I was on a hike with my sister-in-law and the subject of summer-school came up. I remember that I enjoyed the sciences well enough to take Chemistry in high-school over the summer as a way of getting ahead. Reflecting on chemistry and about the world at a distance, the idea came to me that we ... Views: 1128
Staying focused is a key ingredient to staying motivated and getting great results, whatever you do.
Let me give you the 3 most important keys to staying focused:
1. Sense of purpose – while the world is throwing an infinite array of distractions at you, if you hope to stay focused on a ... Views: 1901
Stop fighting. Either take a stand, with a strong case, or stand aside. If you’re fighting about something that happened, get over it. Resentment and revenge cost you more than it’s worth.
Try forgiveness – which doesn’t mean you accept that a wrong-doing is right, ... Views: 2214
For this week’s Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meetings, I chose the topic “Spontaneity and Trusting Your Instincts.” To walk the talk, I did not plan an agenda, but trusted the likelihood that interesting things to say about planning, spontaneity and trusting your instincts ... Views: 3587
One day I was speaking with a client who is a top producer in his region. I asked what he wanted to speak about, and I was surprised by his answer. “I’d like to talk about my issues with confidence when talking to people with ‘big money.’
People at all ... Views: 1455
Last Sunday was Father's Day, so out of love and respect for my Dad, today I'd like to discuss some of his advice on the subject of leadership. My father has a lot of experience and passion for the subject of leadership, especially in politics. We’ve come to accept that he is ... Views: 1233
Happiness is a very important concept of business and life. But how do you achieve and maintain it? I'd like to quote Rob Gilbert: “The first rule of happiness is: Don't seek happiness. Create it." I've found that the question asked in the title of our blog post ... Views: 1255
When Beethoven was young, he was told by his music teacher that he was hopeless as a composer. Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper because he had "no good ideas." Henry Ford's first two automobile businesses failed. Michael Jordan was cut from his High School varsity ... Views: 1426
I have a client who runs a business and has two people working in his main office. They weren't answering the phones with the level of energy that he considered representative and efficient. He had frequently asked them to change their behavior, but he didn't seem to get through to them. ... Views: 2246
About 12 years ago, I met a 75 year old man in a coaching class on listening. That man was one of the best listeners I've encountered in my life. I could tell by the things he said and asked. At the end of the class when we were all reviewing what we had learned, he said, “Boy, I have ... Views: 2137
Trust is an important aspect of business, whether it's trusting others, or trusting yourself.
I'd like to focus first on the trust you need to have in your team. This team could be the team of employees that you work with or lead, a virtual team, a team of people you network with, ... Views: 1416
In this week's blog I'd like to focus on how commitment strengthens deadlines and how deadlines can strengthen your commitment.
Today most of us have one of the least favorite deadlines of the year. It's tax day. Like most people, I really don't enjoy doing the work that comes ... Views: 2731
Your actions are related to your results. That might seem like a no-brainer, but not everyone always makes a strong connection between their desired outcomes and the actions they take.
Ideally you're motivated and energized to get busy and get things done every day, but you might ... Views: 1388
A few weeks ago, I put together a dodge ball team (yes, that’s right – DODGE BALL!). I invited people I know from networking, offering three promises: we'll have fun, we'll get good exercise, and meet new people. So far we're having a great time, and on the side ... Views: 1229
We have many different names for money. In the United Kingdom, it’s the pound sterling. In Japan, it’s the yen. In the United States, we use words like “dough,” “bread”, “bucks,” “dollars,” “cash, and ... Views: 1402
Today we talked about the three fundamentals of having teamwork work for you. It’s important to start with the realization that everything great was accomplished as a team. If you go in it alone, you limit your true potential.
1. Do what you do best and have others do the rest.
Get to ... Views: 1745
A lot of people come to me and tell me they’re stuck. They are trying to figure out something or another, and they can’t seem to figure it out. Whether it’s getting more clients, making the right staffing decisions, making more money, finding time to exercise, etc, people often feel like they’re ... Views: 1474
People who know me know that one of my favorite subjects is - "Professional passion." It is a fascinating blend of commitment, energy and joyful connection to your work. We all know how bad it feels when our passion is untapped. The remedy is to have a clear sense of ... Views: 1176
Happy New Year again. I hope your first week was great.Today I want to talk about New Year’s Resolutions (NYR’s for short). I don’t believe I’m the first to tell you about all the hype and habits regarding NYRs. I don’t know what you think I might say about starting the New ... Views: 1244
The start of a new year is a time to reflect and consider your full potential. I’m sure I’m not alone in being excited for this year to start strong every day and every week. Here are 3 ways to overcome your top-of-the-year to-do list and use your time to your best ... Views: 1328
Clear your mind. Transcend the past and be present to the blank canvas that the future really is.Your next 12 months can be predictable, or can be wildly successful – it’s totally up to you.I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Sometimes people set goals that make them say ... Views: 1843
The Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meeting www.mondaymorningcoach.com is the place to be for New Year planning. During this month, we’re going to be focused on expansive, strategic thinking for business and personal growth in 2011 and beyond. Here’s an overview
Today we’re focused ... Views: 1330
Georgia (name changed for confidentiality) got stuck in the process of writing her business plan. She was holding back because she was afraid of the judgment and criticism she expected from a collaborative business partner.When she redefined "judgment and criticism" as "valuable research and ... Views: 1581
I’ve coined a new phrase and philosophy called “Living Life to the Nines.” Doesn’t that conjure up all sorts of positive connotations? We’ve all heard the phrase “dressed to the nines,” which means being dressed extraordinarily well. How about “cloud nine” – that blissfully happy place on top of ... Views: 2329
One of the best ways to make a good impression with clients, potential clients and business colleagues (all of whom might be sources of referrals) is to be prepared. The Boys Scouts and Girl Scouts of America introduce the "Be Prepared" motto early to their young members, and I think it’s a ... Views: 1298
I know not everyone is a morning person. There are a few people who literally bounce out of bed at the sound of the alarm clock, but most of us fall on the sliding scale between “mild reluctance” and pillow-burrowing, “I don’t wanna!” dread.While I don’t promise you’ll jump out of bed like an ... Views: 2238
Today in my M5 seminar, we talked about having calm confidence in the face of struggle, and my 5 steps to returning the calm confidence if it’s ever shaken. Confidence is often mistaken for cockiness, but confidence is not about being bold and blindly brazen. Calm confidence is a deep knowing ... Views: 6715
Whenever I was in the car as a little boy, my father would point excitedly at any sign that said “construction” and exclaim:“Look Jonny! Construction. That’s what Daddy does.”I was barely old enough to read simple sentences like “See Jane run” and “See Spot run,” but from an early age I could ... Views: 1354
With Memorial Day approaching this weekend, officially launching the summer season, there’s a general sigh of relief and well-earned, wide-armed welcome after the very long winter we’ve endured. And while I’m the first one out there dusting off the grill for a summer of sundrenched days of ... Views: 1421
Greetings from the beautiful Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania!
Yes, friends, I decided to take a little bit of a breather from the hustle and bustle of New York, and so this blog is coming to you from the serene calm of a two-day vacation. I’m relaxing, playing a bit of golf – a sport I never ... Views: 1479
Writer and producer Douglas Wood said “Fear of failure has always been my best motivator,” and considering the man has worked with Spielberg, I suppose the sentiment is valid. When it comes to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals, however, the “fear of failure” is sometimes ... Views: 1371
My mother’s background is in piano. From my earliest memories, she’s always been a pianist and piano teacher, and some of my fondest moments in childhood were spent beneath the family’s baby grand as she practiced, my head in the curl of my dog’s belly, listening to the music and watching the ... Views: 1471
One of the most influential writers currently in my life is an author, speaker, & trainer named Bob Burg. If you’ve read my book, Income Double – Half the Trouble, you might notice that he’s one of the only a handful of living people that I quote. He’s written several books, including The ... Views: 1351
It’s that little flame
That lights a fire
Under your ass.”
These lyrics, sung by an idealistic college graduate puppet named Princeton in the Tony-winning musical Avenue Q, are oddly appropriate coming from a largely satirical storyline. And while the song, “Purpose,” goes on to ... Views: 1463
The calendar tends to be a baseline for me when I’m planning my Monday Morning Mini-Motivational Meetings (M5), so it seemed appropriate that this week’s theme somehow tackled the looming April 15th tax date. As we’ve all experienced that heel-digging, gut-wrenching, childlike “I don’t wanna!” ... Views: 1389
I kicked off the first session of a series of teleseminars I call “Monday Morning Mini-Motivational Meetings,” or M5 for short. The purpose of M5 is to spend 15 minutes – no more, no less – getting people excited and amped up for the week so they can be more productive, positive, and focused in ... Views: 1600
Turning Lemons into Lemonade: or How to Return to a State of Sustainable Confidence
In January, I went on vacation with my wife and our two sons, who are 10 and 14. We had hoped to enjoy the warm, sunny, southern California weather, but as you may have seen in the news, it rained like ... Views: 1211