Achieving Goals: Devise your own "ad" campaign

1. Write down your specific goal (remember the SMART principles?) and refer to it every day to keep it fresh in your mind and maintain focus.

2. Write it in the present tense as if it had already happened, otherwise you’re always putting it subconsciously in the future. Ensure your language is positive, i.e. avoid goals like “I want to stop, give up or quit...” etc and voice it in what you want to achieve instead, e.g. “I want to become, achieve, reach...” etc.

3. Think about how you will feel and how things will be different as a result of achieving your goals, then find images from magazines, the web, amongst your photos and so on, that reflect this vividly. Post those images where you will see them frequently, e.g. as a screensaver, on your fridge, on your pinboard, in your diary. Repeated messages change behaviour. It has been proven time and again and is the reason that companies and politicians spend billions on ad and PR campaigns.

4. If there are statements which will support you, boost your confidence and your commitment to your goal, write them down and repeat them to yourself as often as possible during the day. To take an example, if your goal is to improve sales but you are not confident in your sales ability, you might write something like, “I am an excellent and convincing salesperson who is confident in my ability to close a deal and make money out of my ideas and passions”

5. Break mega goals down into smaller steps to avoid overwhelm and make them more accessible. Before you know it, you’re well on your way to achieving your goal.

6. Take one small step each day, log it in a bullet point journal and reward yourself for your efforts by taking a break, doing something you enjoy doing or buying a small treat. This helps you maintain motivation and momentum and the journal allows you to track progress on the days you need to remind yourself how far you’ve come and why.

7. Find examples of people who have had success with similar projects and ask their advice or read about their methods, so you’re not constantly ‘reinventing the wheel’.

8. Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know some of what you need to know and get whatever help/training you need. It’s not weak. Its good management and common sense.

9. Visualise yourself as having achieved your goals. Close your eyes and engage all your senses – see what you success looks, sounds, tastes, smells and feels like and see it all in glorious technicolour every day. This powerful technique helps keep you focussed and motivated and reinforces your intention.

10. Avoid distractions and people who hold you back. Seek solutions & honest opinion, learn from your mistakes and be open and flexible. Remember, it took Eddison 1,000 attempts before he invented a light bulb that worked! If you believe passionately in something, go for it and keep going!

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Author's Bio: 

Following a corporate career spanning 20 years with Board level appointments and a series of personal challenges of her own, Annie has become a passionate specialist in Stress Management, also qualified in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Reiki, EFT & NLP. She enables clients to achieve greater peace, focus, wisdom and insight through challenging periods with relationships, career, ill health, during crises of confidence and at major crossroads in their lives. Working with Annie enables them to relax, develop a positive focus and gives them the confidence to create the life they deserve and to step into their brilliance as the unique & wonderful human being they truly are.

Annie’s corporate experience allows her to work equally well in the business world, delivering exceptionally well-received workshops and Soul-to-Soul coaching/counselling sessions. Her intuitive approach means each session is tailormade to the individual and every person who attends a workshop or Soul-to-Soul session leaves with new insights and proven tools that they can use immediately and which work!

She loves what she does and it shows! Seeing the ‘pennies drop’ for clients is a major source of delight for Annie and her enthusiasm and joy in what she does in truly infectious.

Her popular range of Stress-relieving CDs and downloads are available via Amazon. Telephone coaching and teleseminar programmes in addition, means her work is accessible to anyone, anywhere around the World.

Says Annie, “The people who seek my services are extremely capable people, but have often become overwhelmed by situations in their lives or by the sheer number of responsibilities they find themselves holding. This is often the result of a subconscious and untrue belief about themselves. The consequence is that they find themselves with an (often unconscious) negative view of themselves and their lives, which holds them back from being all that they might be and from enjoying life to the full. In raising awareness of these issues and in exploring different thought processes, it is my great pleasure to empower people to find a different route and to find their true purpose.”

Annie is a Member of the Complimentary Medical Association and the International Stress Management Association. She is also a Member of the Worshipful Company of Marketors and a Freeman of the City of London. She is an inspirational confidant, seminar leader, article writer and motivational speaker. +44 (0)772 581 8884