We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You probably consider yourself a person who is kind and does your best to play by the Golden Rule. But as coach, I get to peek behind your curtain. I know that some of the seemingly nicest people are downright mean and nasty.
You’re mean and nasty to yourself. Wicked. Brutal. Verging on ... Views: 1462
These techniques will help with any goal, from losing weight to pursuing a promotion to starting your own business.
1. First, write out your resolution here. Make it as specific as you can (i.e., “lose ten pounds by May 31” instead of “get in shape this year”). Just writing your goal down ... Views: 834
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all” Dale Carnegie
When athletes get bad press it makes for good news. By the time an athlete’s problems get the attention of the press, damage has already ... Views: 1574
Goals are the most powerful driving force in your life. When you stop setting goals, you stop enjoying all of the amazing rewards life has to offer you. I know this first hand. In 1999, my wife was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Her oncologist instructed me to keep her positive. I helped ... Views: 6850
The Spring air is here! This is the time to get inspired, motivated, determined, disciplined and driven! Is there something you've been putting off doing or changing about your current life situation? Are you in an O.K. place in your life, but you vision much more? Have you hit rock bottom and ... Views: 1444
There is a story told about Albert Einstein. It seems that Einstein was once traveling from Princeton on a train. The conductor came down the aisle, punching the tickets of every passenger. When he came to Einstein, the great scientist couldn’t find his ticket. He looked everywhere, turning out ... Views: 1222
In my private counseling practice, writes Dr. Romance, clients often tell me, “I want to be happy!” We then set about making it a reality. As a psychotherapist, I know that Your habits, your relationships, your environment, and especially what you think about them determine more about how ... Views: 1706
The Incredible Real-Life Science
Behind The Science of Success
And How To Make It Work For You
The 100,000 Selling Internet Best Seller
Can You Engineer Your Future ?
Can You Draw Success And Achievement Towards You With Scientific Certainty ?
Or Is Good Fortune An Equation.
In this ... Views: 1026
Personal development is not a simple thing to do. It requires a lot of determination, courage and will power. At any stage in the life, a person can bring changes in his personality. It means a man remains incomplete throughout his life. However, there are several individuals who think that they ... Views: 2757
Learning car driving means you are making investment in attaining skills with the vehicle that you are to use in the nearest future. Sometimes some critical situations arrive that leave us with no other option than to drive the car of our own. Even one also needs to know driving for self purpose ... Views: 605
Building up self-discipline and thinking positively is sometimes hard to do. We all need discipline in order to be successful with all the challenges and problems of daily life.
We should consider building up our self-discipline with positive thinking and self-talk. In order to be successful, ... Views: 4367
The very initial step towards a happy, successful and fruitful life is setting a career goal. But what is your definition of success? At the start of your career, you may have thought of a goal and also had a clear idea of where you are going.
Or, maybe you have reached halfway towards your ... Views: 842
The very initial step towards a happy, successful and fruitful life is setting a career goal. But what is your definition of success? At the start of your career, you may have thought of a goal and also had a clear idea of where you are going.
Or, maybe you have reached halfway towards your ... Views: 1164
Attaining success is a clear outcome of setting and achieving goals. Even you have your own personal goals which you have achieved, are trying to achieve or still to achieve.
But, have your children set goals, especially if they are teenagers? Teenagers are at an age level where they know ... Views: 1129
What I mean by smart, is nothing but the most logical way of organizing things in a predetermined setting, so that they become simpler to follow. So do not get scared of the topic heading. The setting for the smart goal being easy and not confusing is the word SMART itself.
S – Specific
M – ... Views: 1132
In order to achieve your major goals, it is very important that you set performance goals. To be completely sure that a normal goal is possible and attainable, all the parts are put in place in a performance goal. But, there are variations depending on your normal or final goal.
When the ... Views: 961
Goals are set and achieved everyday. These are small goals and are set and achieved by everybody. For example, you would like to prepare for a date tonight, one that you would want to make a success.
The actual task of preparing for a date to make it successful is an instance of an easy goal ... Views: 1056
To have lived a worthy life, you need to have achieved some goal. Every goal has two phases – setting the goal and achieving the goal. Both are just two sides of the spectrum, and both are necessary for a meaningful life.
The first stage is to set your goal. To set your goal, you will need to ... Views: 981
The major problem affecting and harassing today’s generation is that of finance. This is a very well-known and widely accepted fact.
Money makes the world go round – a famous quote, and how true! Difficulties in attaining finance are a challenge that directly hampers the peace and happiness ... Views: 1024
It is said – “The best opportunities in life are the one you create”.
When you studied physics in school, you may have learnt of the Law of Inertia. It states “Every body remains in a state of constant velocity unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force”. This is also know as Newton’s ... Views: 997
Setting professional goals is a promise – a promise between an individual and his profession, or a promise of an organization/institution to its employees, or even a promise of an organization to its beneficiaries, of providing exemplary service through complete training of its ... Views: 1826
I don't know how to say this any clearer: But most people are lazy. (Not you, of course, I am talking about other people who are reading this article.)
And being lazy is part of human nature. A body at rest; stays at rest… a body in motion yada, yada, yada…
Anyway, the reason I am asking ... Views: 1570
What happened? Everything was so great leading up to the promotion. You were at the top of your game. You had your position mastered and you were being acknowledged for your achievements. When you got the promotion, you were filled with a deep sense of satisfaction and joy at your success. ... Views: 1891
All successful people write down their goals. Goals are like a road map or business plan for your life that you constantly change and update as your life progresses. Once you achieve one goal you set the next, and you will be amazed when you look back just how ... Views: 2070
What goals are you setting for your weight loss and health? The setting of goals can really help you achieve weight loss or become healthier and fitter. Knowing how to set these goals is the first step in the process.
Goals which are set effectively are more likely to be achieved. The ... Views: 1298
I always ask the same question when my son comes home from school. After the hello and how are you the next question is ‘what homework have you got?’
And a couple of weeks ago I got an answer I didn’t expect – ‘We weren’t given any homework because we spent the day remembering my dead ... Views: 1245
”It has been proven many times that if you do not have goals, chances are you will not be able to find what you truly want.” - Shelle Rose Charvet
It is obvious that if you want to achieve something worthwhile in your life, you need to have goals. Then, on the other hand, you will also need ... Views: 1206
Many competent people "self-sabotage" themselves every day by overreacting emotionally and hurting their relationships — both at work and at home-- and by staying stuck in habits that hurt them, such as procrastination, overeating, disorganization, avoiding conflict ... the list goes on and ... Views: 1662
“A man without a plan for the day is lost before he starts.” ~ Lewis K. Bendele
What is meant by the above quote is, many people become so familiar with the daily routine of responsibility, duties and heavy workloads, we lose sight of the many great accomplishments we have achieved throughout ... Views: 3690
Motivational Speakers
Taking the first step along the path of success and super achievement is crucial. The challenge we face though is the ability to stay on track and to keep taking those next steps every day after the initial positive emotions we felt when we made that first step start to ... Views: 1279
The Significance of Yin and Yang (Part Two)
Intermingled Concepts
In ancient times people learnt from their surroundings in the natural world. It is therefore not surprising that they described the qualities of yin and yang from nature, the elements and the seasons. To avoid the danger ... Views: 844
“If we parents try hard, we can get through this and still be on speaking terms with our eager and excited new college freshman. That may prove particularly useful if we need to express ourselves about the boy she brings home for Thanksgiving.” Jay Matthews, author of Harvard Schmarvard.
I ... Views: 850
I own a martial arts school. I've instructed martial arts for
many years. Also, like a lot of people, I’ve played sports. And in
my experience, you always have those individuals who don't
want to make a mistake.
It's like the football player who wants to be great and score a
bunch of ... Views: 2139
Every December and January, millions of people sit down with a pen and paper to write out their goals for the year. Many of the goals are exciting because they’re fresh out the creativity pool. Other goals are quite irritating because they’ve been on the goal list before and didn’t come to ... Views: 1448
In this week's blog I'd like to focus on how commitment strengthens deadlines and how deadlines can strengthen your commitment.
Today most of us have one of the least favorite deadlines of the year. It's tax day. Like most people, I really don't enjoy doing the work that comes ... Views: 2732
Are you well over 50 and worried that you won't be able to retire in security? There are 2 things you must give consideration to that will increase your chances to a secure retirement.
If you're short on retirement savings at fifty and you believe that there is no way you can afford to ... Views: 945
Being aware of yourself and feeling great about yourself this helps a lot in making your work-life a lot better. The way you do this is by having a correct sympathetic view of your values and strengths these are the qualities that make you feel great about yourself. The process starts by ... Views: 1179
Regardless of what it is that you wish to accomplish in life, the very first thing that you must do is create a plan. Without a sound plan, you will never succeed because quite simply, failing to plan is planning to fail.
Many times in the grind of day to day life people find themselves ... Views: 578
Does your burning desire to win drive you? Many highly competitive athletes believe winning is their primary motivator. It may be true for some, but not necessarily for everybody. Examine your real driving force and you may find out the actual core reason is to evade losing.
What does it mean ... Views: 1166
The significance of achievement depends on the person who is asked to explain it. For some, this all comes down to finding and achieving their goal. And once that is achieved, they feel confident to tackle whatever other ventures they have chosen to go for. But this is not as simple as it ... Views: 925
“Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.”
-Mark Twain
Motivation is the desire to do things. It's the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It's the crucial element ... Views: 1110
I’ve been writing about it for years. I coach clients on this topic every week. I watch colleagues fizzle under its pressure. Business owners are run by it. Everyone reacts to it ungracefully. It’s running rampant in the world.
It’s called overwhelm.
Overwhelm is a perspective, not a ... Views: 1283
A lot of people take almost a lifetime to discover what they really want to do. So It would be best if you knew the fundamentals to finding what you really want to do while you are still young. This way, you will have lots of time to accomplish whatever you want, and enjoy its benefits ... Views: 910
Are you a finisher? Do you love the feel of completing a task and checking it off your list? Goal completion is a strong human motivator. Yet, writing significant goals that have a positive impact on the work environment can be tough. Here's a framework to consider the next time you begin to ... Views: 3817
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The Next 10 Years... - by Thad Mangalino - Peak Performance Coach - Firm Focus PT
It was only a few weeks ago when I opened the envelope and discovered my new drivers licence sent by VicRoads, As I was walking to my front door I was admiring the new style licence with new intricate designs to prevent identity fraud. I looked at my drivers licence photo and started to ... Views: 1059
It may be simple to say that you are ready to take certain steps in discovering your goal. But once you have decided to do something towards your goal, you will soon recognize that nothing is truly easy when it comes to this. There are a lot of things to think about and matters to be sorted ... Views: 1058
Our dream or others' dream, any way we live in a dream. The only difference is the one who chooses the dream.
I always prefer driver's seat instead of being a passenger. When driving, I have the control of movements and the destination. I can also decide to choose a short cut or change the ... Views: 1598
The article title asks an important question. The one you focus on has everything to do with not only your outcome but your experience reaching it.
In his book, Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality, Anthony De Mello quotes Chinese sage Tranxu: “When the archer shoots for no ... Views: 1511
Do you use procrastination to avoid doing things that you actually WANT to do?
Do you procrastinate things such as...
Doing the dishes?
Writing a report?
Making networking or sales prospecting phone calls?
Writing articles and blog posts?
How about something as seemly simple ... Views: 1414