Having a good elevator pitch and a snazzy business card is not enough to network effectively. I am always surprised at the networking mistakes that both newbies and veterans make at networking events, like only focusing on making a sale rather than establishing a relationship, or going on and on ... Views: 1371
According to the book, "Millionaire Mindset" (Thomas J. Stanley) - as well as other books about how millionaires think - most millionaires are very charitable, sit on the committee of many non-profit organizations, and are actively involved in their community. The cynic in you might think its ... Views: 2113
I've been consulting Twyla about her training business for quite some time. One of the first things that we talked about was converting her website from an informational billboard to a sales portal with automated business processing.
An informational billboard only provides general ... Views: 1114
When I was on the high school Speech and Debate team, my specialty was Extemporaneous Speaking. Each speaker is given three topics to choose from, and is given 30 minutes to prepare seven-minute speech, which has to be delivered at the end of those 30 minutes. Although the speakers can bring ... Views: 1794
Can you honestly say you can text and drive well, or do you find yourself swerving off to the curb once and a while? How comfortable would you be if your dentist was tweeting while she was giving you a root canal? How do you think your kids feel when you're texting on your Crackberry during ... Views: 1269
Ever wonder why breakfast is called breakfast? It's called breakfast because you're breaking a fast. Think about it. Unless you actually eat a fourth meal at midnight, when you wake up each morning, you haven't eaten in almost 12 hours. You've been fasting. Your morning meal is literally ... Views: 1189
I used to be friends with a guy, Chad, who was a big movie buff. He knew every thing about movies. He fancied himself to be on par with Martin Scorcese and Quentin Tarantino in terms of being an encyclopedia about film. Although he aspired to be a filmmaker, he actually never made a movie. He ... Views: 1357
Every month or two, the employees at Facebook run what are known as Hackathons. For 24 hours straight, all the participants try to work on a new project that could improve Facebook. The "Like" button and the ability to upload videos on Facebook were just two applications that were invented out ... Views: 1419
Many of my clients seek approval from friends, family, industry leaders, and colleagues before pushing the "go" button. They feel they shouldn't move forward unless they have everyone's approval or permission first.
Some feel they don't deserve success, which sounds odd, I know. They have ... Views: 1978
When I used to work for a photography agency, I'd get to sit in on a few meetings with photographers as they presented their books. Having just started in photography, I was always impressed with their photographs. My boss, however, was not.
A comment she made frequently was, "Their photos ... Views: 1492
Somehow, the idea of randomness and freedom got mingled with creativity and artistry. Conversely, somehow, planning has become enemy of creativity. In truth, one has very little to do with the other. Large-scale art project, for example, take a lot of planning, and a lot of resources. Most of ... Views: 1090
One of my tango instructors once told me that there are basically five simple step to tango: forward, side, backwards, cross, and ochos. If you can do these five steps well, you can dance with anyone. I am by no means the best tango dancer, not even close. But I do know that many women have ... Views: 1196
It took me nearly thirty minutes to get ready for the gym this morning. Normally, I have all my clothes and gear ready the night before so that I can just grab them and go. It's a habit I learned from my girlfriend, who always lays her clothes out the night before. I forgot to do that so I ... Views: 1172
I run into a lot of artists that want to sell their artwork, or to turn their artwork into a business. I am all for the idea of sharing creativity. I am not, however, one of those coaches that will tell every artist that I run into to turn their art into profit. Sometimes a hobby should just ... Views: 1089
I run into a lot of artists that want to sell their artwork, or to turn their artwork into a business. I am all for the idea of sharing creativity. I am not, however, one of those coaches that will tell every artist that I run into to turn their art into profit. Sometimes a hobby should just ... Views: 1089
I run into a lot of artists that want to sell their artwork, or to turn their artwork into a business. I am all for the idea of sharing creativity. I am not, however, one of those coaches that will tell every artist that I run into to turn their art into profit. Sometimes a hobby should just ... Views: 1089
Twyla runs a training business. One of her biggest pet peeves is when potential trainees ask for a discount. But one particular trainee sent her over the edge. The trainee asked if Twyla would be willing to train five people for free if the trainee gave Twyla a free training space. First of ... Views: 1245
A few years ago, I discovered that I was about twenty pounds overweight. Being who I am, I researched everything there is about nutrition and fitness. Then I made the decision of eliminating one artificial ingredient from my diet: high fructose corn syrup. I didn't realize just how many foods ... Views: 1180
The "Imposter Syndrome" is when a person feels they don't deserve a title or identity because they are not the best in their field, or because they feel they lack some form of credential, whether the credential is necessary or not. They are the kind of people who say they are an artist ... Views: 2033
In "A Bronx Tale" (dir. Robert De Niro), the main character, Calogero, befriends a gangster, Sonny. Calogero and Sonny are driving around one day, and Calogero spots a guy who owes Calogero some money. Before young Calogero goes running off, the old and wise, Sonny, stops him.
Turns out ... Views: 1245
I love books, and I love learning in a classroom setting, but with time and money being finite, I’d rather learn-on-demand. If I need figure out how to add a feature to my website, I just look it up in user groups. If I need a bit of trivia, I search for it on the Internet. If I need some good ... Views: 1219
You will always run into people who will doubt your abilities and your talents. On one hand, you should never turn a deaf ear to feedback, even if it is destructive feedback. Their honesty might be the only way of making sure you're not being delusional about your talents. At the same time, ... Views: 1345
My father is totally hooked on golf. When he first started out, he couldn't afford to buy full club sets. Even used club sets were expensive. Then one day, while chasing down a bogey in the cabbage (whatever that means), he found a club head that had broken off from the shaft. These were ... Views: 1387
I walked into a big box office supply retailer the other day. It was possibly one of the dirtiest restrooms I’ve seen. It looked like a truck stop restroom. I decided to go to the restroom next door at a coffee shop. It was pristine.
The cleanliness of a restroom tells me a lot about how a ... Views: 1287
There have been numerous studies that state that not sleeping in, or brushing your teeth twice a day, or making your bed every morning can add years to your life. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that these things also lead to a successful life. The kind of person that does these things ... Views: 1183
I first met Brian about a few years ago through a friend at a party. He quickly pitched to me a grand business idea that involved selling video games over mobile devices. I soon realized he kind of introduces himself everyone with a pitch rather than a simple greeting.
His video game ... Views: 1625
Lilly and her boyfriend work together. It's really his business, and she's his marketing manager. One of the ways they are able to maintain a healthy relationship and run a successful business is because they establish clear boundaries.
They try not to talk about work after-hours, especially ... Views: 1072
Andy Warhol introduced the idea of modern pop art, where a piece of artwork could be replicated over and over again using silk screening techniques. In a way, Andy Warhol made art scalable, but only up to a point.
There's a reason why couture dresses sell more than the ones you find at a ... Views: 1317
Seth works at a camera shop. Seth isn't a photographer. Seth actually majored in graphic design. He had difficulty finding work as a freelance designer, and couldn't find any work in the corporate world either. So he took jobs in retail and eventually ended up at the camera shop. Seth's ... Views: 1502
The founders of Google have a motto, "Don't be evil." There are people who have good intentions, and want to make a lot of money. But there are also people with bad intentions that want to make a lot of money. The latter are the people being evil.
When I was in college, I ran into a high ... Views: 1925
When he was a teenager, my brother was a huge tennis freak, and he would have to get his racket restrung all the time. It started to cost a considerable amount of money. One day, while getting his tennis racket restrung, my brother asked the guy at the sporting goods store all sorts of ... Views: 1109
I ran into an old friend of mine, Brian, at a nearby bookstore, and we immediately went through the pleasantries of finding out what the other had been up to. Brian started telling me about how he and his wife were struggling financially, but that he was hopeful about a new business venture he ... Views: 1556
I once had as an account manager for a dotcom company, back when dotcoms were still new, and just before the bubble burst. I was single at the time, and I worked close to 12-hour days, seven days a week, by choice. I was on a steady diet caffeine, and fast food. I had no time to exercise, and ... Views: 1991
When I was in college, I knew a guy - we'll call him Robert - who was obsessed with the Denver Broncos. That's all Robert ever talked about. Now, perhaps I think Robert was obsessed because I don't really follow sports, and perhaps he wasn't any more obsessed than any other Bronco ... Views: 1311
Feedback is a tricky thing. First of all, a critique or criticism is not necessarily the same things as feedback. What separates criticism and feedback is the intent. The intention of a critique or criticism is to convey an opinion. Some critiques are negative, some positive, some articulate, ... Views: 9577
There is a difference between being busy and being productive. Being busy just means you have a lot of tasks you need to get done. Being busy says nothing about what you actually accomplished other than checking-off a task list. Being active is also not the same as being productive. Being ... Views: 1753
One of my clients, Anna, recently tried to sell her photographs at a concert that one of her friends held at a hotel. Anna's friend, Johnny has a small jazz band and was able to get his band booked for gig at the bar/lounge inside the hotel. Johnny also asked the hotel if they could have ... Views: 1315
I have an associate who introduces himself in the following manner: "I'm Jack. I'm a photographer, a massage therapist, and I'm also a programmer." His business card actually says all three titles as well. Talk about having a multiple identity crisis. Jack is hoping that the person he is ... Views: 2186
I was at the bookstore the other day, and I noticed two kids running around playing some kind of game while their father shopped for bargain books. I couldn't quite figure out the rules of the particular game the little girls were playing. I soon realized that it was a game of their own ... Views: 1585
My client, Lilly, came to me recently came to me feeling defeated. Her job with her boyfriend is going fine, but she said that she feels like a failure. I asked her what made her feel that way. Lilly talked about describe how frustrating it was that she hadn't paid off her students loans yet. ... Views: 1492
One year, I decided to try food photography. I loved food, I loved local restaurants, and I loved photography. It seemed like a perfect fit for me. One problem... two actually. The first was that I had no experience in product photography; my style was more akin to photojournalism, which is ... Views: 1429
Alex came to me for some coaching on writing. I asked him how often he wrote, and Alex said maybe once a week for only a few minutes. He also said he was writing less and less. I asked him about his writing process. Alex said that he tries to imagine a story from beginning to end in his mind ... Views: 1207
Not so long ago, I used to be part of a photography organization that had a space where members could hang their work for sale. The space also had lighting equipment and printing equipment that members could access. The organization also had a magazine where photographers were challenged to ... Views: 1351
Inside an ancient bear cave, around "the dawn of man"... or, um, actually, around dinner time...
LARRY: "Hey, Bob. Your caving paintings are looking awesome."
BOB: "Thanks, Larry."
LARRY: "So, what smells so good in here?"
BOB: "Nothing. Just getting ready for dinner. ... Views: 1409
Brainstorming by yourself is one thing. Brainstorming with a group of people has its own challenges. I personally love facilitating brainstorming sessions. It's like orchestrating a chaotic storm of ideas. The excitement and the energy generated during a great brainstorming session are ... Views: 3940
Artists seem to avoid entrepreneurship like it is the plague. Many artists think making art for money is "selling out," or that money will somehow pollute their artistic integrity, or that great artists have to suffer in poverty in order to produce great works of art. Where did the "starving ... Views: 2481
Admiring Apple for only its well-designed products and clever commercials is only scratching the surface. Apple is actually a great case study on brilliant business modeling. Apple treats every product as its own business unit. What this means is that every product line could exist as its own ... Views: 9911
I hate wasting food. Rather than allowing food to rot, I have to become an Iron Chef sometimes, and think of some way of salvaging the food. Sometimes I perform miracles, and sometimes my creations end up in the trash anyway. Regardless of how many times I've overcooked the fish, under baked ... Views: 1306
A common theme among my clients is the fear of failure. They are so afraid of failing that they are unwilling to press the "go" button to get their lives started. Ironically the fear of failure usually leads to more failure. The fear of failure can lead to procrastination, perfection ... Views: 2188
Having a strong sense of self-accountability is the cornerstone of success and productivity. Self-accountability simply means you are holding yourself responsible for your successes and failures. Most of us feel a sense of accountability towards our managers, co-workers, clients, customers, ... Views: 2051
I once had a client, Zach, who wanted to start some kind of online auction business. He would describe to me in detail how the auction software worked, and the different kinds of products that would be auctioned off, but he could never articulate how his auction site would be any different from ... Views: 1854
My father gets his sense of discipline from the military; he's a retired veteran. I never had the urge to join the military - goes against my pacifist nature - but I do have to admire the discipline that the military instills in its troops. Along with the weapons training, and war games, the ... Views: 16748