You know those irksome topics in your relationship that just keep popping up over and over (and over) again? Those topics that you just can’t seem to resolve or see eye-to-eye on? These topics are like the moles in that Whack-a-Mole arcade game. You know that game where the moles keep popping up ... Views: 837
Every January 1st offers a new year with unbounded potential and endless opportunities. This is an exciting time – a new beginning. A time when many working moms set intentions for the year to come. Most of us are great at setting intentions but aren’t so great at seeing them through.
If ... Views: 987
For a busy working mom, the holidays can be a wonderful time to spend time with friends and family and to drink in all the joy and festivities of the season. And as joyful as this time of year is, it can leave you feeling more rushed and depleted than ever. Maybe you find yourself busily ... Views: 1236
If you are like most working moms I know, then you have a to-do list a mile long. And, everything on that list is of the utmost importance, leaving you feeling constantly overwhelmed and ineffective. On that list are things like taking care of your kids and family, connecting with your partner, ... Views: 940