Do you experience stress regularly? If so, how does the stress get in your way of being actively engaged in, focused on, and passionate about your right line?
What is stress anyway? Where does stress really exist? So much has been written about stress that getting clear about stress can be ... Views: 1894
What if you knew the asset you have been wishing and waiting for lies in you right now? What if you knew that acknowledging and using this asset in adversity will shift you to advantage? You may then ask, “What is my asset? How do I discover it?”
Like a diamond in the rough, your asset may ... Views: 2310
The wheel. The body’s blood system. The seasons of the year. They each represent circulation of energy. This circulation affects every aspect of our personal and business lives. This past month reminded me again that the circulation of energy is often physically embodied in money.
Investing ... Views: 952
Know. Like. Trust. These are the basics for doing business, reaffirmed at a recent talk and book signing by Guy Kawasaki. His new book explains how to influence people while maintaining the highest standards of ethics.
What a wonderful way to describe the process of delighting your customers ... Views: 1056
Recently I awoke groggy from a night of fitful sleep. Later that day I received a call from a friend who said she wanted to talk with me and share an observation about website opt-in offers. (I made a new freebie available in early April.) My immediate assumption was that something was wrong. My ... Views: 3328
Do you ever talk more than your prospective client? Do you pursue a client from your need to help? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are most likely a high connector.
High connectors are often highly empathic. We—yes, I am a high connector and quickly tear up during ... Views: 1032
In growing your business have you accepted people you don't like as clients because you believed you needed to? Sometimes small business owners are not confident enough to say no to people who they don't like even if the person fits other criteria of their ideal client.
How have the business ... Views: 1159
This is another story about learning about words that work as they relate to taking care of the elderly who are cognitively impaired, which in my case is my mom. Mom lived at home with 24/7 care (word using ever so cautiously) from home health aides for 4 years (2006-2010) before moving to ... Views: 961
In the northern hemisphere July is in full swing with the robust growth of spring garden seedlings that burst through in the summer. The world is changing around us, whether we like it or not. Are you gaining momentum, too, or are your thoughts crowded with the exuberance of the ... Views: 1142
A few weeks ago, the United States reached its debt ceiling of $14.294 trillion. What an untenable position. The staggering, difficult to visualize, debt makes running the country quite a challenge. Without raising the ceiling again, one of the richest countries in the world could default on its ... Views: 1167
To what extent do you pursue mastery more than you pursue passion? The first time I heard this question was in a 6-week program, Juicy Online Marketing Essentials Bootcamp, that Lisa Cherney and Michele PW offered.
In answering the question, I realized that for too many years I had been ... Views: 1090
By now you might have read much about the futility of making New Year’s Resolutions. Each year we get wiser and learn earlier and earlier in January that resolutions don’t work. So, if you made resolutions, how well are you maintaining them now that we are several weeks into the year? How many ... Views: 1287
Do you ever catch yourself using hope as a strategy to get the results you want? Think about how much of your work life you spend hoping that (1) the prospective client will sign up to work with you; (2) the position for which you are being considered will be offered; (3) things will work out. ... Views: 1461
What is your first reaction when someone says or does something that hurts you? After “Ouch,” that is. The pain could be from the slip of the tongue or the slip of a hammer. Some of us might jump immediately to blaming someone or something else for causing us pain. Maybe we would not react so ... Views: 1319
Do you notice when you carry around negative thoughts? Are your shoulders sore from the burden? Often called stinking thinking, how would you treat these thoughts if you considered them akin to rotten or spoiled food? Would you keep such food around? No. You would throw out the offenders. You ... Views: 1323
Imagine how much more of your brilliance you could share if you released it when it was good enough. Count the hours and the days and the months and maybe even the years that you may have held on to your wisdom because you believed it was not good enough.
My background includes many years ... Views: 1570
My most two dreaded 4-letter words are debt and snow. The thought of winter makes my body curl up onto itself – a true, physical cringe. Likewise, the thought of debt chills me to the bone – because I’ve been there, close to broke and in the clutches of financial winter.
Summertime and ... Views: 2449
After my Mom’s partial hip replacement in late July 2009, I recognized the resistance I was relying on while engaging with her. Mom’s default position when she experiences tough times in various forms is to want to die. “You know what I want. I want to be dead,” is her mantra. In response, I ... Views: 2561
Wishing bone voyage to the hip of and to my hip 86-year-old Mom with slight dementia and 24/7 care created the immediate need for bringing to bear the weight of my coaching skills. These skills and coaching models are my immediate go-to place when facing tough situations and of course when ... Views: 1313
Our bodies contain a wealth of information from which we can learn. I explored expanding my awareness of body data in a setting that was highly conducive to the flow of learning with the Pacific Ocean as part of the scenery and sounds outside our window walled classroom. I spent 26 class hours ... Views: 1785
What is it like to engage in conversation with a parent with dementia? I’ve been learning the language of love with my 85-year-old mother who was diagnosed with early dementia about 2 months after she fell on her back on her concrete driveway. Up to the time she fell, which was about 2 ½ years ... Views: 1374