205
I have found that there is a repeating theme, things that are reliant on something out of my control and must be done by a certain deadline, get done just in time.
It generally applies to things in which I had no control, such as something I want to sell. I have to wait until someone wants to ... Views: 1087
Often I find that clients are not getting their goals and experiencing frustration or sadness. They are caught up in their feelings but not truly observing what is happening.
My client, John, was in deep need of attracting his ideal administrative assistant. For years, he kept hiring subpar ... Views: 1359
Just a thought for getting the job done daily - I call it ROPEF. In Ezra 3:4 They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required. Notice this ending phrase, as the duty of every day ... Views: 851
Have any idea what that one resolution could be? Patience? Faith? Intention? Action? Courage? While all of these are wonderful attributes, and definitely add a critical element to our accomplishments, none of them are the one resolution that’s needed. The only arrow required to shoot straight ... Views: 1544
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Action Stations! - by Steven Foster, MD, George Thomas International
“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” Benjamin Disraeli
Knowledge doesn’t mean a thing unless you are prepared to act on it.
It’s all very well knowing you can do whatever you set your heart on, but if you never do anything about it nothing will ... Views: 844
We all have dreams and goals that we aspire to accomplish. Often times those dreams fade in to the distant past, never coming to be. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Don’t let your dreams be part of the past
We are responsible for making our own goals come to life. Most things in life don’t ... Views: 729
Everyone has heard of the most recent scandal concerning the Monster.com website being hacked and important information for over one million folks being stolen. Now what would a hacker need with the data some would surprise? The though behind a hackers motives typically, is to simply have the ... Views: 559
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
They say that a man without a goal is a person who does not know how to live. Virtually everyone believes that they are born for a purpose. However, goals are not enough. What is even more important is you do something to reach them. You ... Views: 594
By Jon Sandifer
This article explains the deep connection between the world’s oldest oracle, the I Ching, and the most ancient astrological system.
The I Ching still remains unsurpassed as a blueprint for the universe. So, its longevity as the oldest book in continuous use is hardly ... Views: 1019
We are all too familiar with many rags to riches stories here and there. But what do all these stories have in common? The story of despair, poverty, hope, survival and surmounting the odds. Bottom line? These rags to riches stories all inspire us. If they can do it, so can we--for these tales ... Views: 2828
Most people view time management as little more than a list of rules that involves the scheduling of appointments, goal setting, planning, creating things to do lists and prioritizing.
Taking a broader perspective, personal time management involves everything you do; with the ultimate ... Views: 1137
Even before the big ball dropped in Times Square to celebrate the advent of 2011, the media had been bombarding us for weeks with advice about our New Year’s resolutions. Lose a few pounds. Get back in shape. Kick a bad habit. Spend more quality time with your kids. Make better choices in your ... Views: 983
Almost exactly to the day, fifteen years ago, I established a special ritual. It was January 1, 1996 and as I prepared to actually write down my goals for the year, it never occurred to me that this exercise would become a fulfilling rite that motivates me to dream big and better. From ... Views: 1841
It’s ironic that I named my business MasterPeace and then ditched peace for self-induced torture. Yep, there was nothing about my life or business that was easy. Any moment of triumph was immediately replaced with , “What do I have to do next?!”
Isn’t it funny, that all dreams and goals ... Views: 776
When you make a decision about setting a goal for yourself, make sufficient research to be able to build an efficient plan targeted to reach your gaol, but do not discuss it with friends and family. Do not rely on anyone but yourself when you make a decision, which will change your life. If you ... Views: 1138
How do you feel about 2011 so far? Has it met with your expectations? Is it working out the way you had hoped? Are you feeling safe and secure about the future or does it feel like a rocky road?
Maybe you are dealing with a lot of unknowns and you feel you just aren’t in a secure place. Or ... Views: 1211
Success is more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. Planning for success is about mapping out all the aspects of your life. Similar to a map, you need to define the following details: origin, destination, vehicle, backpack, landmarks, and route.
Origin: Who you are
A map has a ... Views: 1410
Let’s turn back the clock…
What does 2010 have to do with it? I’d like to start off by saying. Be grateful about where you’re at today and what you’ve accomplished this year. Stuck in disappointment is not cute!
Be the architect of your life & design it exactly how you want it. “If you ... Views: 1029
Every New Year is a different reason for celebration. And every New Year that is becomes the new hope for everyone. We try to leave the bad things that have happened last year and try to work out the things that must be done for a new year there is. A New Year is a cause for celebration as well ... Views: 872
With the ever-increasing growth of information available on the internet, most people find this in the way of other's blogsites. More and more people are being drawn to the idea of creating their own blog. Coming-up with the concept and idea for your blog can be like a fantasy. Exploring all the ... Views: 1380
Learning how to set goals effectively is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your life. Unfortunately, it is also the one area that might be holding you back if you aren't doing it right. Here are the top mistakes that you absolutely have to avoid if you are serious about ... Views: 1428
212 The Extra Degree by S.L. Parker and Mac Anderson is about giving your best in all areas of life. People tend to underestimate their abilities and not do as well as they potentially could. This book also helps to shed light on your true potential. It helps you to realize what you're really ... Views: 2487
We all want to be proud of where we work and what we provide for our company. Are you wanting or maybe struggling to get ahead or out of your current position? Here are 4 strategies for you to implement to help you get promoted?
1. Take on More
It may not look like it and in some cases it ... Views: 943
Have you ever made a commitment that didn’t stick? Perhaps you resolved to begin a new exercise regime but stopped it after week one. You may have even resolved to draw in more clients, but didn’t invest in yourself to learn about the latest marketing or networking techniques. Maybe you even ... Views: 1796
If one went looking for information on how to achieve success then they are bound to find thousands and thousands of books written on how to achieve success. Many successful people have poured their lives in writing autobiographies and other personal roadmaps of how they’ve achieved success and ... Views: 646
My two year-old son, Lucky, loves going to the park. Lately, we go to a park darn near every day that the weather permits.
No matter how many times we go it’s always the same routine:
• Head straight toward the slide
• Find and pick up big sticks
• Throw a ball if we brought one ... Views: 1191