A school’s complete body of students will be impacted upon when the sudden death of a student’s parent becomes known.
Come morning, usually, the school’s administration has been notified allowing them to brief their staff before the school’s day starts. The school board’s psychologist will ... Views: 1621
We are all subject to it at one time or another. You’ve had this goal for a certain time. You’ve been working at it diligently, strategizing and prioritizing as you went along. Actions have been taken following your laborious planning chart and BOOM! A dry spell strikes.
You’re right there; ... Views: 1285
Wasting precious time when undecided may undermine your self-confidence considerably. As you will know when your self-confidence deteriorates you dwell in uncertainty. This feeling of uncertainty tints your every move and lets off an air of ambivalence which is far from becoming.
Security ... Views: 1165
Horseback riding is an art. Sure, in a Gymkhana, its a rather intense activity which blends speed and skill. As one, your horse and you swivel and swerve through obstacles while precious seconds go by. When jumping an obstacle course, timing and synchronization permit you to glide through the ... Views: 1086
Hope, being the flickering light that gleams and brightens the dimmest paths, permitting to grasp at dreams, wholeheartedly, even when circumstances seem to alienate all positive outcome probabilities.
You’ve known, I’m sure, people who have made it beyond their dreams. What makes them ... Views: 1220
A total blunder may set you back. However, should you encompass a radical failure rather than a mere scrape, it would benefit you to analyze and reflect on the every step taken to reach your goal.
It may well be that you hadn’t taken the time to envision all possibilities before selecting ... Views: 1210
Realistically, striving for perfection may somewhat be only a motivator to excel in a certain domain. There should never be a depletion of self-worth or self-confidence when perfection has not been reached. The human factor constantly interferes with the notion of perfection. Whether it is a ... Views: 1282
Hope, being the flickering light that gleams and brightens the dimmest paths, permitting to grasp at dreams, wholeheartedly, even when circumstances seem to alienate all positive outcome probabilities.
You’ve known, I’m sure, people who have made it beyond their dreams. What makes them ... Views: 2042
It is unthinkable that someone exposes others to a debilitating disease simply because they feel it concerns no one that they are sick. Fear of being discarded may lie beneath such attitude. Even worse are those who refuse treatment and propagate illness without the least ... Views: 1325
Your Emotional Intelligence skills are recognized. Your Leadership, team work, perseverance, performance and resilience are well-known. Your cognitive intelligence has been proven. Your analytical skills and capacity to rationalize has proven useful in emotionally loaded circumstances. You ... Views: 1516
We feel their presence in minute instances, remember their smile and laugh vibrantly, even when our eyes water at their loss.
It is those moments that will forever remain. It is the sense of their presence that has impacted our lives and been determining factors in our growth or our life ... Views: 1493
A leader should be transparent and his/her integrity should be evident. This is a challenge because when in accuracy emerges from a Leader’s mouth, the trust in his/her ability to lead dwindles.
Therefore, a Leader needs to be detail-oriented. Notes taken on projects, detailed methodology ... Views: 1547
They need to know you genuinely care. So hear their concerns; Tune into their feelings; Show you really care with your actions.
They need to know you walk your talk meaning if you say it, you do it.
They need a daily dose of HOPE and HUMOUR. I know ... Views: 1250
What do students need to know to want to learn?
1. First, they need to know WHY?
2. Then, WHAT it will give them. In order words, HOW will it BENEFIT them?
3. This is usually related to careers, jobs, MONEY, GRADES.
4. Followed by, WHAT TIME INVESTMENT ... Views: 1341
Success appears when resilience is present whether it be in life or career transitions, in struggles or problem solving, or even in life’s moments of despair.
Your goals are seldom reached in one easy stride. Life rarely serves Success on a golden platter. You will need to seek it ... Views: 1598
When sickness or disability is temporary, you will react and adapt to the momentary discomfort by seeking medical council and assistance to rehabilitate.
On a short term, most people do not lose their bearing, unless they are worried of it being prolonged. Our society is set to provide the ... Views: 1797
Once I was walking outside on a beautiful sunny day, I had stopped to chat with my horses and was walking towards the open field, when my dog came charging joyfully. It felt precisely like a locomotive ramming into my legs at full speed, sending me flying up in the air.
Landing on my back, ... Views: 1204
As promised, here is your sequel to .
You’re a go-getter. You’re constantly striving to reach your goals. You’re a determined achiever and feel pride and joy at performing well. You confidently move through difficult challenges with passion.
Burnouts happen to the best of us. Just take ... Views: 1385
Always ready for a challenge, a new dare? When things are not to your liking, you erupt like a volcano, splashing surroundings and people with lava and spurting rocks! Are you forcing by-standers to relocate rather than be splattered?
Never planning and having an unrealistic sense of what ... Views: 1763
A little blitz to cleanse the body and get back on track always is welcome when that winter padding or muffin belly appears. Keep it simple. It’s a moments. Here’s my routine, my little tune-up. Whether you stick to it a week or a month, it usually energizes you. It’s like taking the time ... Views: 1385
Have you ever had a so-called friend that turned into your nemesis as time went by and still remained glued to you in some way even though you’ve done all you could think of to push this person out of your life?
Have you ever witnessed how some individuals weave themselves into your every ... Views: 3570
Let’s first define COACHING as being a means of support given by someone having expertise in a certain domain. This support will be brought to you in consultations sessions given by email, over the phone or face to face individually or in groups. In some cases, the goals pursued will be known ... Views: 3718
It is said that Health Care Providers are prone to Compassion Fatigue at one point or another. The best of us are more likely to burn-out when extending our willingness to provide healing support beyond our capacity or in so trying circumstances that we fail to refuel rapidly enough to face the ... Views: 1689
As a leader, you will be called upon to solve a variety of problems. People will seek out your expertise to enhance performance and productivity. Your people skills will be sought out to facilitate, even mediate at times. Your wisdom will build your reputation and increase your responsibility ... Views: 1675
Betrayal, big or small, trashes your heart to bits. You do survive and heal. When it has been shattering, your scar will usually be deep and render you hyper-sensitive. You may have a tendency to armor yourself in order to protect yourself from any other injury. This armor may be so ... Views: 1900
All kinds of losses can make you feel like it’s the end! Some are worse than others. Whether it is a separation, a divorce, a death, it will wind you out! The grieving period will extend according to your needs and one day, you will feel the need to claim your life back.
Life’s ... Views: 1772
A few years back, I decided I wanted to get back into Literacy Project implementation and socio-economic development with Natives somewhere on this planet. My wonderful children were all grown up and I felt the urge of filling the void with a passion of mine!
In spring, as I traveled Costa ... Views: 1395
One of the great writers on motivation, Ausabel, determined that there was intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What does that mean exactly?
Well, intrinsic motivation will derive from an inner will to achieve and perform. Extrinsic motivation will come from benefiting from an outer source ... Views: 1882
A truth is seen by one person as factual, verifiable. The funny part of it is that it will vary from one individual’s perception to the next. Your perception is the way you receive and process a fact and what it means to you. It will be influenced by your values, previous experiences, your ... Views: 1915
Sometimes, against all odds, life continues. At other times, it stops with no previous warning. Baffling, to say the least!
What does that tell us? Well, I see it as a call to action. If you live, you must do. Do what? That depends on what is meaningful to you. I know one thing for ... Views: 1224