Many of us are looking for the best ways to get in beach body shape for the summer. Follow the Top Five Tips for Getting in Beach Body Shape and you will have a program that is lifestyle based to keep you healthy and looking good all year. There is no magic bullet when it comes to health. Follow ... Views: 1092
Just the other day during one of the boot camp workouts on the beach, a new recruit who was really out of breath, began to apologize for feeling fatigued and out of breath with statements like, "I'm sorry. I'm really out of shape. Sorry, I can't keep up with the others." Such statements are ... Views: 1105
When my grandmother, Gammie, visited me in Berlin, Germany she was well over 80 years old. One day we were about to scale four flights of stairs. She looks at me with a grin and says, “Come on. I’ll race you.” No, she didn’t beat me up the stairs, but she did have a brisk pace all the way up. ... Views: 1218
Sugar and fat addictions are out of control in the U.S. Sugar and processed foods such as pasta and white bread are a great way to pack on the pounds and damage your health. The bad fats, saturated and hydrogenated fats, are causing serious health problems such as high blood pressure and heart ... Views: 2828
At this time of year I’m always posing the question, “What New Year’s resolutions did you make?” It seems most responses I am getting are along the lines of “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.” It’s about time to put to bed what I consider to be the top five myths about New Year’s resolutions ... Views: 2231
“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
Tis’ the season to be jolly and eat and drink more. Or does it have to be that way? This time of year is a time of reflection about what matters most in life, about friends, family and those in need. It is a time to ... Views: 1205
Eighty percent of American executives feel that corporate America has a responsibility to promote wellness, according to a study by the American Management Association. On the other hand, less than twenty percent of U.S. employers offer lifestyle modification services, this according to the ... Views: 1370
When we think of Army training we usually think of physical activity, push-ups, sit-ups and lots of running. The underlying and most important driving force behind the United States Army are the seven Army Core Values. The Army Values are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless-service, honor, ... Views: 2848
My grandmother, who passed away at the age of 102, came to visit me at the young age of 90. I remember distinctly walking with her into a building with several flights of stairs. As we approach the stairs, she looks at me with a grin and says, “I’ll race you!” and she takes off up the stairs. I ... Views: 1896
The U.S. Army is in the business of preparing our soldiers of military operations to include combat. Transitioning this approach into civilian life with the purpose of maintaining health works just as well. A simple military-style fitness test will assess your muscle endurance, cardio and ... Views: 3197
"Take care of our children and show them the way.”
We live in a culture of sedentary living and overeating. Our children are watching, listening and learning about life and how to live from us adults, their leaders. They are not interested in what we have to say. They are carefully watching ... Views: 3430
"I don't know what to eat. I do not have the time to eat healthy. I'm gaining weight. My cholesterol is high. I'm taking Lipitor. My back aches. I'm overweight. My blood pressure is too high. I'm always tired. Can't sleep at night. Can you help?" Does this sound like someone you know? A major ... Views: 1604
Greg Gregory shares his personal story about how he lost over 60 pounds. He is 42 years old and did not really begin his exercise and weight-loss journey until the age of 39. Fifteen years of gradual weight gain took him from his high school weight of 190 pounds all the way up to 262. He is ... Views: 4025
We see those ads and commercials all the time offering you the opportunity to get your very own six-pack abs just by buying and using this gadget or that gadget or this or that supplement, and mostly within a very brief period ranging from 24 hours to 3 months. These gadgets are predominantly ... Views: 1706
Eat to Win - Strategies to Maximize Performance and Health
by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
Have you ever wondered why, for so many people - especially anyone older than 30 in the U.S. - weight gain seems to be a fact of life? It is because the human body is way too efficient. It doesn’t ... Views: 1503
Body Types - Do You Like How You Look?
Did you know that there are three different body types? All of us fit into one of these types, or we may have elements of several. They are:
Endomorph is a heavy body with a soft and rounded shape. ... Views: 1633
Take Charge of Your Weight: Give Up versus Take Charge Talk
By Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret
Discouraging and disempowering talk and self-talk will drain you of the positive emotions you need to accomplish life’s many tasks, excel at work and nurture relationships. You will discover ... Views: 1274
Triceps and Biceps: Top Five Upper Body Exercises Using the Resistance Band or Tube
For an investment of about $10, you can be the proud owner of a piece of exercise equipment that will give you all the strength training you need for daily life. These five basic exercises are foundational and ... Views: 3838
Weight Loss Excuses: How Excuses Will Make You Fat
By Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
The Paradox of Excuses
We become experts in creating excuses for why we cannot do what we recognize to be important. Imagine spending time and energy on finding and creating excuses for not doing what ... Views: 1925
Corporate Wellness Program: Fitness Boot Camp Saves Money and Increases Productivity
By Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
Make fitness boot camp a part of your corporate culture and you will build strong teams, increase productivity and change the lives of your employees. Successfully ... Views: 2000
Push-ups: The Best Most Complete Upper Body Exercise in the World
By Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
The push-up is hands down the best, most complete upper body exercise in the world. Here are a variety of ways to perform push-ups. A push-up demonstrates the portability and flexibility of ... Views: 3534
Top Five Exercises for Hips, Thighs and Butt by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
Here are five great exercises to tone and firm up the hips, thighs and butt. Most of these exercises can even be performed within the confines of a work cubicle. Imagine calling a brief time out in your ... Views: 1587
Myths, Lies and Propaganda about Exercise
By Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
Throughout my career in the military I have come across a variety of tall tales about eating and exercise. The extent of misinformation is so great that you’d think we were dealing with Cold War propaganda. If a ... Views: 1379
Who is Responsible for the Health Crisis in America?
A baby born in the U.S. in 2004 will live an average of 77.9 years. That life expectancy ranks 42d in the world, down from 11th twenty years earlier.
- Source: Census Bureau and National Center for Health Statistics
BLAME-STORMING THE ... Views: 1385
Top Five Basic Stretches to Promote Flexibility
There are many views about stretching and its benefits. If done properly, stretching can be a relaxing and stress relieving experience. Some say that we should stretch before exercising. Others say we should stretch after exercising and still ... Views: 2955
How Paul Lost 40 Pounds: An Interview
Paul Kalil has been attending Beach Boot Camp training conducted by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret. on Fort Lauderdale Beach for fifteen months. He is 39 years old and has been overweight since childhood. At 5'8", Paul weighed approximately 240 pounds ... Views: 1333
Fat Burning Cardio and Agility Drills
It’s time to add some fun and games to your workout with some cardio and agility drills. These are great calorie and fat burning activities. Always consider your physical activity a dynamic and not static process. Make it a game. Think variety. ... Views: 6694
For those looking for a realistic ten week combined weight loss and workout program, Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Retired, fitness book camp instructor and author who has been featured on the History Channel, has put together his top tips to realistically lose twenty pounds in ten weeks. The ... Views: 1649
Six Tips to Help You Control Your Portions to Eat Healthy
"Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them." -- Henry Ford
I sat down to a plate of pasta and vegetables the other day. The plate was over 10 inches in diameter, lots of room for ... Views: 1507
War-Game Your Health
War-gaming is a technique used to visualize the battlefield before going to battle. Several courses of action are then developed and played through to the end to assess what the probable outcome would be. This allows the commander and his staff to further refine a course ... Views: 2010
Throughout my career in the military I have come across a variety of tall tales about eating and exercise. The extent of misinformation is so great that you’d think we were dealing with Cold War propaganda. If a lie is told frequently enough it is treated as the truth.
Seven Myths about ... Views: 4477
Nine Ways to Put ACTION in Your Action Plan
Inspired and Written in the Midst and Aftermath of Hurricane Wilma
by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR (Ret.)
By now, I am sure just about everyone knows about Hurricane Wilma, which ripped through South Florida on October 24, 2005. Over 6 million ... Views: 1517