We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
At the beginning of the year, many people get inspired … to lose weight, start a business, write a book, or fulfill some other desire. By the end of January, the desire may have faded, and by March it’s only a wish.
How can desires become goals? The secret lies in creating a clear ... Views: 1458
“I have found that I cannot predict the stock market except over very long periods. I cannot tell you when the housing bubble will burst - only that it will burst. I cannot tell you when the dollar will stop rallying - only that it will stop. So I cannot tell you anything that, in a few minutes, ... Views: 686
We’re coming up on the New Year fast and furious right about now. This is a time people project their thoughts and aspirations into the coming year. New Years resolutions have been a fad for so long they are now a tradition. Sadly, failed New Years resolutions are epidemic, to the point of ... Views: 1105
New Year's Eve is always an interesting time. It is one of the few days people really look back on the past and also look forward to the future. Now is the time to consider the changes to make in your life and figure out a way to make those changes stick. Here is the unofficial list of the ... Views: 799
Here are seven very-doable New Year Resolutions for 2013. With any one of these simple steps you could easily get in better shape and slow the aging process THIS year for a younger, more vibrant you. Let's see if one or more of these 2013 resolutions appeals to you.
1. The Chewing-Gum ... Views: 2290
While you may have spent a lot of time working on your goals for the next year, there are plenty of things that are going to get in your way to achieving them.
Before we go any further let’s establish the use of language here. Goals can be substituted with objectives, targets, outcomes, ... Views: 55477
Do you secretly yearn to fully express your greatest self in your life, in your business and in the world? Maybe you don’t know where to begin. It sounds so big!
Well it is! But think of it this way, it’s the most natural thing you will ever do. Why?
Greatness lives inside of you, and me ... Views: 1048
It turns out that the number one motivator of knowledge workers is not at all what their bosses think it is. In a multi-year study, completed by Teresa M. Amabile, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, managers put recognition at the top of the list of motivators. ... Views: 939
People usually make only ten New Year Resolutions! Neither 7 nor 8.
Usually these Resolutions contain many common points cutting across age, sex, and nationality.
So, what are these 10 top New Year resolutions or 10 best or most popular New Year resolutions?
Based on various 10 great ... Views: 1089
Tools needed: A pen and a piece of paper.
Sit at your desk or wherever you feel comfortable. It should be quiet; you shouldn’t be in danger of being interrupted in any way. Wait until the kids are in bed, turn off the TV, unplug the phone, turn down the lights if possible. You need to be able ... Views: 767
Have you ever planned a vacation? If not, then let’s start right now!
“Wait a minute… I thought this article was supposed to be about how to set goals. I’ve been tricked!”. Before you hit the ”back” button on your computer, please bear with me for a moment, as I assure you, planning a ... Views: 716
The Art of Positive Thinking when you’re feeling negative
Rhonda Rabow, M.A.
Experts say that being a positive-minded person can help make your life easier, healthier, and longer. People who are optimistic are generally believed to be stronger than pessimists, both in ... Views: 1938
I am an avid New Year’s Resolutions writer! In fact, I write them often. May be two or three times in a year! My success rate with them is mixed. I am more or less disciplined and hard-working person. So I keep on pushing ahead. But my Resolutions are too ambitious, you may say impractical, to ... Views: 961
Let's face it, your life is one big mess. You just can't get life work balance in order that you wish, one more fact is - there is no one to blame but yourself!
I know how it may sound to you, but you need to accept this as a fact if you really want to make cardinal changes in life, something ... Views: 1203
“I have never heard anything about the resolutions of the apostles, but a good deal about their acts.” Og Mandino
As New Years Day approaches, many people are readying their resolutions in earnest; the lure of the New Year incites the best of us with the opportunity to ‘start over’ and ... Views: 1619
Goal setting for the New Year can almost be referred to as a national pastime. Most people make New Year’s resolutions with the sincere conviction of making changes during the coming year. For some it could be losing weight, exercising more, for others it might be finally to stop smoking, move ... Views: 984
Goals are the most powerful driving force in your life. When you stop setting goals, you stop enjoying all of the amazing rewards life has to offer you. I know this first hand. In 1999, my wife was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Her oncologist instructed me to keep her positive. I helped ... Views: 1448
Tired of coming up with great ideas that never see the light of day? Have a great idea but no idea how to take it from concept to reality? Business objectives that need to be met but you don’t have a plan? Don’t give up! Learn how to achieve your goals the SMART way.
It’s the time of year ... Views: 1356
Do you find yourself struggling between setting goals and just living in the present moment? There's a tricky line to walk between the two. If you're constantly focused on the future and your goals, you may be missing out on wonderful moments in the here and now. You may also have blinders ... Views: 1011
Most everyone - if not everyone - starts goals. Few people ever stay with them for any period of time. Of those who stay with them, even fewer ever achieve their goals.
The reason: When we first set our goals, we have certain expectations or results. This is very similar to what many life ... Views: 644
Most people have a list of goals they have yet to achieve. The demands of everyday life, negative belief systems, and other obstacles have relegated that list of goals to a desk drawer, only to be brought out at New Year’s for the requisite resolutions.
Setting goals is about more than just ... Views: 585
Is your cup 1/2 full or 1/2 empty. That is the conundrum every individual is wondering in this economy.
It’s not easy to keep yourself positive with so much negativity and change taking place in the USA and the world. But looking at the 1/2 empty glass just breeds more negativity. Look for ... Views: 1160
Ah, New Year's Resolutions. They come but once per year, and cause quite a stir. Indeed, people talk about their New Year's Resolutions quite freely. A small portion of people even write them down. But how many truly achieve them? The number is probably dismally small. Why? Because most people ... Views: 1365
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EFT for Success - by Michelle Lee, CH of Set Free...Transformational Healing
EFT for Success
Goals become a hot topic this time of year as we look back taking stock of the previous year and as we look forward to the New Year and what it is that we want to accomplish and how we want to improve our lives. I know many people have given up all hope when it comes to ... Views: 1547
VIVA LA EVOLUTION!... say NO to New Year Resolutions.
Each year at this time millions of people from around the Globe make resolutions that they hope to keep during the coming year. By the end of February, a large percentage of those resolutions have fallen by the wayside. These resolutions ... Views: 1212
Top Ten List
When I started Insight Out, I was instinctively drawn to helping people create a better work-life balance. I knew I wanted to support the growing number of burned-out business people, especially women, in helping them release the ever-mounting pressure they were under. I wanted ... Views: 1090
Clear your mind. Transcend the past and be present to the blank canvas that the future really is.Your next 12 months can be predictable, or can be wildly successful – it’s totally up to you.I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Sometimes people set goals that make them say ... Views: 1844
Are you tired of setting your goals only to see them still on your list 3 months later?
Goals are important otherwise you’d be wandering around knocking on any door you found, reaching for the next shiny object or carousing for what you ‘think’ may make you happy.
You can now STOP the ... Views: 1505
For a busy working mom, the holidays can be a wonderful time to spend time with friends and family and to drink in all the joy and festivities of the season. And as joyful as this time of year is, it can leave you feeling more rushed and depleted than ever. Maybe you find yourself busily ... Views: 1236
While everyone is busy trying to Make Money Online, I’ve been thinking -
what makes me think I’m qualified? Who told me I could this? No-one!
My qualifications to make money online:
1. When in high school I had a job as a cashier in a major grocery
store chain.
2. After high ... Views: 1028
How’s your game?
Timothy Galwey struck a cord in 1974 when he wrote “The Inner Game of Tennis”. The inner game is the game we play against internal opponents - the opposition to your greatness that lives within you.
These opponents are all reflections of fear. They show up disguised as inner ... Views: 855
What is Wealth Creations Network?
Can You Imagine....something FREE in this day and age!
Wealth Creations Network is a wealth building club. Members work together to recruit new members and help each other to Make Money Online. Club CEO and Founder Selina Brantley and her Marketing Adviser ... Views: 2849
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a magic formula you could follow to know what actions to take, and when, so that you could always get the best results in every project or business you focus on?
There really isn’t a cookie cutter, step-by-step plan that you can use to prioritize action ... Views: 1434
Have you ever set a goal, or had one set for you, and you really believed deep down that you couldn't do it? What happened? You were right weren't you? Conversely have you ever had a goal where you knew for sure that this was a piece of cake? Yes, and you were right again, weren't you? Each News ... Views: 3425
"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)
The New Moon and Business
If you've been following my newsletter then you might remember that I'm also preparing to launch a line of all natural dog grooming products, Pure ... Views: 2073
What is a goal? A goal is a defined dream with a powerful plan. Dreams that are truly important to you will find their way out of your head and become a reality. How do you make that happen? Each year, millions of people set amazing goals called New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately, most ... Views: 1240
Smart goal setting starts with learning not to set yourself for failure. You may have all the ambition in the world but if your goals are not achievable or otherwise beyond your reach you will experience much frustration. The danger in this is not only the wasted time and effort but also that ... Views: 810
The Power of Intention
In October 2008 I sat coughing in the San Francisco Airport waiting for a friend to pick me up and deliver me home. I had gotten a cold back East where I was speaking at a conference and was now feeling miserable. But truth be told, it wasn't just the sniffely sneezies ... Views: 1151
The Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meeting www.mondaymorningcoach.com is the place to be for New Year planning. During this month, we’re going to be focused on expansive, strategic thinking for business and personal growth in 2011 and beyond. Here’s an overview
Today we’re focused ... Views: 1330
Wouldn’t it be great if we could do it all? Imagine never having to think about having the time or resources necessary to do a project because you had all the time and resources in the world. Wishful thinking huh?
The truth is that you don’t have infinite access to time or resources. There ... Views: 1561
As an emotion, faith is among the strongest and is a state of mind that most effects the subconscious mind. This is important when it comes to putting your thoughts into action in everyday life. If you set yourself a task but are lacking the faith in yourself to complete it then subconsciously ... Views: 1939
All of the great achievers throughout history have one thing in common. They have all been dreamers or desirers. If anyone is to achieve their goals in life then the first thing they need to do is establish what their desires are. That’s what makes people who are highly successful different from ... Views: 703
Is it possible to truly change? Does therapy help? Many people have turned their lives and fortunes around, while others spend years trying to change with or without therapy, but never seem to progress. What makes the difference? Certainly, there are skilled and unskilled psychotherapists. ... Views: 1955
We all use different motivations to reach our goals.
*Some of us always compete with our selves and some compete with others.
*Some of us put milestones related to ourselves and others prefer mile stone directly linked to others.
*Some of us think success means happiness, others think ... Views: 1531
What is the secret to success? There are so many people talking about how to become successful, but there is a problem. They are telling you how to become successful based on what they believe success means. For you to be truly successful, you must first define what success means to you.
So ... Views: 5318
I decided to write an article about getting things done and not worrying about perfection and found myself in need of my own advice...
I like to think that I subscribe to the idea that "good enough" is good enough. Sure it's important to do a good job and make sure there are no major mistakes ... Views: 1306
Well, I recently finished reading Switch by Dan and Chip Heath, and I absolutely enjoyed it.
The book focuses on the required elements to effectively making a change – in your individual or professional life or in your business or organization.
**Elephant, Rider, and Path**
The book ... Views: 731
What I aim to achieve in this essay is to determine what Core Values are, and where they come from. I will describe how the Client will live their life according to those values, or not as the case may be. Also what the consequences are for the Client if their values are not in alignment with ... Views: 5388