Whether it is appreciating the beauty of the sun rising in the morning, admiring the innocence of a newborn child, acknowledging the joy of spending quality time with friends or the intimacy of making love to your partner – pleasure in it’s many forms is one of the most important things for us ... Views: 1352
Love is the energy of all creation and we came into the world positively filled with it. The essence of who we are is love, and us such we were all born with an innate ability to experience unconditional love within us and around us. As children however, many of us actually unlearned how to ... Views: 1425
Whether it is the start of a new year, the change of a season, a move from one house to another, becoming a parent or changing careers, there is much power in new beginnings. A chance to reinvent ourselves and step into a more expanded version of who we really want to be, what we want to do and ... Views: 1197
How to Beat January Blues
Under the spotlight of Christmas it can feel like both our hopes and despairs get mixed together and magnified. While festivities help to keep us distracted and our spirits running high, there can be underlying stress due to the financial pressure of presents and ... Views: 2179
As we move into January many of us start making resolutions for the New Year ahead, but only a very small percentage of them are ever kept. This is because resolutions are often made based on things we think we should do, rather than from our heartfelt desires. Resolutions tend to be fuelled ... Views: 2662
Vision boards have transformed the lives of celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Oprah Winfrey – and they have the power to transform your life too. They are a modern manifestation method combining concepts taken from creative hobbies like scrapbooking with motivational mind-mapping and ... Views: 6599
Expressing gratitude and acknowledging the positive things in our lives expands our energy, enables us to appreciate the blessings we have and helps us to attract more of them. It also helps us connect with our inner guidance and tap in to our creativity. But being thankful for the good ... Views: 2649
Do you find yourself saying that you would like to try meditation, take a yoga class, go for a walk after lunch, but that you’re just too busy? The most common block to having a spiritual practice is busy-ness. We women who do too much try multitasking so many things each day that we end up ... Views: 6103
When did you last take some time out for yourself? I mean really just for you – no phone, no reading over minutes from work, not sat at the computer checking emails… but relaxing, unwinding and nurturing you. We women who do too much often find it difficult to justify taking time out from our ... Views: 1648