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The 9 Houses of I Ching Astrology
I Ching Astrology not only looks at your own horoscope, in terms of the Stars and Elements and Trigrams that form your special profile, but also looks into which position your Star rotates to within a nine-year, nine-month and even nine-day, cycle.
This ... Views: 1252
So many times, when I ask a client, "If you could do anything or go anywhere or be anything, what would it be?" there is a long silence. They really have to think about it because they are so far removed from their dreams.
And so I offer them this simple exercise to tap into that place where ... Views: 779
The first step required to convert your dreams and goals into real and tangible outcomes. Is to work to become the person you need to be, to attract the success you desire. This very complicated process means that you cannot pursue success. Anything you pursue will always elude you. You will ... Views: 1292
I always thought of why everyone thought about goal setting and why it was important to set goals. Will we not reach our destination without any set goals ? I always believed what ever is destined to happen has to happen then why to waste time in setting goals. But now i have really changed my ... Views: 543
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you find it hard to make a decision? A lot of people experience this problem and even live with it for most of their lives. This may sound like a small problem that may cause a little nuisance from time to time, but in reality, the inability ... Views: 2752
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
All of us have goals, but only a very small percentage of people actually get their biggest goals. For most people, this is all a matter of luck. But here’s a different, more accurate take on the situation: it’s all a matter of having the right ... Views: 769
The voice that says “YES, this is the right decision”, “No, let’s pass on this”, or even “Hmm, let’s mull this over a bit.” In each instance your voice within advises you to take action, even if it is in-action. But do you really listen to it, or do you scoff at the idea that you actually pay ... Views: 1992
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you often find yourself with your back hunched over without any recollection of actually doing it? You may be developing a rather unsightly and unhealthy posture. Hunching your back is one of the surest signs of an incorrect posture, and it ... Views: 1893
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you find yourself unable to change yourself or get rid of bad habits no matter how hard you try? Do you find yourself starting out well on a new personal development goal but suddenly turning back around and relapsing on your old bad habits ... Views: 659
It is time for you to take a really bold step, to begin dreaming big, to have huge expectations and to finally put your aspirations on the line. Have the courage to finally define, describe and proclaim your goals for the future. This is the first and one of the most important steps you will ... Views: 1112
Today's business leadership go out of their way to create and execute successful business plans. There are many online business courses that you can take to teach you how to create a business plan but the course may not go into the process of analyzing your existing processes before creating ... Views: 682
Having a positive mental attitude is part of programming yourself to feel and believe you are optimistic in your approach to different situations that life might throw at you, and that you are going to be successful in achieving your goals. Thinking positively builds self-confidence. The thing ... Views: 1356
The ability to successfully set your goals is one of the most useful skills to have if you want to succeed in the game of life. Are you going for unachievable goals that you don't feel that passionate about? Are you forever giving up on things that you have just started out on? It can be easy to ... Views: 1153
Are you one of those people who would like to learn the secret of success? Is a transformation from your life spent chasing things that you believe might be unattainable, or do you want to have successful dreams? If you are one of these people, then Success Happens by Dr. Tom Barrett is a book ... Views: 1931
Decision-making can be worrying. The worrying is worse when you try to make decisions centered on what the people around you want you to do. The best kinds of decisions are the ones that you make that guide you to the contentment and success you are worthy of!
Contribution from your friends ... Views: 1013
A lot of people believe that you need to finish your goals at a certain time. Ok a lot of this is true in many situations, but there are definitely many ways on how you can accelerate the course of your achieving your goals. You can accomplish the things you want faster by concentrating on the ... Views: 945
Why is it important to set out your goals? The reason you set out your is because it will get you motivated to go out and achieve what it is you want to achieve in your life. Self help Guru Paul McKenna said: "Everything I have ever achieved in my life is the result of planning. That doesn't ... Views: 1035
The majority of people would rather vegetate in front of the television, keep spending major time on minor tasks, spend their days lost in a cycle of “BUSYNESS” and never read another book once they leave school. This makes achieving success and standing out really easy for the select few that ... Views: 3428
It takes a lot of energy to remain on task when Murphy 's Law is in effect (Murphy's Law = whatever can go wrong, does). Having personally experienced this (repeatedly) over the years, I have been able to build muscle in this area and can now remain focused and keep moving forward, right through ... Views: 1527
Quite a lot really!
For most of us here in South Africa work pretty much grinds to a halt over the Christmas & New Year period. Through tradition New Year is the time when we evaluate our lives and set resolutions. However, 70% of people don’t even bother to do this anymore because by the ... Views: 1001
Viral marketing campaigns can be exciting and if effective literally explode traffic to your website or blog. Following are a few ideas for types of products and services you can use for your campaign, but the first step in any marketing campaign is to determine your goal – what is it exactly ... Views: 1976
It doesn’t matter where you want to go – the next city, the local store, a new life – the starting point must always be where you are right now.
Every process of change begins by determining exactly where we are, then deciding where we want to go and then creating an action plan for moving ... Views: 1634
Its confusing time when a webmaster completes his website and become curious to see it online, but can not make a final choice among various available web hosting services in the market. It is essential to search for the originally submitted reviews by original existing clients of web hosting ... Views: 974
Do you want a life of excitement and achievement? A series of suitable goals can help you attain this lifestyle. No, you won't become a millionaire or find success overnight. Instead, you will gradually increase your abilities and experiences. Then you can get closer and closer to the kind of ... Views: 1590
Do you believe that you can succeed? Do you believe that you can reach your goals? That is probably the single most important question that you can ask yourself, because if you don't believe in your own abilities, you are always going to struggle to reach your goals. Your success in life - ... Views: 1628
The Three Stars of I Ching Astrology
Everyone has three stars in their I Ching Astrology horoscope, here they are with their particular significance:
Birth Star
Your Birth Star is the driving force behind your personality and is determined by the year in which you were born. This is the ... Views: 1829
As a spiritually oriented woman (in business), have you ever worried that spirituality and money don’t mix? Do you cringe even reading those two words in the same sentence?
Many women feel that way. Women, especially, have been trained to believe that money is not spiritual, even bad. I’ve ... Views: 807
When God gives us something to do, why do we need to wait for man's permission to do it? God can give us all the supplies we need. But we tend to go to man and say, look at this for me and let me know what you think. While we are waiting, we are doing nothing. If it takes a while to hear back we ... Views: 1297
Have you ever taken on a big project or a new creative endeavor and, after hours, days, weeks of working, you think you're finished. And then someone offers you a suggestion to make it even better?
Do you settle for "good enough" or do you step back, take a breath and say, YES, I want it to ... Views: 1178
Starting out 2011, many of us would like this year to be different. We would like to eat better, exercise more, spend more time with our families, have better relationships, or whatever else might be important. In the beginning, our hopes and dreams are strong and might bring about short-lived ... Views: 1111
Starting out 2011, many of us would like this year to be different. We would like to eat better, exercise more, spend more time with our families, have better relationships, or whatever else might be important. In the beginning, our hopes and dreams are strong and might bring about short-lived ... Views: 1171
Why should we write down our goals and dreams on paper?
Here's 22 reasons why:
1. Thoughts get easily forgotten and lost in everyday life - We think lots of thoughts everyday; about 60 000 of them everyday!
2. By writing our goals down on paper, we are clarifying what is most important ... Views: 2121
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. - Vince Lombardi
OK, so you’ve taken time to dream. You’ve started exploring your passion. You’ve even begun to set goals for yourself. Now it’s time to take ... Views: 4841
Instead of changing your flooring, contemplate adorning with area rugs. There are many choices on the market in relation to these rugs. You can gown up a hallway or add colour to a bedroom. They are straightforward to seek out, affordable to buy and so they offer you the ability to move them ... Views: 733
Self sabotage can be detrimental to smart goal setting,but luckily can be overcome with a little practice and know-how.
Using a highly effective and proven method of smart goal setting, which has been embraced by over 50,000 people worldwide and from all walks of life, you will learn how to ... Views: 2522
Article Title: How to Set and Achieve Realistic and Effective Goals (from 'Handbook to Survive Life'') - Part One
Author: Craig Lock
Web sites: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/craiglock http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html#craig and www.lulu.com/craiglock
Craig's blog with ... Views: 1088
The following are some examples which a reader presented from his life.
1.) During school days, many times I was home in the evening and thinking of some girl or boy from my class and than I went out to the market and would see them there.
This used to make me wonder how did they ... Views: 1200
I like to think of my business - and my life when I'm not dealing with boys' sprained ankles - as flowing in the Universal Abundance Current. This current flows naturally and easily, full of abundance, success, and all good things, taking us to our harbor of a joyful business and joyful ... Views: 841
The brand new phrase in Search Engine Optimization is "Authority." Google has been making a shift in their algorithm over the last two years. Now they are emphasizing websites with Authority. What this means is that an online website is given Authority from different websites and from Google ... Views: 604
Do you make use of a To Do List?
Is everything on the list always done and on time?
I doubt it.
Working with a to do list does of course have its benefits. It allows you to focus your attention on tasks needed to be fulfilled. By organizing the tasks you can create balance in your life ... Views: 769
Have you ever watched a kite? They soar in the stratosphere - free, unencumbered, dancing and twirling in the wind.
However, kites don't fly all by themselves. They need help.
Who is on the other end of the string?
A pilot. A solid anchor connected to the earth.
If the kite ... Views: 2652
Are you too busy, overwhelmed and feel like the “pile” keeps growing?
These ideas will get you back on track FAST…
1. Know what’s important
2. Prioritize essentials
3. Prune time wasters
4. Create boundaries
5. Simplify processes
Know What’s Important
What do you value? ... Views: 1380
In order to build a strong framework for your blueprint for living, you’ll need to learn a thing or two about writing goals. Think of goals as the framework for your dream house or your dream life.
You’ve decided to make changes in your life. You’ve spent some time reading, ... Views: 3639
“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood”
- Marie Curie
Baby steps allow me to stay on target, to move forward slowly but surely towards my goal.
Baby steps also allow me to break down my fear into smaller segments that are more easily manageable.
The ... Views: 1198
Several of my clients are not happy at their jobs. They don't feel appreciated. They don't feel challenged. They don't love the work. They wish they were doing something more fulfilling, more exciting, more passionate.
And their first questions to me are, "Can you help me write my objective ... Views: 913
Many people carry around with them a lot of “burden” or “scatter” in their minds.
When I say this I mean that they still hold the things they say they should do but do not. Get rid of the could have and should haves that are holding you prison.
These people carry around with them a lot of ... Views: 1091
I have identified my starting point. I know where my finish line is. What comes in between? How do I get from point A to point B. This may be very straight forward to some, but requires following a formula for success to others. After all, nobody teaches this is school!
An Action Plan is the ... Views: 1202
In Aikido we use an exercise to physically distinguish between three kinds of power -- power that is rigid and controlling, power that's limp and ineffectual, and power that flows. Verbally and emotionally we act out these three forms of power when we attack ("I can't believe you're late ... Views: 992
View is the one of the main factors that impacts the resale value when buying homes. Buying houses with a nice view of a seashore or the horizon typically sell at a premium above similar homes with out the view.
Though it's possible you'll place a substantial greenback worth on the view, ... Views: 633
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
-Abraham Lincoln
Here are six powerful tips to help you learn how to set smart weight loss goals.
1. Your goal must be clear, concise and specific.
A common mistake people make when setting goals is that they are too general and vague. Saying ... Views: 1412