Personal journal writing is one of the world’s favorite ways to understand itself. People who keep up a regular journaling habit become more self-aware. It’s a natural by-product of connecting the mind, the eye, and the hand in one unified activity, which is what happens when a person ... Views: 1462
Do you want more happiness in your life? Do you want to find greater meaning and wholeness? Most people would say yes to these questions even if they are relatively content.
Most of the time, we think of happiness as serendipitous. We have “good” days and “bad” ones. Our lucky days bring ... Views: 1331
How much does that word take up space in your life? Have you ever found it difficult to forgive someone? Are there things or people you feel like you will never forgive?
Or, on the other side, are you sometimes worried that other people will never forgive you?
An ... Views: 5261
How do you make decisions? When you’ve narrowed it down to just two or three options, what mechanisms do you use to come up with The Ultimate Choice?
When you think about it, you can see that you’re making decisions all day long. What to wear, what’s for breakfast, how to solve this problem, ... Views: 1362
Ah, summertime, when the living is easy! Sure, we have to keep up with business and pay the bills as usual; but there’s something so sweet and gentle about summer, a relaxed attitude that makes everything a little less stressed.
Because of this, summer is an ideal time to re-group. Business ... Views: 1412
News flash! The body and mind are intimately connected.
Now, that may not be news to you, but it’s likely that you are not sure exactly what it means or how body and mind operate in synch.
Mostly, we are aware of the ways mind is different from body: it’s faster, more flexible, ... Views: 1463
People in general tend to be moody. Sometimes we’re energetic and optimistic, and sometimes we’re sluggish and blue. In addition to the globe’s atmospheric conditions, producing constant weather changes, we have our own internal weather, seemingly as capricious as clouds. We do our best to ... Views: 1606
When the holidays approach, most of us go into traditional modes, doing the same things we’ve always done to celebrate. But if suddenly the old rituals become empty and you’re just not feeling it anymore, you can use journaling to bring you to new, heightened appreciation.
Though we have ... Views: 1487
How acutely do you sense a lack of meaning in your life? It’s easy to get caught up in materialism and forget what you most want to do and be. 21st century existence leaves little room for the finer things. Yet losing touch with ideals ends up in pain.
If you want to improve your health and ... Views: 1552
Many people experience romantic love at least once in their lives, and hopefully most of us know familial love and the love of friends. And perhaps we’ve been in love with our pets, or our projects, or the ocean, or chocolate.
Whatever the object of our love, the best part about loving is ... Views: 1444
Are you travelling this summer? Whether it’s a weekend getaway to the mountains or a month by the shore or a dream excursion in the South Seas, journaling your adventure is a sure way to make its pleasures last.
Have you ever had the feeling that too many things are happening, and you’re not ... Views: 1703
Have you ever noticed how much an individual's success is a matter of self-confidence? People who are leaders possess a strong sense of self. They are confident in their ability to handle whatever situation arises. They believe in being, doing, achieving, and receiving the best at all times. ... Views: 1557
There exist an untold number of reasons to keep a journal. Journals are indispensable for documentary, motivational, devotional, emotional, intellectual, health and a host of other reasons. Almost any ongoing concern in life is fair game for journaling.
Though the impetus to start a journal ... Views: 1385
Anyone who relies on wit and creativity to make a living has experienced a singular fear: the terror of running out of ideas. Most of us know the feeling; being creative on demand isn't easy.
Though journal writing is personal and never mandatory, even this kind of expression can be hard to ... Views: 1890
In the process of healing from disease, we usually attend most keenly to the physical body, urging it with therapies, drugs, and other interventions to return to wholeness. But it’s important to attend as well to our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves with just as much focus and care. ... Views: 1635
As the year draws to a close, the days shorten, and the season encourages rest and reflection, we often use this time to make plans for the next year. This may include New Year's Resolutions as well as goals and timelines for accomplishments we hope to achieve.
Your journal is an excellent ... Views: 2340
Keeping a regular journaling practice can have a huge positive effect on an individual's confidence, self-knowledge, and success in all kinds of endeavors. The power of journaling is not well known, but once you start journal writing you come to know how dramatically it can improve your ... Views: 1744
Journaling is a practice we can use to get to know ourselves better. For the most part, we thoroughly enjoy the experience, and it leads to greater self-confidence and personal health.
There may be times, though, when your journaling seems bogged down in too much You. You realize you're in a ... Views: 1595
We all have Inner Critics. Some of us have several of them. Journal therapy practice helps us to plow through the Critic's debilitating tactics, and transform them into useful coaching. The recipe calls for plenty of pen, paper, and journaling, tunneling through the morass of inner doubt, guilt, ... Views: 2636
No matter what kind of journal writing you do, there are some levels on which the process works whether or not you intend it.
Keeping a journal increases awareness, for instance. By reflecting on your experiences through the practice of journaling, you gain greater understanding, sharper ... Views: 1561
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to write as if powerless to stop themselves, while others struggle slowly and painfully with the process of writing?
If writing amounts to an irresistible urge for you, a veritable lust for penning words and stories, you probably enjoy the process. ... Views: 2193
When keeping a personal journal, you may notice that the practice involves you in an intimate relationship, one you and your journal are building over time. Like all intimate relationships, there may be highs and lows in the interchanges. There may be times when the journaling flows easily, and ... Views: 1845
Everybody has an Inner Critic (or two or three). Your Inner Critic is that shadowy voice of negativity that makes itself known inside every human being. No one is immune.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Have you heard that one? Thinking about the Inner Critic reminds us of the ... Views: 1799
While many may think of journaling as a harmless, completely reflective process, the truth is that keeping a journal can actually be a revolutionary act.
Journal writing helps us reclaim ourselves and use our power to create a better life than we have previously known. Journaling shows us ... Views: 1921
One profoundly useful way to journal is to use the practice to change ourselves.
Presumably, most of us like ourselves well enough. Though many people experience true self-loathing at some point in their lives, for the most part we maintain a healthy respect for old Number One.
But even ... Views: 3303
A profoundly helpful application of journal writing is to use it as a tool for reflection on your life experience.
Do you remember your childhood? Have you ever made a serious attempt to remember it and work through some of the harmful habits and fears it created in you? Many of us stay so ... Views: 2121
Do you dislike the preponderance of "I" statements in your journal writing? You know, your tendency to use journaling as a good old reliable data dump: “I hate my life. I can’t stand my bosses, I feel fat and bloated, I, I, I…!"
When you journal regularly, now and then you might slip into ... Views: 4362
While many may think of journaling as a harmless, completely reflective process, the truth is that keeping a journal can actually be a revolutionary act.
Journal writing helps us reclaim ourselves and use our power to create a better life than we have previously known. Journaling shows us ... Views: 1996
Lately, journaling has been enjoying renewed popularity. But people have been journaling ever since writing was invented. The urge to record and explore through personal writings is time-honored and universal.
What is journaling, exactly? Some might picture a diary, a small volume bound with ... Views: 2714
How often do you find yourself in need of a motivator? You want to do something, accomplish a goal, embed a new habit, or simply change your life somehow. But actually getting started seems always to be just out of reach.
Making a vision collage can serve to light a fire for you, illustrating ... Views: 2347
When contemplating your own personality and potentials, it can be helpful to focus on defining moments, or snatches of your experience that you remember as particularly potent, rich, and/or formative.
There are certain moments in our lives that have a profound, transformative impact on us: ... Views: 3505
When we look back on the past – whether just yesterday or many years ago, sometimes we think, "I wish I knew then what I know now."
To help find peace of mind in the present, try working with that wish in your journaling practice. Go back to that previous time for a dialog with your younger ... Views: 9360
Journal writing can sometimes seem to corner you. While on most days, your pen scribbles without hesitation, sometimes you can't think of a thing to say. Or sometimes you have the opposite problem: there's so much you want to explore in your writing that you can't decide where to start.
In ... Views: 2309
Journal writing is like a 6th sense, a value-adding tool for perception that allows us to experience and know ourselves and our surroundings. Journaling is a reaction to what is happening, both inside and out.
Depending on where your focus lies, your journal will reflect that. As long as ... Views: 1708
Do you sometimes experience one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days like the hero of the Judith Viorst book? The kind of day when it feels impossible to break out of a rotten mood, and everything seems to go wrong?
The next time you are feeling out of sorts, take out your ... Views: 2699
Journaling on a regular basis is an opportunity to get into your inner life and understand what motivates you, what helps you, where you come from, and how your thought patterns are configured. Journaling helps us understand what's really going on inside of us, so we can get past all the baggage ... Views: 2402
At the New Year, everyone makes resolutions, savoring the opportunity to align with new goals, to throw out the old and seriously get started on achieving hopes and dreams. It's a good time to revitalize your journaling practice, as well.
And there's a bonus! You may well find that by ... Views: 1943
Despite the advice that comes to us from every direction these days to keep a positive attitude, actually doing that all the time or even most of the time is far more easily said than done.
Let's face it: life is stressful, and no matter how determined you are in the morning to make the very ... Views: 1994
A clearly practical application of journaling is to use it as a way to get a grip on your financial worries.
Our current economy is challenging, to say the least, and many of us are obsessed with financial concerns. Physical side effects from money stress - like sleeplessness or headaches, or ... Views: 2114
Refresh your Journaling Practice
Few sights are more inspiring than rows of trees bursting into flame with the red and gold leaves of fall. Unless it's the fist pink blossoms of spring. No matter what the season, it's likely you'll encounter a few days that provide an ideal opportunity to ... Views: 2013
When you're not feeling well, when you're sick or have recurring aches and pains, probably the last thing you think of is journal writing. But the fact is that journaling for the health of it can be an excellent starting point for a voyage of discovery about what your body is trying to tell ... Views: 2038
Among the innumerable uses of journaling, keeping a food journal is especially enlightening and helpful.
There may be a variety of reasons why a person would decide to keep a daily food journal. Here are just a few:
• You want to lose or gain weight.
• You want to alter your diet in any ... Views: 2476
Getting into the habit of a new habit is the hardest part. We may jump into something new wholeheartedly, but making it a habit is another story.
Many of us aren't very reliable when it comes to committing to something, and sticking to it through thick and thin. We start off enthusiastically, ... Views: 2091
Journaling is an excellent tool for dealing emotionally with almost any issue in life. The therapeutic applications of journal writing are endless. But it's also true that sometimes you feel stuck, unable to make a move in any direction, and not even able to sit down comfortably with your ... Views: 2475
Many people are often stalled in their attempts to learn and grow because of something called the Inner Critic, that judgmental voice from within that extinguishes courage and creativity.
You want to make a career move, but your Inner Critic denigrates your abilities. You want to approach ... Views: 3940
Dreaming is what Sigmund Freud called "the royal road to knowledge of the unconscious." The nightly narratives of dreams, whether scary, strange, or sweet, are clues to what's happening with us deep down inside.
History is full of examples citing the influence of dreams in decision-making, ... Views: 1985
Quite often in life, those things which are most simple and obvious are also the most profound and difficult. Things like love and money. And journaling.
Taking the time to pause and reflect, to focus on yourself, and to express to yourself what you find couldn't be a more natural impulse. ... Views: 3066
There are a million reasons to put off sitting down with your journal.
For that matter, any regular exercise for self improvement can easily start to seem like an imposition, an inconvenience, and worse, a promise that doesn't really have to be kept.
That's why resolutions so quickly get ... Views: 3363
Exercise your mind-body connection
An aspect of journal writing that is both fundamental and subtle is its use as a moving meditation.
Like the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong, journaling can serve to provide a connection between the mind and the body. A holistic awareness of health ... Views: 2615
Journaling on a regular basis is an opportunity to get into your inner life and understand what motivates you, what helps you, where you come from, and how your thought patterns are configured. Journaling helps us understand what's really going on inside of us, so we can get past all the baggage ... Views: 2239