I've been speaking with one of my dear friends here in The States who told me a brilliant story. She has given me permission to share it with you. It's not only fun, but it could change your whole attitude to dealing with anger and frustration.
My friend and her husband made a pact at the ... Views: 1212
The Quickest & Easiest Way to Switch Off – and It’s Fr*ee!
I am lucky enough to be in The States at the moment and spent the week-end with some dear friends in New Jersey.
On Saturday, we visited the New Jersey Shore at Cape May, a beautiful Victorian seaside resort not far from ... Views: 1247
Thanks to a friend in New York who asked me how he could deal with the overwhelming demands of his workplace. This is a great topic and absolutely vital to understand for anyone in business right now.
Let’s call my friend Pete (to protect privacy) and his colleagues were recently accused of ... Views: 1243
Achieving Goals: Devise your own "ad" campaign
1. Write down your specific goal (remember the SMART principles?) and refer to it every day to keep it fresh in your mind and maintain focus.
2. Write it in the present tense as if it had already happened, otherwise you’re always putting it ... Views: 1385
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’ve been privileged to join in the celebrations with our friends and family in the States on a few occasions. To me, it’s a lovely celebration – just a great time to be with the people you love and to give thanks for all the good things in your life. But giving ... Views: 1432
Happy New Year and welcome to the first article of the New Year! At a time when a lot of people are making resolutions and planning for change, it’s important to know that, in order to make way for the new, we may have to let go of thoughts, habits, views, opinions, relationships and so on which ... Views: 1328
100% of the people who book sessions with me are extremely competent people, most have responsible jobs or other responsible roles in life, yet the vast majority hold themselves back through negative thinking and limiting beliefs ... Views: 1437
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm blessed to be celebrating it in New York with family and friends. This seemed like a good time to say thank to YOU too!
Since my partner, Ralph started working on a project in New York several years ago, we have been lucky enough to spend a few months ... Views: 1523
We all want to be successful in one way or another. But what does success mean to you and what are the implications? How do we know when we're successful, how do we measure it and on what basis do we define it?
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary gives the following definitions to ... Views: 3730
When people ask what I do for a living and I tell the I'm a specialist in Stress Management, the universal reaction is 'Boy! You must be busy!' or 'Goodness! Do I need you, but what exactly do you do?'.
Then often what happens afterwards is...nothing. Sometimes it's because people ... Views: 1349
About to make a new year resolution? Before you do, stop and think about the resolutions that you made last year and whether you achieved them. If not, then here's some advice on achieving all that you want in 2009.
When I was asked to write an article about resolutions for January 2009, I ... Views: 930
Are your worries keeping you awake at night? Do you find yourself tossing and turning in the early hours, unable to switch off and stop your mind flying round at 150 mph?
Loss of sleep means your concentration, productivity, enjoyment of life and health are compromised as we need periods of ... Views: 1238
When I was asked to write an article about resolutions for January 2009, I wondered what I could write that hasn’t already been said. And then I thought, ‘I wonder how many people made resolutions last January and how many people actually achieved what they set out to do?’ ... Views: 958
Many of us are able to see the talents and abilities in our friends, family and colleagues but find it hard to accept our own gifts and focus on our faults.
How often do we find ourselves making excuses for other people’s perceived failures and yet find it difficult to forgive ourselves for ... Views: 1002
Top Tips on Wellbeing Whilst Travelling on Business from Stress Management Specialist,
Annie Lawler, Managing Director of Breathing Space for Business
Having spent many years travelling for business and personally, I thought I would share some rough guidelines which may help both ... Views: 1077
How we organise ourselves affects your performance at in and out of work. You can be forgiven for wondering what organisation has to do with stress levels as in the business world, wellbeing, stress management and so on have had a reputation for being ‘soft skills’ which are difficult to ... Views: 2157
As National Stress Awareness Day (November 5th) looms, I was musing about the Credit Crunch recently and all the negative, emotive reporting and consequences that are around on the subject.
As a specialist in stress management and having been made redundant twice in the past, I was pondering ... Views: 990
With National Stress Awareness day approaching in the UK (November 5th) and with a lot of doom & gloom about recession and financial market disruption in the media, as a specialist in stress management, I wanted to help you tap into a resource which will help you maintain a calm approach to ... Views: 1225
“Exploding the Myths About Stress & Why You Should be Your Top Priority” 18th March 2008 at 6pm (UK time) 1pm (Eastern)
Spaces are limited, so to ensure you get a place, register for your free place by visiting www.breathingspacetherapies.com and click on ... Views: 1080