Recently I registered for a run called the Tough Mudder, billed as the “Toughest One Day Run on the Planet.” It is 10 miles, includes 18 obstacles and is modeled after British Special Forces training. The average completion time is reportedly 2 ½ hours. In sharing this with a friend he said “I’m not ready for that!” Hey- I’m not ready for it either- that’s why we train! What’s the hardest aspect of completing a marathon, a triathlon, or a Tough Mudder Run? If you have ever completed one, you already know. In most cases, the hardest thing about completing the run is not the “run” itself, it is, you guessed it… the training- the daily discipline of consistent, purposeful exercise. What’s the hardest thing about hitting your goals? The daily discipline of consistent, purposeful effort.

After registering for the Tough Mudder, something happened to my workouts almost immediately. They became more intense, more focused, and more purposeful. They also became more fun! Both consciously and unconsciously I began to “step it up”. I began more and more to look forward to my workouts. They became less of a “to-do” and more of a “get to”. An interesting thing happens when you “step up” your training. Your life tends to “step up” as well. There is no doubt in my mind that I will run and complete the Tough Mudder March 12, 2011.

What’s your level of certainty when you set goals? How do you feel when you are striving for something out of your current reach? What’s the difference in registering for the Tough Mudder and a typical “goal-setting" experience? Consider the following:
• I registered: I filled out an online application and sent it in with a $150 non-refundable payment. This got it out of my head and into reality.
• I know exactly when and where it will take place.
• It is on my calendar.
• I let others know I am doing it.
• I started training (taking action) the same day.

Champion athletes visualize winning in advance. Self-help books tell us to write our own eulogy. The late great comedian George Burns actually booked himself to play the London Palladium as a 100th Birthday celebration. Perhaps you’ve had the experience of being extraordinarily effective the week before a vacation. These are all ways of creating our future in advance. Our future affects our present.

Consider today creating an inspiring, definite future for yourself- one that will give you meaning, purpose and passion right now. Do you want to:
• Play the guitar? Sing? Do stand-up comedy? Book an open mic night.
• Lose weight? Register for a run, hire a trainer, buy the clothes you will fit into.
• Take a vacation? Call the hotel and give them a non-refundable deposit for a specific date.
• Start a business? Get the business card printed.
• Increase your sales? Register for a sales seminar, hire a coach, book a celebration date now for 3 months out.
• Write a book? Design the cover and look at it daily.

The best thing about an inspiring, definite future? It creates a passionate, purposeful present. How’s your future looking? What are you up to? Please post a comment- I really want to hear from you!

Author's Bio: 

Doug Grady is President of High Achievers Network. For over 16 years, Doug has been engaging audiences from coast to coast with his wit and wisdom. Exciting, entertaining and enlightening are words invariably used to describe his unique seminars and workshops. He has been privileged to share the platform with legends Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Tony Robbins, and Dr. Denis Waitley. As a business owner, professional speaker and musician, Doug is a jack of many trades and a master of one: helping you master yours. The companies he has trained include AFLAC, BNI, Bank of America, and Sprint.

"Doug Grady gives you practical, proven ideas and methods you can use immediately, and he presents them in a fast-moving, entertaining and enjoyable style." -Brian Tracy, Author, Maximum Achievement

"Doug Grady has real world information that will make you listen, make you laugh, make you think, and make you money." -Jeffrey Gitomer, Author, The Sales Bible