"Belief" as it relates to the 4 types of people.
4. People who struggle with their desire to give and inability to receive.
There's 3 parts to this one. We've all heard; "it is better to give than to receive" The question becomes; According to whom? Based upon what? Compared to what? and ... Views: 807
"Belief" as it relates to the 4 types of people.
4. People who struggle with their desire to give and inability to receive.
There's 3 parts to this one. We've all heard; "it is better to give than to receive" The question becomes; According to whom? Based upon what? Compared to what? and ... Views: 1008
"Belief" as it relates to the 4 types of people.
3. People who say they "just want to be comfortable and secure" rather than wealthy
This one goes to the core of the matter; a person's "Deserve quotient", I'll discuss that part of it at another time, for now;
On an earthly level it is ... Views: 934
"Belief" as it relates to the 4 types of people.
2. People who outwardly desire wealth and inwardly feel guilty about acquiring it.
This one is based both upon the mis-perception that wealth, money and resources are finite as well as the mis-perception that in acquiring wealth they'll ... Views: 889
"Belief" as it relates to the 4 types of people.
1. People who believe the only way to get wealthy is at someone elses' expense.
This one is based upon the mis-perception that wealth, money and resources are finite.
Money: A medium of exchange. At one time there was none. And ... Views: 909
There are many many personality profile tools like the MMPI DISC, 4 Colors, 4 Animals and others that seek to divide complex human beings into neatly boxed categories. There is some value in doing so and some risk as well.
Here's one that we run into often;
1. People who believe the ... Views: 974
I share this story because we teach people to view their business as a jigsaw puzzle. You must Start with the 4 corners ie your 4 core values, SEE the end result, big picture, FEEL as though the puzzle were already built and take massive action to put the pieces together.
I excerpted the ... Views: 1293
To the Lonely Solopreneur – Bring your friends!
Whether from desperation or inspiration you’ve finally started your own business. You’ve endured the cheers from your fans, jeers from the “they says”; cut the ribbon, opened your doors and now you’re into the day to day operations. At some ... Views: 1050
Have you ever heard stories about people who win the lottery and then a few months or years later they are completely broke? Or about people who enter college and change their majors three, five or ten times? What about the people who jump from job to job, or marriage to marriage? Ever wonder ... Views: 987
Someday by Dr Bill Toth
Looking at my calendar it’s easy to see Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….and now I’m confused…where is “Someday”? Everybody talks about it. Everybody has all kinds of great things that they’re going to do or have accomplished on that day…Someday.
You’ve heard it ... Views: 1469