Keep your eyes on the Goal
“Never look down, keep your eyes on the goal”. That was the advice of her father when she first took the piton in her hands at the age of 7. She was a rock climber who never looks down for over 20 years until she had to turn her eyes down as a reflex one day.
She was ... Views: 1523
Dealing with change is not avoidable during success journey. All laws of success contains a piece of various changes so that you cannot reject dealing with change. Success is a journey that has obstacles and surprises along the way, that you have to deal with, like all the other journeys you ... Views: 1431
We all accept that we should change to catch the day. The world is changing faster than the day before. Dealing with change in life is vital for success. If you want a better life for yourself , you should learn how to deal with change.
I need to change my life, I want to change my life but ... Views: 1645
How many laws of success are there? Which one is the secret law of success? Do you really think the laws of success can be concealed when we can reach any kind of information? There is no secret law of success. The secret laws of success are the things you overlook.
If you read some articles ... Views: 1341
You need to unlock mind power before you can start to use mind power. Wandering mind is a big lock of mind power. You must stop the wandering mind before it uses up all the mind’s energy which you need to lead your life.
Mind wandering is simply a task unrelated thought. I am sure that you ... Views: 2541
You do not have much choices do you? We have an incredible resource to change the direction of our lives the opposite way or to improve the life we have. The question is if you use your mind power or not. We use mind power whether we believe in it or not, consciously or unconsciously. ... Views: 1975
I do not have time for dreams, reality is waiting…
We all need some time just for ourselves. You need some space to be only who you are, to do what you want to do. You need to take off the costumes of your roles in life. Only you, not a husband or wife, son or daughter, mother or ... Views: 1509
Do you know how to make the worst decision? If not, how can you avoid that? We do not try to make a wrong decision. We make it naturally. After a wrong decision, we are all alone with the words wandering in our mind.
• What if…
• If only…
• I wish…
Are you ... Views: 1409
You have to fight for what you want but what if you do not have the right tools, power or time to fight. You will loose the fight before it starts. What is the meaning of forcing yourself to succeed when you are not ready? It is always better to succeed tomorrow instead of failing ... Views: 1632
Our dream or others' dream, any way we live in a dream. The only difference is the one who chooses the dream.
I always prefer driver's seat instead of being a passenger. When driving, I have the control of movements and the destination. I can also decide to choose a short cut or change the ... Views: 1598
Do you have something in your life, which empowers you to succeed? Everyone has something which turns the fire on inside. I guess you have at least one. It can be anything.
• It can be a melody or the lyrics.
• It can be a book.
• Maybe it is an inspirational movie.
• It can be a view or ... Views: 5100
•Do you know the first step for success?
•Do you know the first step to act?
•Do you think you have free-will?
•Do you know that, success has a strong link with the belief in free-will?
•Do you think that, you can always choose to be a winner or a looser?
Success starts with ... Views: 1437
Decisions making is one of the most important steps to be successful. Success can have different meanings for everyone but in brief it is achieving the goals you set. You should make the right decisions to achieve your goals and succeed.
Unfortunately, there are some unseen traps that force ... Views: 1885
I cannot Break the "Chain of Mistakes"
Decision making is one of the most important key factors of success. You have to make the right decision now to break the chains of mistakes which will follow. If you make the wrong decision now, you will probably have to choose the best of the worst ... Views: 1864
You can run but you cannot hide.
Mistakes are a part of your life and you have to learn how to live with them. Small mistakes do not have a big affect in your life. When it comes to big mistakes, it is a different story. You must know how to change these mistakes into success. Big mistakes ... Views: 3270
Life is a master or servant game. There are some laws of this game and only the ones who know them can succeed. The others can only become servants.
Take a look at your life and find out if you are the servant or master of your life. Most of the people are the servants but they do not know ... Views: 3740
Everyone can fail, sometimes. It is not because you are not good enough for your goal; it is only because you lost your brain power.
There are some steps in your life which you have to take successfully to achieve your goal. You have strong reasons which force you to work so hard. Your goal ... Views: 1339
Can you solve a labyrinth if you cannot see the exit? You can find a way out but it depends on the complexity of the labyrinth. Maybe you get lost or waste too much time and the gate is closed.
Success is also like a labyrinth. You must see where you should go. You must be sure about your ... Views: 1866
It's a common belief that you should express your feelings and talk about them after a serious problem or a trauma. But, do you really want to talk about them? Can't you just keep your feelings to yourself? Silence is as healthy as sharing. If you choose silence people should respect to that. ... Views: 5604
Before you ask the ways of success or what to do to be successful, you must judge your self confidence.
• Do you want success in any part of your life?
• Do you want to succeed in any of your plans?
• Do you want to succeed in your job?
• Do you want to be successful in your ... Views: 2140
Do you want to save money?
Do you know how to do it? If yes, that is great but it won't work unless you can answer these four questions;
1. Do you notice new opportunities about how to save money?
2. Why do you save money?
3. For whom you save money for?
4. Can you make your decisions ... Views: 1884
This is the time of the year which we judge our previous year and make decisions about the next one. I guess we all want a fresh and powerful start to the next year. No matter how you spend 2010, everything can be different in 2011. Why shouldn't it be? If you have learned a little about using ... Views: 1245
"Can money buy happiness?" This is one of the favorite topics between people to discuss. No one can say that they've never talked about this topic. So, what is your answer? Which one of the above determines the relationship with money and happiness for you?
1. I'm happy because I have a lot ... Views: 4101
Don’t let your success blocked with the negative stereotypes.
Human behavior and decisions are widely affected by the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is full of boundaries. One of the most effective boundaries is the negative stereotypes.
Stereotypes may affect your success even if ... Views: 4165
Do you want to succeed in your relationship?
Do you want to succeed in your education?
Do you want to succeed in your career?
Do you want to succeed in your business?
Do you want to succeed in your life?
No matter what our goals are, we all want to succeed. We have our own ... Views: 1327
We all use different motivations to reach our goals.
*Some of us always compete with our selves and some compete with others.
*Some of us put milestones related to ourselves and others prefer mile stone directly linked to others.
*Some of us think success means happiness, others think ... Views: 1531
Do you really prefer to be unhappy?
How do you think, you can change your unhappiness?
Do you want to know the reason of your unhappiness?
Do you know where you can get self help to be happy?
None of us prefers to be unhappy. Feeling unhappy makes everything worse. Imagine a day; you ... Views: 2664
Do you know how to visualize truly as if it is real?
Do you know the easy way to make your visualization more like real?
Visualization is an important factor of getting what you want. If you really want something you must know what this exactly is. You have to force your brain to know ... Views: 1977
Every emotion triggers different reaction or decision of us. The emotions we feel can change our decisions. Some emotions can make us avoid something or some can force us to reach for it. This is an important effect when we are making decisions. If we want to make decisions consciously we must ... Views: 1446
Fall in Love! Have an Extra Support for Your Mind Power. We all experience love differently. No matter how you experience that feeling, anyway it takes your mind power to the top level.
I remember the times when I was lonely. There was no one to share my love. I was really feeling the love ... Views: 1807
Bad memories put boundaries to your future plans. Before taking a step forward, don’t think about your previous mistakes at first. This may not sound correct but that doesn’t mean that you will never consider your mistakes before making a decision. When you remember the past and project it to ... Views: 1567
You decided to choose, the fast and the biggest reward! So what’s wrong?
Why can’t you reach your desires?
Do you want to reach your desires?
Do you know the right way to them?
Everyone has desires but unfortunately not everybody succeeds. There are some cross roads on the way and it ... Views: 1194
People are more curious about meditation lately because each day we learn about different benefits of meditation. Although meditation techniques have common benefits, some techniqes can be more beneficial in some cases.
If you are planning to start meditation or just curious if you could ... Views: 2225